31 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Lumpur Sawit Fermentasi Dengan Jamur P. Chrysosporium Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

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    The experiment was aimed to determine the effect of palm oil sludge fermentation by P. Chrysosporium (LSFp) in ration on the performance of broiler chicken. The experiment was assigned into Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were level of LSFp into the ration (R0 : 0%, R1 : 5 %, R2 : 10 %, R3 : 15 % and R4 : 20 %). The observed variables were the feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ration, carcass percentage, the percentage of abdominal fat, meat fat, meat cholesterol. The result of this study showed that added LSFp were significantly (P<0.05) body weight gain, and carcass percentage. The experiment showed the that fermentation of palm oil sludge (LSFp) could be fed to the broiler chicken up to 15 %

    Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Sawit Fermentasi Oleh Jamur Pleurotus Ostreatus Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler

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    The experiment was aimed to determine the effect of Palm Kernel Cake fermentation by Pleurotus ostreatus (BISF) in ration on the performance of broiler chicken. The experiment was assigned into Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were level of BISF into the ration (P0 : 0%, P1 : 10 %, P2 : 20 %, and P3 : 30 %). The observed variables were the feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ration, carcass percentage, and the percentage of abdominal fat. The result of this study showed that added BISF were significantly (P<0.01) feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ration, carcass percentage, and the percentage of abdominal fat. The experiment showed the that fermentation of Palm Kernel Cake (BISF) could be fed to the broiler chicken up to 20 %

    Dosis Inokulum Dan Lama Fermentasi Jamur Pleurotus Ostreatus Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Azolla Microphylla

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    This research aims analyze the effect of inoculum dosage of Pleurotus ostreatus and the length of fermentation on the nutritious content of Azolla. The experimental design used completely randomized design in factorial (3 x 3). The first factor is the inoculum dosage, namely : (D1). 3%, (D2).6% and (D3).9% of substrate weight. The second factor is the length of fermentation, namely : (L7). 7 days, (L14). 14 days and (L21). 21 days. Every treatment is repeated for three time. The data found is scrutinized by mode print and it is followed by distance test of multiple Duncan (Steel and Torrie, 1989). The variables observed in research are dry materials, crude fiber, crude protein, cellulose and lignin. The research on the influence of inoculum dosage and the length of fermentation on dry materials content, crude protein and cellulose had not significant effect (P>0.05). On the other hand, crude fiber,and lignin had significant effect (P<0.01). The inoculum dosage of 9% and the fermentation length of 14 days is the best combination treatment and it can reduce the crude fiber amounting to 48.80%, an increase of crude protein amounting to 39.31% and a decrease of cellulose and lignin amounting to 49.86% and 27.66% respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formulasi ransum berbasis bahan pakan lokal berprobiotik untuk menggantikan pakan komersial berdasarkan parameter pertumbuhan bobot badan (PBB), konsumsi ransum dan konversi ransum. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah DOC ayam broiler 200 ekor,probiotik Probio_FM, ikan rucah, bulu ayam, bungkil inti sawit, bungkil kelapa, jagung, bungkil kedelai, mineral mix, premix, minyak sawit, NaCl, metionin, lisin, ransum komersial BR 1 dan BR 2. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu P0 (P-Kom 100%), P1 (P-Kom 75% + P-Pro 25%), P2 (P-Kom 50% + P-Pro 50%), P3 (P-Kom 25% + P-Pro 75%), dan P4 (P-Pro 100%). Data dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam (ANNOVA) dengan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa formulasi ransum berbahan pakan lokal berprobiotik berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) pada fase finisher. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ransum berbahan pakan lokal berprobiotik pada pemberian 75% dapat mengimbangi atau dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk menggantikan ransum komersial

    Penambahan multienzim dalam ransum yang mengandung bungkil inti sawit terhadap performa pertumbuhan dan morfometrik usus halus broiler

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan multienzim dalam ransum yang mengandung bungkil inti sawitterhadap performa pertumbuhan dan morfometrik usus halus pada broiler.Penelitian menggunakan 112 ekor DOC broiler, multienzim komersil Solagri-3 yang merupakan kombinasi beberapa enzim unggulan, yaitu enzim amylase, cellulase, glukanase, pectinase, phytase, protease dan xilanase.Ransum disusun dengan kandungan bungkil inti sawit sebanyak 30% dan disuplementasi dengan 3 (tiga) level multienzim Solagri-3 yaitu 0.03%, 0.06% dan 0.09%. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, tiap ulangan terdiri dari 7 ekor ayam. Perlakuan yang diujikan terdiri dari; P0= Ransum basal (kontrol), P1= P0 + 0.03% Solagri-3, P2= P0+ 0.06% Solagri-3 dan P3= P0+ 0.09% Solagri-3. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, karkasrelatif, persentase hati,pancreas, gizard, bobot dan panjangusus halus sertabagian-bagiannya. Data dianalisis sesuai rancangan dan jika terdapat pengaruh yang nyata akan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Duncan (Steel dan Torrie, 1993). Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa penambahan multienzim berpengaruh tidak nyata (P&gt;0.05) terhadap konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, persentase hati, pancreas dan gizzard. Penambahan multienzim berpengaruh nyata (P&lt;0.05) terhadap bobot karkas, persentase bobot dan panjang usus halus. Uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan multienzim Berpengaruh nyata (P&lt;0.05) dapat meningkatkan bobot relatif karkas, persentase bobot dan panjang usus halus. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan multienzim solagri-3 dalam ransum yang mengandung BIS 30% sebanyak 0.06% dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan bobot karkas dan usus halus pada broiler.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan multienzim dalam ransum yangmengandung bungkil inti sawitterhadap performa pertumbuhan dan morfometrik usus halus padabroiler.Penelitian menggunakan 112 ekor DOC broiler, multienzim komersil Solagri-3 yang merupakankombinasi beberapa enzim unggulan, yaitu enzim amylase, cellulase, glukanase, pectinase, phytase, proteasedan xilanase.Ransum disusun dengan kandungan bungkil inti sawit sebanyak 30% dan disuplementasidengan 3 (tiga) level multienzim Solagri-3 yaitu 0.03%, 0.06% dan 0.09%. Rancangan yang digunakanadalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, tiap ulangan terdiri dari 7ekor ayam. Perlakuan yang diujikan terdiri dari; P0= Ransum basal (kontrol), P1= P0 + 0.03% Solagri-3,P2= P0+ 0.06% Solagri-3 dan P3= P0+ 0.09% Solagri-3. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum,pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, karkasrelatif, persentase hati,pancreas, gizard, bobot danpanjangusus halus sertabagian-bagiannya. Data dianalisis sesuai rancangan dan jika terdapat pengaruhyang nyata akan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Duncan (Steel dan Torrie, 1993). Hasil analisis ragammenunjukkan bahwa penambahan multienzim berpengaruh tidak nyata (P&gt;0.05) terhadap konsumsi,pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum, persentase hati, pancreas dan gizzard. Penambahanmultienzim berpengaruh nyata (P&lt;0.05) terhadap bobot karkas, persentase bobot dan panjang usushalus. Uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan multienzim Berpengaruh nyata (P&lt;0.05) dapatmeningkatkan bobot relatif karkas, persentase bobot dan panjang usus halus. Kesimpulan dari penelitianini adalah penambahan multienzim solagri-3 dalam ransum yang mengandung BIS 30% sebanyak 0.06%dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan bobot karkas dan usus halus pada broiler


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    This research aimed to study the effect of inoculums dosages of the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus fermented toAzolla on NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), cellulose and lignin of Azolla. The research wasdone in the Laboratory ofAnimal Science Faculty,University of Jambi and Animal Science Faculty, University ofAndalas. The materials used were Azolla powder which were dried (± 12% moisture), Pleurotus ostreatus fungus, andthe others materials which were needed in analysis of NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin. Parameters were dry matter, crudefiber, crude protein, NDF, ADF, Cellulose and Lignin content. The design used in this research was CompletelyRandomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The inoculums dosages were 0% (P0), 3% (P1), 6%(P2) and 9% (P3). The result of this research showed that the treatments were significantly decreased (P0,05). In conclusion, the inoculums dosage of 6% of Pleurotus ostreatusfungus toward fermented to Azolla (A. microphylia) significantly decreased of NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin but itwas not differ with inoculums dosages of 9%


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    The present study investigates the effectiveness of short training to improve students' 21st-century skills, including soft skills, hard skills, and competitiveness (SHC). The design of the study was a quasi-experimental design without a pre-test. The 50 participating students were divided into two groups; the first experimental group was students who attended a short training to improve their 21st-century skills and the second group was students without the short training. Data were collected by using self-assessment through SurveyMonkey application. The evidence shows that the experimental group of students obtain 21st-century skills significantly higher than students without attending the short training. This study concludes that short training was effective to improve 21st-century skills; soft skills, hard skills, and competitiveness. The findings implicate that training on 21st-century skills is suggested to be provided for final year students as preparation for them to go to the real work. In addition, this is an effort of the University to prepare graduates' readiness to compete in the job market.


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    Directorate General of Indonesians Higher Education recommended that universities graduates obtained standard core competencies. However, Universitas Jambi has not yet developed an instrument to measure students’ core competencies. Due to the fact, one of aims this project is to develop students and graduates assessment rubric of soft skills, hard skills and competiveness (SHC).&nbsp; Qualitative content analysis on literature review, existing instrument and transcription of FGD was conducted to reduced indicators of SHC. Content validity was obtained through workshop among the educators, while consistency of the instrument was tested by Cohen Kappa test agreement. The result of the SHC assessment rubric was specified as follows: Component of soft skills were classified into six communication skills; IT skills, Numeric Skills, Learning Skills, problem solving skills and working with others.&nbsp; Hard skill was not classified into smaller component but directly into indicators, while competiveness classified into three components; entrepreneurship, lifelong learning and employability. Try-out had been conducted to 21 students, and yielded acceptable to moderate level of agreement Kappa value. The result of the students’ SHC performance at pilot study shows that students’ SHC Performance in overall was at medium level. Students’ SHC level of softs skills, hard Skill and competitiveness were at medium level. For the future research, the SHC rubric assessment will be used in experimental research class on students SHC Development at four faculties; science and technology, humanities, economics and husbandry faculty at Universitas Jambi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung daun glodokan tiangPolyalthia longifolia. materi dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan 200 ekor puyuh betina umur 21hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) Dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5kelompok. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu : P0 = Ransum basal 100%, P1 = Ransum basal 100%+ 0.5 % daun Polyalthia longifolia, P2 = Ransum basal 100% + 1.5 % daun Polyalthia longifolia,P3 = Ransum basal 100% + 2.5 % daun Polyalthia longifolia. Data yang didapat menggunakananalisis ragam (ANOVA). apabila pengaruh yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s. Hasilpenelitian berpengaruh yang nyata (P&lt;0,01) terhadap bobot relatif kuning telur dan warna kuningtelur. tidak berpengaruh nyata (P&gt;0,05) terhadap bobot putih telur, bobot kuning telur, indekskuning telur, Haugh Unit, Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkanbahwa penggunaan tepung daun Polyalthia longifolia presentase sampai dengan 2,5 % didalamransum dapat digunakan tanpa mengurangi kualitas interior telur puyuh