5,831 research outputs found

    S(k) for Haldane Gap Antiferromagnets: Large-scale Numerical Results vs. Field Theory and Experiment

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    The structure function, S(k), for the s=1, Haldane gap antiferromagnetic chain, is measured accurately using the recent density matrix renormalization group method, with chain-length 100. Excellent agreement with the nonlinear σ\sigma model prediction is obtained, both at k≈πk\approx \pi where a single magnon process dominates and at k≈0k\approx 0 where a two magnon process dominates. We repeat our calculation with crystal field anisotropy chosen to model NENP, obtaining good agreement with both field theory predictions and recent experiments. Correlation lengths, gaps and velocities are determined for both polarizations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 postscript figures included, REVTEX 3.0, UBCTP-93-02

    Isomorphisms between Quantum Group Covariant q-Oscillator Systems Defined for q and 1/q

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    It is shown that there exists an isomorphism between q-oscillator systems covariant under SUq(n) SU_q(n) and SUq−1(n) SU_{q^{-1}}(n) . By the isomorphism, the defining relations of SUq−1(n) SU_{q^{-1}}(n) covariant q-oscillator system are transmuted into those of SUq(n) SU_q(n) . It is also shown that the similar isomorphism exists for the system of q-oscillators covariant under the quantum supergroup SUq(n/m) SU_q(n/m) . Furthermore the cases of q-deformed Lie (super)algebras constructed from covariant q-oscillator systems are considered. The isomorphisms between q-deformed Lie (super)algebras can not obtained by the direct generalization of the one for covariant q-oscillator systems.Comment: LaTeX 13pages, RCNP-07

    Theory of Transport Properties in the p-wave Superconducting State of Sr2RuO4 - A Microscopic Determination of the Gap Structure -

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    We provide a detailed quantitative analysis of transport properties in the p-wave superconducting state of Sr2RuO4. Specifically, we calculate ultrasound attenuation rate and electronic thermal conductivity within the mean field approximation. The impurity scattering of the quasi-particles are treated within the self-consistent T-matrix approximation, and assumed to be in the unitarity limit. The momentum dependence of the gap function is determined by solving the Eliashberg equation for a three-band Hubbard model with the realistic electronic structure of Sr2RuO4. On the basis of the microscopic theory, we can naturally expect nodal structures along the c-axis on the cylindrical Fermi surfaces, even if we assume the chiral pairing state (i.e., \Delta(k) \sim k_x \pm {\rm i} k_y). Consequently, we obtain the temperature dependence of the transport coefficients in agreement with the experimental results. We can clarify that actually the thermal excitations on the passively superconducting bands contribute significantly to the thermal conductivity in a wide temperature range, in contrast to the case of other physical quantities.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Edge spin accumulation in semiconductor two-dimensional hole gases

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    The controlled generation of localized spin densities is a key enabler of semiconductor spintronics In this work, we study spin Hall effect induced edge spin accumulation in a two-dimensional hole gas with strong spin orbit interactions. We argue that it is an intrinsic property, in the sense that it is independent of the strength of disorder scattering. We show numerically that the spin polarization near the edge induced by this mechanism can be large, and that it becomes larger and more strongly localized as the spin-orbit coupling strength increases, and is independent of the width of the conducting strip once this exceeds the elastic scattering mean-free-path. Our experiments in two-dimensional hole gas microdevices confirm this remarkable spin Hall effect phenomenology. Achieving comparable levels of spin polarization by external magnetic fields would require laboratory equipment whose physical dimensions and operating electrical currents are million times larger than those of our spin Hall effect devices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spin dynamics of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag ladder with anisotropy

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    We use exact diagonalization and the modified Lanczos method to study the finite energy and finite momentum spectral weight of the longitudinal and transverse spin excitations of the anisotropic zig-zag ladder. We find that the spin excitations form continua of gapless or gapped spinons in the different regions of the phase diagram. The results obtained are consistent with a picture previously proposed that in the anisotropic case there is a transition from a gapped regime to a gapless regime, for small interchain coupling. In this regime we find a sharp low-energy peak in the structure function for the transverse spin excitations, consistent with a finite stiffness.Comment: 17 figure

    Breakdown of the Luttinger sum-rule at the Mott-Hubbard transition in the one-dimensional t1-t2 Hubbard model

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    We investigate the momentum distribution function near the Mott-Hubbard transition in the one-dimensional t1-t2 Hubbard model (the zig-zag Hubbard chain), with the density-matrix renormalization-group technique. We show that for strong interactions the Mott-Hubbard transition occurs between the metallic-phase and an insulating dimerized phase with incommensurate spin excitations, suggesting a decoupling of magnetic and charge excitations not present in weak coupling. We illustrate the signatures for the Mott-Hubbard transition and the commensurate-incommensurate transition in the insulating spin-gapped state in their respective ground-state momentum distribution functions
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