317 research outputs found

    Spin textures and spin-wave excitations in doped Dirac-Weyl semimetals

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    We study correlations and magnetic textures of localized spins, doped in three-dimensional Dirac semimetals. An effective field theory for magnetic moments is constructed by integrating out the fermionic degrees of freedom. The spin correlation shows a strong anisotropy, originating from spin-momentum locking of Dirac electrons, in addition to the conventional Heisenberg-like ferromagnetic correlation. The anisotropic spin correlation allows topologically nontrivial magnetic excitation textures such as a transient hedgehog state, as well as the ferromagnetic ground state. The spin-wave dispersion in ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal also becomes anisotropic, being less dispersed perpendicular to the magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + 9 pages of Supplemental Materia

    Pairing symmetry transitions in the even-denominator FQHE system

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    Transitions from a paired quantum Hall state to another quantum Hall state in bilayer systems are discussed in the framework of the edge theory. Starting from the edge theory for the Haldane-Rezayi state, it is shown that the charging effect of a bilayer system which breaks the SU(2) symmetry of the pseudo-spin shifts the central charge and the conformal dimensions of the fermionic fields which describe the pseudo-spin sector in the edge theory. This corresponds to the transition from Haldane-Rezayi state to Halperin's 331 state, or singlet d-wave to triplet p-wave ABM type paired state in the composite fermion picture. Considering interlayer tunneling, the tunneling rate-capacitance phase diagram for the Ξ½=5/2\nu=5/2 paired bilayer system is discussed

    Electron Correlation Induced Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Weyl Semimetal Phase in a Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled System

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    We study theoretically the electron correlation effect in a three-dimensional Dirac fermion system which describes a topologically nontrivial state. It is shown within the mean-field approximation that time-reversal and inversion symmetries of the system are spontaneously broken in the region where both spin-orbit coupling and electron correlation are strong. This phase is considered as an analog of that in the lattice quantum chromodynamics. It is also shown that in the presence of magnetic impurities, electron correlation enhances the appearance of the Weyl semimetal phase between the topological insulator phase and the normal insulator phase.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gap evolution in nu=1/2 bilayer quantum Hall systems

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    Fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer system at total filling fraction Ξ½=1/2\nu=1/2 are examined numerically under some ranges of the layer separation and interlayer tunneling. It is shown that the ground state changes continuously from two-component state to one-component state as the interlayer tunneling rate is increased, while the lowest excited state changes discontinuously. This fact explains observed unusual behavior of the activation energy which reveals upward cusp as a function of interlayer tunneling. Some trial wave functions for the ground state and quasihole states are inspected.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Weyl semimetal phase in solid-solution narrow-gap semiconductors

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    We theoretically investigate ferromagnetic ordering in magnetically doped solid-solution narrow-gap semiconductors with the strong spin-orbit interaction such as Cr-doped Bi2_2(Sex_xTe1βˆ’x_{1-x})3_3. We compute the spontaneous magnetization of impurities and itinerant electrons, and estimate the critical temperature as a function of the concentration of magnetic dopants and the strength of the spin-orbit interaction. It is found that the critical temperature is proportional to the concentration of dopants and enhanced with the strong spin-orbit interaction. It is also found that the ferromagnetic transition could make the system turn to the Weyl semimetal which possesses a pair of Weyl points separating in the momentum space.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Skyrmion-induced anomalous Hall conductivity on topological insulator surfaces

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    Electron spin-momentum locking together with background magnetic textures can significantly alter the electron transport properties. We theoretically investigate the electron transport at the interface between a topological insulator and a magnetic insulator with magnetic skyrmions on the top. In contrast to the conventional topological Hall effect in normal metals, the skyrmions yield an additional contribution to the anomalous Hall conductivity even in the absence of in-plane magnetic texture, arising from the phase factor characteristic to Dirac electrons acquired at skyrmion boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; published versio

    Voltage-driven magnetization switching and spin pumping in Weyl semimetals

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    We demonstrate electrical magnetization switching and spin pumping in magnetically doped Weyl semimetals. The Weyl semimetal is a new class of topological semimetals, known to have nontrivial coupling between the charge and the magnetization due to the chiral anomaly. By solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for a multilayer structure of a Weyl semimetal, an insulator and a metal whilst taking the charge-magnetization coupling into account, magnetization dynamics is analyzed. It is shown that the magnetization dynamics can be driven by the electric voltage. Consequently, switching of the magnetization with a pulsed electric voltage can be achieved, as well as precession motion with an applied oscillating electric voltage. The effect requires only a short voltage pulse and may therefore be more energetically efficient for us in spintronics devices compared to conventional spin transfer torque switching.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Crossed responses of spin and orbital magnetism in topological insulators

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    Crossed magnetic responses between spin and orbital angular momentum are studied in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators. Due to spin-orbit coupling in the quantum spin Hall systems and three-dimensional topological insulators, the magnetic susceptibility has crossed (intersectional) components between spin and orbital part of magnetism. In this study, the crossed susceptibility for the orbital magnetization is studied in two- and three-dimensional topological insulator models, in which an external magnetic field interacts with the electron spin by Zeeman coupling via distinct g-factors for conduction and valence energy bands. The crossed susceptibility in two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulators shows a quantized signature of the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological phase in response to Zeeman coupling via an averaged g-factor, and the quantization persists even when Οƒz\sigma^z-conservation of electrons is broken by a tilted magnetic field. The bulk orbital magnetization is interpreted by the persistent edge current attributed to the chiral anomaly at the (1+1)-dimensional boundary. In three-dimensional topological insulators, we found that the crossed susceptibility is proportional to the difference of g-factors of conduction and valence electrons, which is qualitatively different from the two-dimensional case. Steep changes of the crossed susceptibility in three dimensions at the phase transition points are explained by the surface Dirac fermion theory. Finally, dependence of the crossed susceptibility on g-factors in two- and three-dimensional cases is discussed from the viewpoint of time-reversal and particle-hole symmetries.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Two-orbital effective model for magnetic Weyl semimetal in Kagome-lattice shandite

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    We construct a two-orbital effective model for a ferromagnetic Kagome-lattice shandite, Co3Sn2S2\rm{{Co}_3{Sn}_2{S}_2}, a candidate material of magnetic Weyl semimetals, by considering one dd orbital from Co, and one pp orbital from interlayer Sn. The energy spectrum near the Fermi level, and the configurations of the Weyl points, computed by using our model, are similar to those obtained by first principle calculations. We show also that nodal rings appear even with spin-orbit coupling when the magnetization points in-plane direction. Additionally, magnetic properties of Co3Sn2S2\rm{{Co}_3{Sn}_2{S}_2} and other shandite materials are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Theory for spin torque in Weyl semimetal with magnetic texture

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    The spin-transfer torque is a fundamental physical quantity to operate the spintronics devices such as racetrack memory. We theoretically study the spin-transfer torque and analyze the dynamics of the magnetic domain walls in magnetic Weyl semimetals. Owing to the strong spin-orbit coupling in Weyl semimetals, the spin-transfer torque can be significantly enhanced, because of which they can provide a more efficient means of controlling magnetic textures. We derive the analytical expression of the spin-transfer torque and find that the velocity of the domain wall is one order of magnitude greater than that of conventional ferromagnetic metals. Furthermore, due to the suppression of longitudinal conductivity in the thin domain-wall configuration, the dissipation due to Joule heating for the spin-transfer torque becomes much smaller than that in bulk metallic ferromagnets. Consequently, the fast-control of the domain wall can be achieved with smaller dissipation from Joule heating in the Weyl semimetals as required for application to low-energy-consumption spintronics devices.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
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