47 research outputs found

    The Military Commissions - A Possible Strength Giving Way to a Probable Weakness - and the Required Fix

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    The War Powers Resolution and Public Opinion

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    The War Powers Resolution and Public Opinion

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    Essay: Iran and the Military Option

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    When politicians, pundits, and prognosticators discuss the military option for Iran it is important to understand that it will in all likelihood result in a full scale international armed conflict. If the military option mission is to eliminate Iran\u27s nuclear capabilities, there is no one target to destroy, bomb, or obliterate that will render Iran\u27s nuclear program dead therefore making such an option unlikely to be quick or efficient. A conflict with Iran would involve an extensive air campaign and probably result in Iran launching missiles at Israel and Eastern Europe. The Persian Gulf would effectively be closed off as a result of maritime combat and the worldwide threat of terrorist attacks would have far reaching consequences. The cost of armed conflict with Iran is incalculable with the potential to further destabilize the region as well as the global economy

    Lawfare or Strategic Communications?

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    Lawfare or Strategic Communications?

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    Security Detention, Terrorism, and the Prevention Imperative

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    The Debate Over Autonomous Weapons Systems

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