6 research outputs found

    Proposed bursa of fabricius weight to body weight ratio standard in commercial broilers

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    Several causes may induce change and atrophy in the bursa of Fabricius (BF). Databases on BF standards are available from published studies, however, updated references are needed to adjust the BF standards to present changes in highly specialized broiler genetic lines. The aim of this study was to evaluate BF-related measurements (weight and dimensions) under controlled conditions that would mimic field situations. Chickens were kept in isolation, thus avoiding exposure to disease agents by vaccination or field infections. This study was conducted using male Cobb 500 commercial broilers from the same hatch and source. Absence of disease was confirmed throughout the study. Despite the presence of individual variations, a minimum bursa-to-body weight ratio standard of 0.11 is proposed in broilers from 7 to 42 days of age.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudi sobre indicadors de mort a escorxadors catalans

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    Escorxadors; Benestar animal; Mort; Control oficialMataderos; Bienestar animal; Muerte; Control oficialSlaughterhouses; Animal welfare; Death; Official controlL’anterior treball de la Comunitat de Pràctica (CoP) de Benestar Animal va avaluar el compliment del Reglament (CE) 1099/2009, relatiu a la protecció dels animals en el moment de la matança, mitjançant una enquesta adreçada als serveis veterinaris oficials d’escorxador (SVOE) i que va ser contestada pels companys de 43 escorxadors arreu del territori català que incloïen 64 línies de sacrifici. Es va observar entre les respostes dels SVOE que en 16 de les 64 línies d’algunes de les espècies sacrificades, independentment que s’hi fes un bon atordiment, hi havia un nombre significatiu d’animals que podien presentar signes de vida a l’inici de la preparació de la canal. En part, aquesta deficiència es pot atribuir a la idea estesa que en la fase de sacrifici és suficient aplicar un bon atordiment per aconseguir que no hi hagi signes de vida. No obstant això, l’apartat 3 de l’annex III del Reglament esmentat indica clarament que “la preparació de la canal o l’escaldada només s’han d’efectuar quan s’hagi comprovat la falta de signes de vida de l’animal”. Per tant, no sols cal vetllar per un correcte atordiment en la fase de matança, sinó que també cal comprovar la mort de l’animal abans d’iniciar la preparació de la canal mitjançant l’absència de signes de vida. El treball d’aquesta CoP estudia aquesta fase de mort de l’animal prèvia a la preparació de la canal o l’escaldada, que representa un punt crític de benestar animal a l’escorxador.El anterior trabajo de la Comunidad de Práctica (CoP) de Bienestar Animal evaluó el cumplimiento del Reglamento (CE) 1099/2009, relativo a la protección de los animales en el momento de la matanza, mediante una encuesta dirigida a los servicios veterinarios oficiales de matadero (SVOE) y que fue contestada por los compañeros de 43 mataderos en todo el territorio catalán que incluían 64 líneas de sacrificio. Se observó entre las respuestas de los SVOE que en 16 de las 64 líneas de algunas de las especies sacrificadas, independientemente de que se hiciera un buen aturdimiento, había un número significativo de animales que podían presentar signos de vida al inicio de la preparación de la canal. En parte, esta deficiencia puede atribuirse a la idea extendida de que en la fase de sacrificio es suficiente aplicar un buen aturdimiento para conseguir que no haya signos de vida. No obstante, el apartado 3 del anexo III del citado Reglamento indica claramente que “la preparación de la canal o escaldada sólo deben efectuarse cuando se haya comprobado la falta de signos de vida del animal”. Por tanto, no sólo hay que velar por un correcto aturdimiento en la fase de matanza, sino que también es necesario comprobar la muerte del animal antes de iniciar la preparación de la canal mediante la ausencia de signos de vida. El trabajo de esta CoP estudia esta fase de muerte del animal previa a la preparación de la canal o escaldada, que representa un punto crítico de bienestar animal en el matadero.The previous work of the Animal Welfare Community of Practice (CoP) evaluated compliance with Regulation (EC) 1099/2009, regarding the protection of animals at the time of slaughter, through a survey addressed to the official veterinary services of slaughterhouse (SVOE) and that was answered by colleagues from 43 slaughterhouses throughout the Catalan territory that included 64 slaughter lines. It was observed among the responses of the SVOE that in 16 of the 64 lines of some of the species sacrificed, regardless of whether a good stunning was done, there was a significant number of animals that could show signs of life at the beginning of the preparation of the stunning. channel. In part, this deficiency can be attributed to the widespread idea that in the slaughter phase it is enough to apply a good stun to ensure that there are no signs of life. However, section 3 of annex III of the aforementioned Regulation clearly indicates that "the preparation of the carcass or scalding must only be carried out when the lack of signs of life of the animal has been verified". Therefore, it is not only necessary to ensure correct stunning in the slaughter phase, but it is also necessary to verify the death of the animal before starting the preparation of the carcass through the absence of signs of life. The work of this CoP studies this phase of death of the animal prior to the preparation of the carcass or scalding, which represents a critical point of animal welfare in the slaughterhouse

    Manual lesional de suport per al dictamen de carns fresques: espècie bovina

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    Espècie bovina; Carn fresca; Patologies; LesionsEspecie bovina; Carne fresca; Patologías; LesionesBovine species; Fresh meat; Pathologies; InjuriesAquest document integra un conjunt de fitxes que contenen informació sobre les lesions i patologies que l’equip de veterinaris oficials d’escorxador es troba habitualment en la carn fresca de boví a Catalunya. L’objectiu del document és posar en comú l’experiència i coneixement d’aquest equip per compartir-los amb la resta de professionals i ajudar-los així a elaborar els dictàmens sobre l’aptitud o no de la carn destinada al consum humà. En les fitxes no es pretén descriure les lesions i patologies d’una manera teòrica, sinó fer-ho de manera senzilla i molt pràctica per donar eines que ajudin a explicar com s’arriba al dictamen, quina n’ha estat la motivació i si s’ha de fer una declaració obligatòria de la malaltia. La força del document rau en un recull de fotos realitzades en el moment de la inspecció post mortem adjuntes al dictamen que es va fer de la carn fresca.Este documento integra un conjunto de fichas que contienen información sobre las lesiones y patologías que el equipo de veterinarios oficiales de matadero se encuentra habitualmente en las carnes frescas de vacuno en Cataluña. El objetivo del documento es poner en común la experiencia y conocimiento de este equipo para compartirlos con el resto de profesionales y ayudarlos así a elaborar los dictámenes sobre la aptitud o no de las carnes destinadas al consumo humano. En las fichas no se pretende describir las lesiones y patologías de una manera teórica, sino hacerlo de un modo sencillo y muy práctico para ofrecer herramientas que ayuden a explicar cómo se llega al dictamen, cuál ha sido su motivación y si debe realizarse una declaración obligatoria de la enfermedad. La fuerza del documento radica en una recopilación de fotos realizadas en el momento de la inspección post mortem adjuntas al dictamen de las carnes frescas.This document integrates a set of sheets that contain information about the injuries and pathologies that are usually found by official slaughterhouse veterinarians’ team in fresh beef in Catalonia. The objective of the document is to share the experience and knowledge of this team to share with the rest of the professionals and help them to elaborate opinions on the suitability of meat for human consumption. The files are not intended to describe injuries and pathologies on a theoretical level, but rather in a simple and very practical basis to offer tools that help explain how the opinion is reached, what its motivation is and whether a mandatory notification of the disease should be made. The strength of the document lies in a collection of photos taken during the post mortem inspection attached to the opinion on fresh meat

    Persistence of low pathogenic avian influenza virus in artificial streams mimicking natural conditions of waterfowl habitats in the Mediterranean climate

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    Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) can affect wildlife, poultry, and humans, so a One Health perspective is needed to optimize mitigation strategies. Migratory waterfowl globally spread AIVs over long distances. Therefore, the study of AIV persistence in waterfowl staging and breeding areas is key to understanding their transmission dynamics and optimizing management strategies. Here, we used artificial streams mimicking natural conditions of waterfowl habitats in the Mediterranean climate (day/night cycles of photosynthetic active radiation and temperature, low water velocity, and similar microbiome to lowland rivers and stagnant water bodies) and then manipulated temperature and sediment presence (i.e., 10–13 °C vs. 16–18 °C, and presence vs. absence of sediments). An H1N1 low pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) strain was spiked in the streams, and water and sediment samples were collected at different time points until 14 days post-spike to quantify viral RNA and detect infectious particles. Viral RNA was detected until the end of the experiment in both water and sediment samples. In water samples, we observed a significant combined effect of temperature and sediments in viral decay, with higher viral genome loads in colder streams without sediments. In sediment samples, we didn't observe any significant effect of temperature. In contrast to prior laboratory-controlled studies that detect longer persistence times, infectious H1N1 LPAIV was isolated in water samples till 2 days post-spike, and none beyond. Infectious H1N1 LPAIV wasn't isolated from any sediment sample. Our results suggest that slow flowing freshwater surface waters may provide conditions facilitating bird-to-bird transmission for a short period when water temperature are between 10 and 18 °C, though persistence for extended periods (e.g., weeks or months) may be less likely. We hypothesize that experiments simulating real environments, like the one described here, provide a more realistic approach for assessing environmental persistence of AIVs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Viral shedding and environmental dispersion of two clade H5 high pathogenicity avian infuenza viruses in experimentally infected mule ducks: implications for environmental sampling

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    High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) have caused major epizootics in recent years, with devastating consequences for poultry and wildlife worldwide. Domestic and wild ducks can be highly susceptible to HPAIVs, and infection leads to efficient viral replication and massive shedding (i.e., high titres for an extended time), contributing to widespread viral dissemination. Importantly, ducks are known to shed high amounts of virus in the earliest phase of infection, but the dynamics and impact of environmental contamination on the epidemiology of HPAIV outbreaks are poorly understood. In this study, we monitored mule ducks experimentally infected with two H5N8 clade goose/Guangdong HPAIVs sampled in France in 2016–2017 and 2020–2021 epizootics. We investigated viral shedding dynamics in the oropharynx, cloaca, conjunctiva, and feathers; bird-to-bird viral transmission; and the role of the environment in viral spread and as a source of samples for early detection and surveillance. Our findings showed that viral shedding started before the onset of clinical signs, i.e., as early as 1 day post-inoculation (dpi) or post-contact exposure, peaked at 4 dpi, and lasted for up to 14 dpi. The detection of viral RNA in aerosols, dust, and water samples mirrored viral shedding dynamics, and viral isolation from these environmental samples was successful throughout the experiment. Our results confirm that mule ducks can shed high HPAIV titres through the four excretion routes tested (oropharyngeal, cloacal, conjunctival, and feather) while being asymptomatic and that environmental sampling could be a non-invasive tool for early viral RNA detection in HPAIV-infected farms.This study was performed in the framework of the “Chaire de Biosécurité & Santé Aviaires” funded by the Direction Generale de l’Alimentation, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté Alimentaire, France, and hosted by the National Veterinary College of Toulouse (ENVT). The study was partially funded by the Veterinary Biocontained facility Network (VetBioNet) [EU Grant Agreement INFRA-2016-1 No 731014]. F.F is funded by Theseo, a company of the LanXess Group, France. K.B. is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain, program Ramón y Cajal (Grant RYC2021-033472-I). We thank Bertin Instruments, France, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), United States, for the loan of aerosol collectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio