155 research outputs found


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    Anais do XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrologia

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    Caros congressistas, Obrigado por participarem com a gente de nosso encontro anual. Nesse ano, temos um novo recorde de trabalhos científicos aceitos para o congresso: 822, sendo que, desses, 100 serão apresentados oralmente durante o evento. Assim, a ABRAN configura-se, cada vez mais, como entidade extremamente forte do ponto de vista científico, o que só é possível graças à dedicação diária de todas as instâncias administrativas e acadêmicas da sociedade, sem esquecer da fundamental participação de professores e pesquisadores de todo o Brasil que, anualmente, enviam seus resultados para serem compartilhados com toda a comunidade científica. Por fim, junto aos resumos, nesse número do International Journal of Nutrology você encontrará dois excelentes materiais: uma revisão sobre o potencial hidrogeniônico da água e sua influência no organismo humano e ainda o Consenso da Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares para crianças com dificuldades alimentares. Esperamos que vocês aproveitem o congresso e toda a produção científica nele divulgada

    Positioning on the Use of Polyols as Table Sweeteners

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    Polyols are poorly digestible carbohydrates present in small amounts in some fruits and vegetables. Xylitol and erythritol are used as table sweeteners. These compounds are widely used in the food industry due to their low-calorie content. Erythritol is the only noncaloric polyol. Xylitol is the sweetest of the polyols, being the only one with sweetness equivalent to sucrose, but with one third of its calories. Clinical studies have shown reductions in the number of plaques, in counts of Streptococcus mutans, and in the number of dental cavities in individuals receiving erythritol and xylitol. Xylitol is also capable of reducing the growth and adherence to the oropharynx of bacteria that cause acute otitis media, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, and several studies have shown that it reduces the risk of this bacterial infection in children. In addition to these effects, polyols can also have beneficial effects on metabolism. Both erythritol and xylitol have been approved by the European Union for use as sweeteners for several years, and replacing sugar with polyols decreases caloric intake, which can reduce body weight and blood glucose in individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The safety of polyols is recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who classifies them as compounds generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Thus, based on available scientific data, the daily consumption of both substances is associated with several benefits and does not represent any risk to human health

    Potencial hidrogeniônico da água e sua influência no organismo humano: um artigo de revisão

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    Introduction: There is an widespread concept that the pH of food is directly related to the onset and progression of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases among others, and acidic pH waters would also contribute to this scenario. Objectives: To systematize the scientific knowledge produced about the hydrogen-ionic potential of water and its relationship with the functioning of the human organism. Methods: Review of Medline / Pubmed and Environmental Engineering Abstracts (Proquest) between April and May 2018. The following descriptors were used: water acidity, water alkalinity, physicochemical characteristics of water, alkaline water, acid water. Articles published in Portuguese and English were included. Conclusions: The health benefits claimed for alkaline water are not directly related to the pH of the water, but to its high bicarbonate content, above 2 g per liter. However, the relative differences of the populations studied and the content of interventions make it difficult to generalize the results obtained

    Ecocardiografia para avaliação cardiovascular de crianças com sobrepeso/obesidade: uma revisão

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    In Brazil, the current data show that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is high and increasing. In this scenario it is necessary to detect early cardiovascular changes resulting from this framework. This review is a descriptive exploratory study that addresses the use of transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders and included publications on indexed scientific research bases, MEDLINE, SCIELO, and classical references during the period 2001-2013. The search terms used were “obesity”, “echocardiogram”, “cardiovascular disorders”. Transthoracic echocardiography accurately assesses in real time structure and cardiac function through echocardiographic parameters and therefore allows to detect early changes in diastolic function and left ventricular geometry

    Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia recomenda o sistema Nutri-Score como modelo de avaliação do perfil nutricional de alimentos industrializados

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    Organized societies, government and industry have sought ways to ensure they can provide consumers with reliable and easy-to-interpret nutritional information. One of the aspects that has been discussed refers to the possibility of offering a greater number of data, in relation to critical aspects of health, which can decode, without replacing, those already present in the list of ingredients and in the nutritional information table, in order to allow rapid interpretation. In this sense, the Brazilian Association of Nutrology is seeking to collaborate with this initiative by proposing the use of the Nutri-Score model, in an adapted form, as a method of informing the nutritional profile. This document reviews this model, demonstrates its scientific validation and suggests adaptations in order to make it more informative

    Cereais integrais na alimentação infantil

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    This article discusses the basics about whole grains and describes the health benefits recognized by the science associated with their consumption. It also presents information on dietary sources, labeling and content of whole grains in foods

    A qualidade da alimentação para suprir as necessidades de energia de crianças, jovens e adultos

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    The article discusses the importance of energy in ensuring a healthy diet. It covers issues relating to the distribution of daily energy needs, the main sources and energy balance in humans. O artigo discute sobre a importância da energia na garantia de uma alimentação saudável. São abordadas questões relativas à distribuição da necessidade energética diária, as principais fontes e o balanço energético no ser humano

    Manejo da obesidade infanto-juvenil

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    The issue addressed here was presented at the Parallel Symposium: “Clinical management of obesity and NAFLD in children“, coordinated by: Anil Dhawan (UK) and Mary Fewtrell (UK). Here are presented some aspects highlighted in the presentation of Cristina Campoy (Granada, Spain), entitled “Nonsurgical Management of childhood obesity.

    A importância do porcionamento na alimentação balanceada

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    The article discusses the importance of the concept of portion for obtaining a healthy diet, including basic information about dietary guidelines and their application for planning menus