42 research outputs found

    I-ApeI: a novel intron-encoded LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease from the archaeon, Aeropyrum pernix K1

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    Over 50 introns have been reported in archaeal rRNA genes (rDNAs), a subset of which nests putative homing endonuclease (HEase) genes. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a novel archaeal LAGLIDADG-type HEase, I-ApeI, encoded by the ApeK1.S908 intron within the 16S rDNA of Aeropyrum pernix K1. I-ApeI consists of 222 amino acids and harbors two LAGLIDADG-like sequences. It recognizes the 20 bp non-palindromic sequence 5′-GCAAGGCTGAAAC↓TTAAAGG and cleaves target DNA to produce protruding tetranucleotide 3′ ends. Either Mn(2+) or Co(2+) can be substituted for Mg(2+) as a cofactor in the cleavage reaction. Of the 20 bases within the minimal recognition site, 7 are essential for cleavage and are located at positions proximal to the cleavage sites

    Structural insights into tetraspanin CD9 function

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    Umeda, R., Satouh, Y., Takemoto, M. et al. Structural insights into tetraspanin CD9 function. Nat Commun 11, 1606 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15459-

    Cryo-EM structures of human zinc transporter ZnT7 reveal the mechanism of Zn²⁺ uptake into the Golgi apparatus

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    クライオ電子顕微鏡により、ゴルジ体の亜鉛輸送体による亜鉛輸送機構の全容を解明 細胞の亜鉛恒常性維持機構の理解に大きな進展. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-08-29.Zinc ions (Zn²⁺) are vital to most cells, with the intracellular concentrations of Zn²⁺ being tightly regulated by multiple zinc transporters located at the plasma and organelle membranes. We herein present the 2.2-3.1 Å-resolution cryo-EM structures of a Golgi-localized human Zn²⁺/H+ antiporter ZnT7 (hZnT7) in Zn²⁺-bound and unbound forms. Cryo-EM analyses show that hZnT7 exists as a dimer via tight interactions in both the cytosolic and transmembrane (TM) domains of two protomers, each of which contains a single Zn²⁺-binding site in its TM domain. hZnT7 undergoes a TM-helix rearrangement to create a negatively charged cytosolic cavity for Zn²⁺ entry in the inward-facing conformation and widens the luminal cavity for Zn²⁺ release in the outward-facing conformation. An exceptionally long cytosolic histidine-rich loop characteristic of hZnT7 binds two Zn²⁺ ions, seemingly facilitating Zn²⁺ recruitment to the TM metal transport pathway. These structures permit mechanisms of hZnT7-mediated Zn²⁺ uptake into the Golgi to be proposed

    Structure of SARS-CoV-2 membrane protein essential for virus assembly

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    新型コロナウイルスのウイルス形成に必須の膜タンパク質の構造を解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-08.The coronavirus membrane protein (M) is the most abundant viral structural protein and plays a central role in virus assembly and morphogenesis. However, the process of M protein-driven virus assembly are largely unknown. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the SARS-CoV-2 M protein in two different conformations. M protein forms a mushroom-shaped dimer, composed of two transmembrane domain-swapped three-helix bundles and two intravirion domains. M protein further assembles into higher-order oligomers. A highly conserved hinge region is key for conformational changes. The M protein dimer is unexpectedly similar to SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a, a viral ion channel. Moreover, the interaction analyses of M protein with nucleocapsid protein (N) and RNA suggest that the M protein mediates the concerted recruitment of these components through the positively charged intravirion domain. Our data shed light on the M protein-driven virus assembly mechanism and provide a structural basis for therapeutic intervention targeting M protein

    Structural insights into the G protein selectivity revealed by the human EP3-Gi signaling complex

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    熱、炎症などに関与するプロスタグランジン受容体EP3シグナリング複合体の可視化 --緑内障、高眼圧症治療薬の合理的設計に貢献--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-15.Prostaglandin receptors have been implicated in a wide range of functions, including inflammation, immune response, reproduction, and cancer. Our group has previously determined the crystal structure of the active-like EP3 bound to its endogenous agonist, prostaglandin E₂. Here, we present the single-particle cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the human EP3-Gi signaling complex at a resolution of 3.4 Å. The structure reveals the binding mode of Gi to EP3 and the structural changes induced in EP3 by Gi binding. In addition, we compare the structure of the EP3-Gi complex with other subtypes of prostaglandin receptors (EP2 and EP4) bound to Gs that have been previously reported and examine the differences in amino acid composition at the receptor-G protein interface. Mutational analysis reveals that the selectivity of the G protein depends on specific amino acid residues in the second intracellular loop and TM5

    Evaluation of the Pichia pastoris expression system for the production of GPCRs for structural analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various protein expression systems, such as <it>Escherichia coli </it>(<it>E. coli</it>), <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>(<it>S. cerevisiae</it>), <it>Pichia pastoris </it>(<it>P. pastoris</it>), insect cells and mammalian cell lines, have been developed for the synthesis of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for structural studies. Recently, the crystal structures of four recombinant human GPCRs, namely β<sub>2 </sub>adrenergic receptor, adenosine A<sub>2a </sub>receptor, CXCR4 and dopamine D3 receptor, were successfully determined using an insect cell expression system. GPCRs expressed in insect cells are believed to undergo mammalian-like posttranscriptional modifications and have similar functional properties than in mammals. Crystal structures of GPCRs have not yet been solved using yeast expression systems. In the present study, <it>P. pastoris </it>and insect cell expression systems for the human muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 subtype (CHRM2) were developed and the quantity and quality of CHRM2 synthesized by both expression systems were compared for the application in structural studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ideal conditions for the expression of CHRM2 in <it>P. pastoris </it>were 60 hr at 20°C in a buffer of pH 7.0. The specific activity of the expressed CHRM2 was 28.9 pmol/mg of membrane protein as determined by binding assays using [<sup>3</sup>H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). Although the specific activity of the protein produced by <it>P. pastoris </it>was lower than that of Sf9 insect cells, CHRM2 yield in <it>P. pastoris </it>was 2-fold higher than in Sf9 insect cells because <it>P. pastoris </it>was cultured at high cell density. The dissociation constant (Kd) for QNB in <it>P. pastoris </it>was 101.14 ± 15.07 pM, which was similar to that in Sf9 insect cells (86.23 ± 8.57 pM). There were no differences in the binding affinity of CHRM2 for QNB between <it>P. pastoris </it>and Sf9 insect cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Compared to insect cells, <it>P. pastoris </it>is easier to handle, can be grown at lower cost, and can be expressed quicker at a large scale. Yeast, <it>P. pastoris</it>, and insect cells are all effective expression systems for GPCRs. The results of the present study strongly suggested that protein expression in <it>P. pastoris </it>can be applied to the structural and biochemical studies of GPCRs.</p

    Recognition of a common rDNA target site in archaea and eukarya by analogous LAGLIDADG and His–Cys box homing endonucleases

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    The presence of a homing endonuclease gene (HEG) within a microbial intron or intein empowers the entire element with the ability to invade genomic targets. The persistence of a homing endonuclease lineage depends in part on conservation of its DNA target site. One such rDNA sequence has been invaded both in archaea and in eukarya, by LAGLIDADG and His–Cys box homing endonucleases, respectively. The bases encoded by this target include a universally conserved ribosomal structure, termed helix 69 (H69) in the large ribosomal subunit. This region forms the ‘B2a’ intersubunit bridge to the small ribosomal subunit, contacts bound tRNA in the A- and P-sites, and acts as a trigger for ribosome disassembly through its interactions with ribosome recycling factor. We have determined the DNA-bound structure and specificity profile of an archaeal LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease (I-Vdi141I) that recognizes this target site, and compared its specificity with the analogous eukaryal His–Cys box endonuclease I-PpoI. These homodimeric endonuclease scaffolds have arrived at similar specificity profiles across their common biological target and analogous solutions to the problem of accommodating conserved asymmetries within the DNA sequence, but with differences at individual base pairs that are fine-tuned to the sequence conservation of archaeal versus eukaryal ribosomes

    Structure of the dopamine D2 receptor in complex with the antipsychotic drug spiperone

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    統合失調症に関わるドパミン受容体の構造解明 --副作用を抑えた薬の迅速な探索・設計が可能に--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-12-24.In addition to the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor (5-HT2AR), the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) is a key therapeutic target of antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia. The inactive state structures of D2R have been described in complex with the inverse agonists risperidone (D2Rris) and haloperidol (D2Rhal). Here we describe the structure of human D2R in complex with spiperone (D2Rspi). In D2Rspi, the conformation of the extracellular loop (ECL) 2, which composes the ligand-binding pocket, was substantially different from those in D2Rris and D2Rhal, demonstrating that ECL2 in D2R is highly dynamic. Moreover, D2Rspi exhibited an extended binding pocket to accommodate spiperone’s phenyl ring, which probably contributes to the selectivity of spiperone to D2R and 5-HT2AR. Together with D2Rris and D2Rhal, the structural information of D2Rspi should be of value for designing novel antipsychotics with improved safety and efficacy

    The structural basis of bacterial manganese import

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    肺炎球菌が細胞内にマンガンイオンを取り込むしくみ --膜輸送体PsaBCの立体構造の解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-09-15.Metal ions are essential for all forms of life. In prokaryotes, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) permeases serve as the primary import pathway for many micronutrients including the first-row transition metal manganese. However, the structural features of ionic metal transporting ABC permeases have remained undefined. Here, we present the crystal structure of the manganese transporter PsaBC from Streptococcus pneumoniae in an open-inward conformation. The type II transporter has a tightly closed transmembrane channel due to “extracellular gating” residues that prevent water permeation or ion reflux. Below these residues, the channel contains a hitherto unreported metal coordination site, which is essential for manganese translocation. Mutagenesis of the extracellular gate perturbs manganese uptake, while coordination site mutagenesis abolishes import. These structural features are highly conserved in metal-specific ABC transporters and are represented throughout the kingdoms of life. Collectively, our results define the structure of PsaBC and reveal the features required for divalent cation transport