2 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of laser punctures treatment in patients with acne vulgaris

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    Introduction: acne vulgaris constitutes a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous component; its onset coincides with puberty and generates psychosocial disorders in those who suffer it. Although the therapy is effective, no short-term effects are observed. 聽 Objective: to determine the effectiveness of laser puncture treatment in patients with Acne Vulgaris. 聽 Method: a descriptive, longitudinal prospective study was carried out at the Natural and Traditional Medicine Service of the Carlos J. Finlay Hospital in Havana. The target group consisted of 117 patients between 15 to 39 years old and the diagnosis of Acne Vulgaris. The sample included 52 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. In each case the diagnosis was determined according to traditional Chinese medicine and the sample was divided into two groups which were treated with low power laser at acupuncture points during 20 applications. 聽 Results: ages between 15 and 19 years predominated, male gender and mild and moderate acne, the traditional diagnoses determined were in most cases related to the lung as a main organ, in 98% of cases the treatment was successful, with 15 applications a good clinical evolution was achieved in 75% of the cases and no adverse reactions were identified. 聽 Conclusions: in the sample studied the treatment with laser puncture was an effective method to treat Acne Vulgaris

    Effectiveness of laser punctures treatment in patients with acne vulgaris

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    Introducci贸n: el acn茅 vulgar constituye una enfermedad inflamatoria cr贸nica de la unidad piloseb谩cea, su comienzo coincide con la pubertad y genera en quienes lo padecen alteraciones psicosociales. Aunque la terap茅utica es efectiva no se observan resultados a corto plazo.聽Objetivo: determinar la efectividad del tratamiento con laserpuntura en pacientes con Acn茅 Vulgar.M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal prospectivo en el servicio de Medicina Natural y Tradicional del hospital Carlos J. Finlay de La Habana. El universo estuvo constituido por 117 pacientes con edad entre 15 y 39 a帽os y diagn贸stico de Acn茅 Vulgar. La muestra correspondi贸 a 52 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusi贸n. Se determin贸 en cada caso el diagn贸stico seg煤n la medicina tradicional china y la muestra fue dividida en dos grupos a los cuales se le aplic贸 tratamiento con l谩ser de baja potencia en puntos de acupuntura, durante 20 aplicaciones.Resultados: predominaron las edades entre 15 y 19 a帽os, el sexo masculino y el acn茅 leve y moderado, los diagn贸sticos tradicionales determinados estuvieron en la mayor铆a de los casos relacionados con el 贸rgano principal pulm贸n, en el 98% de los casos se obtuvo una respuesta al tratamiento satisfactoria, con 15 aplicaciones se logr贸 una buena evoluci贸n cl铆nica en el 75% de los casos y no se identificaron reacciones adversas.Conclusiones: en la muestra estudiada el tratamiento con laserpuntura constituy贸 un m茅todo efectivo para tratar el Acn茅 Vulgar.聽Introduction: acne vulgaris constitutes a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous component; its onset coincides with puberty and generates psychosocial disorders in those who suffer it. Although the therapy is effective, no short-term effects are observed.聽Objective: to determine the effectiveness of laser puncture treatment in patients with Acne Vulgaris.聽Method: a descriptive, longitudinal prospective study was carried out at the Natural and Traditional Medicine Service of the Carlos J. Finlay Hospital in Havana. The target group consisted of 117 patients between 15 to 39 years old and the diagnosis of Acne Vulgaris. The sample included 52 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. In each case the diagnosis was determined according to traditional Chinese medicine and the sample was divided into two groups which were treated with low power laser at acupuncture points during 20 applications.聽Results: ages between 15 and 19 years predominated, male gender and mild and moderate acne, the traditional diagnoses determined were in most cases related to the lung as a main organ, in 98% of cases the treatment was successful, with 15 applications a good clinical evolution was achieved in 75% of the cases and no adverse reactions were identified.聽Conclusions: in the sample studied the treatment with laser puncture was an effective method to treat Acne Vulgaris.