24 research outputs found

    Typology of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in central Serbia

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    Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in selected forest areas of Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarsko-zlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the statistical method (analysis of frequencies and two-step cluster). The data collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of door-to-door survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of non-wood forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement) was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one dominant type. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 443007/16 ā€“III: Istraživanja klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu -praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje, podprojekat: Socio-ekonomski razvoj, ublažavanje i adaptacija na klimatske promene

    Readiness of Private Forest Owners in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Cooperate in Forest Roads Construction and Maintenance

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    Zbog specifičnih druÅ”tveno-političkih i socio-ekonomskih prilika u regiji, problematika udruživanja privatnih Å”umoposjednika u interesne udruge do sada nije bila predmetom Å”ireg istraživanja. Na osnovi navedenoga, 2008. godine pokrenuto je istraživanje stanja privatnog Å”umoposjeda i formiranja udruga privatnih Å”umoposjednika u zemljama regije, u kojima se povijesno razvijao podjednak model vlasniÅ”tva. U radu su analizirani stavovi privatnih Å”umoposjednika prema međusobnoj suradnji i udruživanju u svrhu boljeg gospodarenja svojim posjedom, s posebnim naglaskom na izgradnju Å”umskih cesta u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje spremnost privatnih Å”umoposjednika na suradnju u aktivnostima gospodarenja Å”umoposjedom, te ukazuje na željene usluge koje bi trebale pružiti udruge privatnih Å”umoposjednika.State of private forests and needs of private forest owners have not been in the focus of forest economics and policies research in the region of South-Eastern Europe so far. The past socio-political regime used to prioritize public property and management of private forest was therefore neglected for a long time resulting in degradation of forests. The present lack of forest roads is only one of the numerous consequences and sequentially has lead to lower degree of fulfilment of different activities in private forests (silvicultural treatments, planning, and protection). Nowadays, different processes (transition, restitution, and privatisation) present in region support the development of rural areas where private forests are an important part of rural economy and overall management of natural resources. Findings of this research show that financially more demanding activities like forest roads construction and maintainance present a motive strong enough to establish interests groups like forest owners associations aiming to reach common goals. Research data was collected as a part of PRIFORT project, financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Republic of Austria. The main interest of the project was research of the state of private forests and establishment of private forest associations in countries of the South-Eastern Europe. Theoretical framework was set between the Pluralistic theory and the Theory of Collective Action through which the group behaviour was analyzed. Afterwards, some findings have been confronted with the Exchange theory where better explanations for different behaviour group patterns were found. Homogeneity and heterogeneity of groups were also defined by the Critic Mass theory. The main hypothesis was ā€œreadiness for establishing interests groups is more pronounced in connection to activities which are financially more demanding as forest roads constructionā€. Results for all three countries (Croatia, Serbia and B-H) show that private forest owners are interested in cooperation in construction and maintenance of forest roads. Generally, private forest owners are a part of elderly rural population with relatively small forest plots, mainly used for private needs (fuel wood) and with low income. Private forests are fragmented, with average plots smaller than 1 hectare. Most of the private forest owners expressed the need for having interest associations from which they would expect support in different aspects of forest management (Graph 2). The majority of forest owners expressed interest in cooperation on construction and maintenance of forest roads (Graph 1). Results and conclusions presented in this paper provide useful information for decision makers in government bodies responsible for rural development with special consideration given to possibilities of private forest sector development

    Mehanizmi financiranja sustava upravljanja zaÅ”tićenim područjima u Srbiji

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    The financing of protected area (PA) management includes the interaction of different actors that are involved in the process of management and financing, i.e., from the management framework to the mechanisms of financing. The management framework sets the basic preconditions for PA management, while the mechanisms of financing represent the ways of financing PAs based on the long-term and sustainable conditions. The management of PAs in Serbia has mostly been done by public enterprises (PE). It was given to non-governmental organizations (NGO) for the first time in the late 1990s. Today, the management is carried out by different managers from the public sector (PS) to the private sector (PrS). This research deals with different financing mechanisms present in PAs in Serbia. Additionally, it deals with the differences in the financing between different management actors (MA) in order to establish the best financing practices in the PA management system in Serbia. The results indicate that public enterprise ā€œSrbijaÅ”umeā€ (PES) has the lowest average number of financial sources, unlike public enterprise ā€œVojvodinaÅ”umeā€ (PEV). Regarding the average amount of financing, other managers from the public sector (OPS) have the largest amount of financing, while other public enterprises (OPE) record the smallest amount of their own financing. In order to improve the use of mechanisms for the PA management system financing, additional training for the use of funds is proposed at national and international level, as well as external, i.e., additional engagement of agencies that would prepare projects at international level. It is also proposed to establish a specific mechanism ā€“ a fund intended for nature protection.Financiranje upravljanja zaÅ”tićenim područjima (ZP) uključuje interakciju različitih dionika koji su uključeni u proces upravljanja i financiranja, tj. od okvira upravljanja do mehanizama financiranja. Upravljački okvir postavlja osnovne preduvjete za upravljanje ZP, dok mehanizmi financiranja predstavljaju načine financiranja ZP na temelju dugoročnih i održivih uvjeta. Upravljanje ZP može se delegirati organizaciji, pojedincu ili zajednici, koja funkcionira u skladu s nizom zakona, pravila i / ili tradicijom. Isto tako, upravitelji ZP mogu se podijeliti na temelju toga tko donosi odluke i može se smatrati odgovornim. Jedna od važnih komponenti upravljanja ZP predstavlja održivo financiranje, Å”to predstavlja temelj za ostvarivanje zaÅ”tite prirode. Održivo financiranje definira se kao sposobnost pružanja dovoljnih, stabilnih i dugoročnih financijskih izvora. Upravljanje ZP u Srbiji uglavnom provode javna poduzeća, dok je krajem devedesetih godina u Srbiji upravljanje ZP po prvi put dodijeljeno nevladinim organizacijama. Danas upravljanje provode različiti upravitelji iz javnog sektora i privatnog sektora. Planirano povećanje ZP u Srbiji uključuje skoro dvostruko veću povrÅ”inu od sadaÅ”nje pokrivenosti i ta će činjenica stvoriti dodatnu obavezu za postojeće i nove upravitelje u budućem razdoblju, jer je održivo upravljanje ZP postalo izazov, kako sa upravljačkog, tako i sa financijskog glediÅ”ta. Ovo istraživanje bavi se različitim mehanizmima financiranja koji su prisutni u ZP u Srbiji. Također, bavi se razlikama u financiranju između različitih grupa upravitelja, kako bi se uspostavile najbolje prakse financiranja u sustavu upravljanja ZP u Srbiji. U fazi prikupljanja podataka koriÅ”tena je anketa od vrata do vrata. Istraživanje se provodilo u dvije faze. U prvoj fazi, populacija za istraživanje definirana je na temelju registra ZP, od čega su izdvojena 63 ZP. U drugoj fazi, uzorak za istraživanje definiran je na temelju primjera ā€ždobre prakseā€œ upravitelja ZP i predstavnika javne uprave i službi, kao i organizacija u sustavu upravljanja ZP. Za obradu podataka koriÅ”tena je deskriptivna statistika, frekvencijska analiza, Kruskal-Wallis-ov test i Mann-Whitney-jev U test. Kruskal-Wallis-ov test koriÅ”ten je za određivanje razlika između svih grupa upravitelja, dok je Mann-Whitney-jev U test koriÅ”ten za određivanje razlika između pojedinih grupa upravitelja. Rezultati pokazuju da javno poduzeće ā€œSrbijaÅ”umeā€ ima najmanji prosječan broj izvora financiranja, za razliku od javnog poduzeća ā€œVojvodinaÅ”umeā€ (tablica 1). Å to se tiče prosječnih iznosa financiranja, najveći dio financiranja imaju ostali upravitelji iz javnog sektora, dok ostala javna poduzeća bilježe najmanji iznos vlastitog financiranja (tablica 2). Na temelju rezultata prve faze istraživanja predloženi su elementi unaprjeđenja sustava upravljanja ZP za mehanizme financiranja (tablica 3). Predstavnici upravitelja ZP, javne uprave i službi, kao i organizacija, smatraju da politička volja donositelja odluka, kao i nepostojanje razumijevanja države za potrebe financiranja ZP, ima velik utjecaj na unaprjeđenje postojećih mehanizama financiranja. Također, predstavnici sve tri skupine vjeruju da lokalne vlasti nisu ni uključene u financiranje ZP-a i da postoji nedovoljna zainteresiranost drugih institucija. Kao problem u unaprjeđenju koriÅ”tenja domaćih i međunarodnih izvora financiranja, predstavnici upravitelja ZP vide potrebu za dodatnim istraživanjima i problemom nedovoljne izobrazbe upravitelja, za podnoÅ”enje projektnih ideja, koje su vezane uz nedovoljnu informatičku pismenost

    Climate change governance in forestry and nature conservation: institutional framework in selected see countries

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    Klimatske promjene su jedan od najvećih izazova za postizanje ciljeva održivog razvoja. Formiranje odgovarajućih institucionalnih okvira za upravljanje klimatskim promjenama, koji uključuju i koordiniraju brojne interese i aktivnosti različitih aktera, razina i sektora, problem je i za zemlje jugoistočne Europe. Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH), Hrvatska, Slovenija i Srbija imaju značajne prirodne resurse koji su bili ugroženi proteklih godina zbog prirodnih katastrofa, Å”to je utjecalo i na sektor Å”umarstva. Cilj rada je proučiti institucionalne okvire u Å”umarstvu i zaÅ”titi prirode, kao i stavove ispitanika o kompetencijama relevantnih institucija i organizacija, identificirati potrebe za poboljÅ”anjem postojećeg okvira i ocijeniti njihove interese i utjecaje u procesu upravljanja klimatskim promjenama. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je koriÅ”tenjem intervjua, u razdoblju od studenog 2016. do travnja 2017. godine. Protokol za intervju sastojao se od 22 pitanja podijeljenih u pet skupina. U svrhu ovoga rada analizirani su odgovori na pitanja u vezi s institucionalnim okvirima za upravljanje klimatskim promjenama u Å”umarstvu i zaÅ”titi prirode. Uzorak je činilo 29 ispitanika (Federacija BiH-8, Hrvatska-6, Slovenija-5, Srbija-10), odnosno predstavnika javnih uprava i javnih službi u Å”umarstvu i zaÅ”titi prirode, poduzeća i ustanova za gospodarenje državnim Å”umama i upravljanje zaÅ”tićenim područjima, obrazovnih i istraživačkih organizacija te organizacija civilnog sektora. Ispitanici su odabrani probnim uzorkovanjem (uzorak na bazi vrijednosnog suda). Ispitanici su bili predstavnici institucija i organizacija na nacionalnoj razini upravljanja u Å”umarstvu i zaÅ”titi prirode, koji su izravno ili neizravno povezani s problematikom klimatskih promjena u odabranim oblastima. O postojećim institucionalnim okvirima, 52,4% ispitanika nema pozitivno miÅ”ljenje, a 85,7% se zalaže za njihovo unapređenje, u smislu poboljÅ”anja suradnje i koordinacije između različitih sektora, institucija i organizacija. Značajne su razlike u procjeni interesa i utjecaja institucija i organizacija u upravljanju klimatskim promjenama među ispitanicima iz Slovenije i Hrvatske, kao i onima iz Federacije BiH i Srbije. Ispitanici iz područja zaÅ”tite prirode procjenjuju da je interes veći u odnosu na predstavnike Å”umarskog sektora (ispitanici iz područja zaÅ”tite prirode smatraju da je interes Ā­ā€žveoma visokā€œ ā€“ prosječna ocjena 4,6, a iz sektora Å”umarstva da je ā€žvisokā€œ ā€“ prosječna ocjena 4,1). Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja o suradnji i koordinaciji svih sudionika na različitim razinama upravljanja, kao i drugih elemenata koji, uz institucionalne okvire, dovode do stvaranja odgovornog sustava upravljanja klimatskim promjenama i rjeÅ”avanja različitih izazova klimatskih promjena.Global environmental and ecological problems such as climate change and other related issues (e.g. biodiversity losses) do not recognize state boundaries. Therefore, intentions to address these problems require a multi-actor, multi-sector and multilevel approach. The concept that enables joint effort against these problems implies an active participation of all stakeholders, establishes the rules for shared responsibilities and strives to make efficient and effective procedures for addressing these issues is known as ā€œgovernanceā€ (Mutabdžija, 2012).Climate change and occurance of extreme events are presenting a threat to the natural resources, exposing the vulnerabilities of current resource governance regimes, including also forestry and nature conservation. The occurance of extreme events in last several years thretened the natural resources and impacted the forestry sector in all four selected countries of Southeast Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia). This has provided a further arguments for understanding the institutional framework for climate change governance in forestry and nature conservation as important element in dealing with uncertanties posed by the climate change challenges on natural resources.Hence, the aim of the paper is to examine the institutional frameworks of forestry and nature conservation, as well as the attitudes of respondents about the competences of the relevant institutions and organizations, to identify the need to improve the existing framework and to evaluate their interests and impacts in climate change governance.In this research were used individual, structured interviews as a research technique in collecting the primary data. The questionnaire consisted of 22 questions, divided into 5 groups. For the purposes of this paper, responses to questions related to institutional frameworks for climate change governance in forestry and nature conservation are analyzed. The sample consisted of 29 representatives (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ā€“ 8, Croatia ā€“ 6, Serbia ā€“ 10, Slovenia ā€“ 5) from public administrations and services in forestry and nature conservation, enterprises and organization for forest and protected area management, educational and research organizations, and non-governmental organizations. The respondents were selected by judgemental sampling. Current institutional framework for climate change governance comprises of various institutions and organizations in all analyzed countries (Table 1). In selected countries, there is a clear division of responsibilities between public administration institutions in forestry and nature conservation (these institutions are directly or indirectly are related to forestry). There is a number of common primary objectives within the given competencies common to the same organizational category (Table 2), in all four countries. Despite current institutional and organizational variaty and competency alignment between different institutions and organizations, there is a need for further improvement of institutional framework for climate change governance through cooperation and coordination, accross different sectors, institutions and organizations, as stated by the respondents attittudes (Table 3 and 4). Respondents attitudes towards the interest and influence of institutions/organizations on climate change governance are mostly showing a visible interest but indicating challenges in providing suitable inflluence (Table 5). Also, visible discrepancy in assessment of the interest and influence of institutions and organizations on climate change governance is between the respondents from Slovenia and Croatia at one side and respondents from Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia at the other side, indicates differences in inclusion of climate change challenges accross different competency levels. Regardless of the category of institutions and organizations, the respondents recognized the importance of the investigated issues and they assessed its interest as ā€œhighā€ and ā€œvery highā€ (Table 6).Further development of suitable institutional frameworks for climate change governance in forestry and nature conservation needs additional attention especially in the field of multilevel coordination between different actors and their activities, as well as the acknowledgment of potentially significant influence forestry sector might have in climate change governance


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    Na području jugoistočne Europe povećava se broj istraživanja koja se bave problematikom nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda (NDÅ P). Međutim, regulatorni politički instrumenti, koji se odnose na to područje, joÅ” su uvijek slabo istraženi. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je razmatranje utjecaja određenih političkih instrumenata na poslovanje s NDÅ P u odabranim državama jugoistočne Europe te analiza stavova predstavnika malih i srednjih poduzeća (MSP) za otkup, preradu i plasman NDÅ P, vezanih za proceduralne elemente poslovanja s NDÅ P te suradnje s nadležnim institucijama. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja provedenog u okviru FOPER II projekta "PoduzetniÅ”tvo, tržiÅ”ta i marketing nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda na području jugoistočne Europe". Primijenjene su komparativna i statistička metoda, kao i metoda analize sadržaja. Sekundarni podaci koji se odnose na zakonodavne i strateÅ”ke dokumente analizirani su komparativnom analizom sadržaja, dok je analiza primarnih podataka koji su prikupljeni upitnikom, obavljena statističkom metodom. Kao istraživačka tehnika, za prikupljanje stavova predstavnika MSP za otkup, preradu i plasman NDÅ P, koriÅ”tena je anketa. Rezultati pokazuju da su analizirani dokumenti usvojeni tijekom razdoblja tranzicije, odnosno u posljednja dva desetljeća. To ukazuje na činjenicu da je ostvaren iskorak u prepoznavanju njihovog značenja nakon političkih i druÅ”tvenih promjena koje su nastupile na ovim prostorima. U Hrvatskoj, Makedoniji i Srbiji pri gospodarenju s NDÅ P prisutno je preklapanje nadležnosti institucija iz sektora Å”umarstva te zaÅ”tite prirode i okoliÅ”a. Suradnju sa ministarstvima nadležnim za Å”umarstvu ima oko polovice ispitanika u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. Nasuprot tomu, većina ispitanika u Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji i svi ispitanici u Srbiji surađuju s ministarstvima nadležnim za poslove zaÅ”tite prirode i okoliÅ”a. Primjenom klaster analize utvrđeno je grupiranje ispitanika u tri klastera u Hrvatskoj, dva u Makedoniji i četiri u Srbiji. Ipak, u Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji se jasno izdvajaju dvije grupe ispitanika, gdje prvi klaster čine predstavnici MSP koji smatraju da im prikupljanje dokumentacije predstavlja problem u poslovanju, dok članovi drugog klastera navode da ih ova procedura ne ometa u poslovanju. U Srbiji se nije izdvojila druga grupa ispitanika koji smatraju da ih proces dobivanja dozvola za sakupljanje NDÅ P ne ometa u poslovanju, već su klasteri formirani na osnovi problema uzrokovanih različitim čimbenicima, a koji imaju utjecaja na ovaj proces.In accordance with the principles of sustainable forest management, non-wood forest products (NWFPs) are increasingly gaining in importance when it comes to forest policy and nature and environmental protection policy. In addition to the global level, the interest in NWFP, in recent decades, increases at the regional level, as well. In the region of Southeast Europe has been an increase in the number of studies that deal with the issue of NWFP. However, policy instruments, which are related to this area, are still poorly understood. In this connection, the main goal of this research is to discuss the impact of specific policy instruments on NWFPs-based business in selected countries of Southeast Europe (Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia), as well as the analysis of the attitudes of representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs in terms of procedures related to the NWFP-based business and cooperation with relevant institutions. The purpose of the research is to find opportunities for improvement of policy instruments and administrative procedures of the NWFP, in selected countries, in order to improve development of the sector. The subject of the research are strategic, legal and institutional frameworks related to NWFP, and the attitudes of SME representatives towards the documentation required for the entire process of purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs and cooperation with relevant institutions. This paper presents the results of research conducted within FOPER II project "Entrepreneurship, markets and marketing of non-timber forest products in the SEE region". In the research are applied descriptive, comparative, content analysis and statistical methods. As a research technique is used door to door survey. The questionnaire consisted of 51 questions, grouped into 6 topics. In this paper are analysed 7 questions, related to the subject of research. The sample consisted of 27 representatives of NWFP-based enterprises in Croatia, 36 in Macedonia and 91 in Serbia. Analysed legal documents were adopted in the last two decades, which indicates that the governments in all analysed countries made some step forward in the recognition of NWFPs importance, after the political and social changes that have occurred in the region during the transition period. Strategic documents (Table 1) in all 3 countries emphasize, as priorities, implementation of the national inventory and control of trade in protected species. However, only a strategic document in Macedonia point out the need for the support to development of entrepreneurial activities in this part of the forest sector. However, although the importance of NWFPs has been recognized, in these countries is still present a problem in terminology. In most legal documents (Table 2), these products are, still, named as "minor" (Croatia), "secondary" (Macedonia) or "other" (Serbia) forest products. Legal documents in analyzed countries prescribe the inclusion of NWFP in forest management planning process. In analysed is present an overlapping of responsibilities of institutions (Table 3) in the sectors of forestry, nature and environmental protection, in terms of NWFP. However, what is very important for forestry sector is that the ministries in charge of forestry are only partially responsible for NWFPs. Regarding respondentsā€™ attitudes towards the documentation needed for the entire process of purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs, only the majority of representatives of SMEs in Serbia believe that it is too large (Table 4). Cooperation with the ministry responsible for forestry has the majority of respondents only in Croatia, but it is mostly related to agriculture and the use of subsidies. Majority of respondents in Croatia and Macedonia, and all of them in Serbia cooperate with the ministry in charge of environmental protection and it mainly related to obtaining permits for collecting, import, export and transit of NWFPs (Table 5). Cluster analysis showed clustering of respondents in 3 groups in Croatia, 2 in Macedonia and 4 in Serbia, based on 3 categorical variables (largeness, time and costs related to documentation), as shown in Table 6. However, in Croatia and Macedonia are clearly distinguished 2 groups, the first cluster is composed of representatives of SMEs who believe that collection of documentation is a problem in their business, while the other cluster members indicate that this procedure does not interfere them in their business activities. In Serbia, there is not second cluster. These 4 clusters are formed on the basis of the problems caused by different factors, which influence the process of collection of necessary documentation. In order to improve the situation in the future, it is necessary to: ā€“ Adopt a single policy document, which will clearly define the directions of policy relating to NWFPs; ā€“ Include representatives of regional and local authorities, NWFPs-based enterprises, and local residents, to ensure the presence of all stakeholders during the preparation of planning documents, rules and regulations, as well as possible strategies for sustainable use of NWFPs; ā€“ Clearly outline the responsibilities for the implementation and control of laws and by-laws; ā€“ Develop and improve collaboration with ministries of forestry and environmental protection; ā€“ Establishment of a monitoring system, which would follow and document collection and use of NWFPs; ā€“ Simplify the procedure required to obtain permission for commercial NWFP collection in Croatia and Serbia, as it was done in Macedonia (on-line application and gathering a license for 1 to 2 days). It is important to emphasize that, in formulating policies related to the NWFPs, the results presented here should be taken carefully, since they relate only to the surveyed representatives of SMEs and not to the all SMEs in the region. Similarly, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this paper refer only to the NWFPs policy and legislation and the institution responsible for these products and, therefore, can not be directly applied to other aspects of forest policy in the analyzed countries

    Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of Marketing Tools and the Promotion of Non Wood Forest Products-Based Small and Medium Enterprises in the South East Europe

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    Background and Purpose: The South-east Europe (SEE) region is facing a new market economy era where establishing new businesses is more than needed in all sectors. The forest sector, faced with new market emerging opportunities, is affected by the constant increase of a number of forest related enterprises. This paper describes the challenges and opportunities related to the use of marketing tools for improving business of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) dealing with non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in SEE region. The research on this subject in the SEE region is scarce despite the rich biodiversity as a solid base for establishing eco-businesses. Materials and Methods: The method used in this paper is quantitative, based on survey data collected from enterprises in the NWFPs sector followed by statistical data analyses using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The survey was conducted during 2011 and 2012 in four SEE countries: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia. Results: The results showed that developed channels of distribution, branding and advertising of NWFPs are recognized in all countries as important and very important, but these marketing tools are used only few times per year. The majority of respondents pointed out advertising as the most frequently used and as the most successful tool. Intervieweesā€™ future investments are to be focused on improving equipment for drying, packing, refrigerating and transport. Several entrepreneurs from Macedonia pointed out that they would invest in increasing the number of buying points and herb plantations while almost all Croatian entrepreneurs will invest in advertising, branding and promotion. Majority of respondents from Serbia are also of the opinion that financial resources should be invested in new equipment. The reasons for these investments can be summarized in reducing costs and increasing profit or in faster turnover. Conclusions: The use of marketing tools is important because they have positive influence on sale, improve communication and cooperation between enterprises and with consumers, build reliable buyers and increase the number of consumers, which leads to higher profit and creates new opportunities for NWFPs based enterprises. Intensive use of promotion tools should be seen as an opportunity for these enterprises in the SEE region to overcome current challenges and improve their business. The main reason for this situation, as it was stated in the interviews, is the fact that most of the enterprises do not have a final product. Another reason is lack of funds, because of which the question: ā€œIf you have financial sources where you should invest?ā€ was answered with promotion, branding and other marketing tools

    Strategic and legal frameworks for conservation of forest genetic resources in Serbia

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    Today, forest genetic resources are confronted with numerous biotic and abiotic factors that endanger them, and there is often a need to take concrete measures for their conservation. The aim of this paper is an overall review of the most important national strategic and legislative frameworks that regulate conservation and directed utilisation of forest genetic resources in Serbia. National strategic and legislative frameworks related to conservation and directed utilisation of forest genetic resources are defined in the field of sustainable development, environmental protection, nature conservation, and forestry. Numerous strategic documents from these areas directly or indirectly regulate the conservation and directed use of FGRs in Serbia. However, in legislative frameworks, the problem of forest genetic resources conservation is not recognized as separate. In this sense, the analysis of national legislative framework shows that there are no legal regulations that directly refer to the conservation and directed utilisation of forest genetic resources. A number of strategic documents that regulate this area indicate that there are possible overlaps of proposed measures in several documents. Therefore, the basic recommendation is implementation of measures defined in the Draft of the Program of conservation and directed use of forest genetic resources for the period of 2016-2025

    Attitudes of ornamental trees and shrubs producers towards nursery production of ornamental beech cultivars in Serbia

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    European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is, along with its significance as a forest species, renowned as an ornamental species, due to its numerous cultivars. Ornamental beech cultivars are planted in various green spaces, but a small number of such trees have ascertained in Serbia. For the time being, production of beech cultivars is represented in a very small number of nurseries, with a negligible share of those seedlings in their total assortment. The aim of this research is to study the attitudes of ornamental trees and shrubs producers towards the nursery production of ornamental beech cultivars, and possibilities of its improvements in Serbia. ā€œDoor to doorā€ survey and in-depth interviews were used as research techniques. Surveys with the representatives of 65 nurseries in Serbia (in the selected statistical region Å umadija and Western Serbia) were conducted in the first stage of data collection. In the second stage of data collection were interviewed the representatives of the 10 nurseries who, during the survey, pointed out that they produce ornamental beech cultivars. Nurserymenā€™s attitudes suggest that there is a possibility to improve the production of ornamental beech cultivars in Serbia, with the appropriate support measures and increased interest of customers on the market, i.e. with the provision of subsidies for the production of seedlings and greater use of cultivars by utility companies in the cities of Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. Š¢P 31041: Establishment of forest plantations to increase the afforested areas in Serbia

    Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Non-Wood Forest Products: Characteristics and Types in Serbia

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    In order to increase the contribution of the forestry sector to economic and social development, it is necessary to support the establishment and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose business is based on wood and non-wood forest products (NWFPs). To properly plan the development of the private forestry sector, it is also necessary to establish the basic structure and forms of SMEs for procurement, processing and sale of NWFPs (NWFP-SMEs) as well as their business. In this context, the aim of the research was to determine the characteristics and types of NWFP-SMEs. The study included 91 representatives of NWFP-SMEs in Central Serbia. The analysis of the results showed that, based on the characteristics and activities they perform, there are three types of NWFP-SMEs. Based on the characteristics and attitudes towards additional training, four types of NWFP-SMEs representatives can be distinguished. The results can serve as a basis for further study on types of SMEs and improving the entrepreneurship in NWFP sector

    Determination of collected porcini and chanterelle quantities depending on different climate change scenarios

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    This study examines the influence of some climate elements on the collected quantities of two commercially most significant types of mushrooms in Serbia (porcini and chanterelle). The main objective of the research is to determine the extent of the collected quantity of porcini and chanterelle, which can be expected in different scenarios of climate change (Š1Bmin, Š1Bmax, A2min Šø A2max), based on forecasts of temperature and rainfall changes. The general (dialectical) and specific (modelling methods) are used in the research, as well as the classical scientific methods of reasoning. The calculation of the average annual exponential growth rate (IS) was carried out by forming exponential regression models of the trend of porcini and chanterelle collected quantities. In the research it was found that, according to the data related to the period up to 2014, one can expect a decrease in the movement of both porcini and chanterelle IS, and thus a decrease in the collected quantities. On the other hand, according to the data related to the period up to 2040, in both cases one can expect some fluctuation (increase and decrease) in the movement of IS. According to the data related to periods after 2041 (especially for the period until 2100), in both cases, one can expect a decrease in the collected quantities, as a result of changes in T and P, caused by the assumed climate change