5,846 research outputs found

    Cosmological Constants as Messenger between Branes

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    We present a supersymmetry-breaking scenario in which both the breaking in the hidden sector with no-scale type supergravity and that in the observable sector with gauge mediation are taken into account. The breaking scales in the hidden and observable sectors are related through the vanishing condition of the cosmological constant with a brane-world picture in mind. Suppressing flavor-changing neutral currents, we can naturally obtain the gravitino, Higgs(ino), and soft masses of the electroweak scale.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Simple Scheme for Gauge Mediation

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    We present a simple scheme for constructing models that achieve successful gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking. In addition to our previous work [1] that proposed drastically simplified models using metastable vacua of supersymmetry breaking in vector-like theories, we show there are many other successful models using various types of supersymmetry breaking mechanisms that rely on enhanced low-energy U(1)_R symmetries. In models where supersymmetry is broken by elementary singlets, one needs to assume U(1)_R violating effects are accidentally small, while in models where composite fields break supersymmetry, emergence of approximate low-energy U(1)_R symmetries can be understood simply on dimensional grounds. Even though the scheme still requires somewhat small parameters to sufficiently suppress gravity mediation, we discuss their possible origins due to dimensional transmutation. The scheme accommodates a wide range of the gravitino mass to avoid cosmological problems.Comment: 13 page

    Dependence of the intrinsic spin Hall effect on spin-orbit interaction character

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    We report on a comparative numerical study of the spin Hall conductivity in two-dimensions for three different spin-orbit interaction models; the standard k-linear Rashba model, the k-cubic Rashba model that describes two-dimensional hole systems, and a modified k-linear Rashba model in which the spin-orbit coupling strength is energy dependent. Numerical finite-size Kubo formula results indicate that the spin Hall conductivity of the k-linear Rashba model vanishes for frequency ω\omega much smaller than the scattering rate τ−1\tau^{-1}, with order one relative fluctuations surviving out to large system sizes. For the k-cubic Rashba model case, the spin Hall conductivity does not depend noticeably on ωτ\omega \tau and is finite in the {\em dc} limit, in agreement with experiment. For the modified k-linear Rashba model the spin Hall conductivity is noticeably ωτ\omega \tau dependent but approaches a finite value in the {\em dc} limit. We discuss these results in the light of a spectral decomposition of the spin Hall conductivity and associated sum rules, and in relation to a proposed separation of the spin Hall conductivity into skew-scattering, intrinsic, and interband vertex correction contributions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The Spin-SAF transition in NaV2O5 induced by spin-pseudospin coupling

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    We present microscopic estimates for the spin-spin and spin-speudospin interactions of the quarter-filled ladder compound NaV2O5, obtained by exactly diagonalizing appropriate clusters of the underlying generalized Hubbard Hamiltonian. We present evidence for a substantial interladder spin-pseudospin interaction term which would allow simultaneously for the superantiferroelectric (SAF) charge (pseudospin) ordering and spin dimerization. We discuss the values of the coupling constants appropriate for NaV2O5 and deduce the absence of a soft antiferroelectric mode

    Anisotropic phonon DOS: the application of Rietveld and Mossbauer texture analysis in aligned powders

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    While synthesizing the single crystals of novel materials is not always feasible, orienting the layered polycrystals becomes an attractive method in the studies of angular dependencies of inelastic scattering of x-rays or neutrons. Putting in use the Rietveld analysis of layered structures in novel manganites and cuprates we develop the studies of their anisotropic properties with oriented powders instead of single crystals. Densities of phonon states (DOS) and atomic thermal displacememts (ATD) are anisotropic in the A-site ordered manganites LnBaMn2Oy of both y=5 and y=6 series (Ln=Y, La, Sm, Gd). We establish the angular dependence of DOS on textures of arbitrary strengths, link the textures observed by x-ray and gamma-ray techniques, and solve the problem of disentanglement of Goldanskii-Karyagin effect (GKE) and texture in Moessbauer spectra.Comment: 6 pages; 5 figures, revise

    Onset of incommensurability in quantum spin chains

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    In quantum spin chains, it has been observed that the incommensurability occurs near valence-bond-solid (VBS)-type solvable points, and the correlation length becomes shortest at VBS-type points. Besides, the correlation function decays purely exponentially at VBS-type points, in contrast with the two-dimensional (2D) Ornstein-Zernicke type behavior in the other region with an excitation gap. We propose a mechanism to explain the onset of the incommensurability and the shortest correlation length at VBS-like points. This theory can be applicable for more general cases.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
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