5 research outputs found

    A high-affinity, bivalent PDZ domain inhibitor complexes PICK1 to alleviate neuropathic pain

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    Maladaptive plasticity involving increased expression of AMPA‐type glutamate receptors is involved in several pathologies, including neuropathic pain, but direct inhibition of AMPARs is associated with side effects. As an alternative, we developed a cell‐permeable, high‐affinity (~2 nM) peptide inhibitor, Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2, of the PDZ domain protein PICK1 to interfere with increased AMPAR expression. The affinity is obtained partly from the Tat peptide and partly from the bivalency of the PDZ motif, engaging PDZ domains from two separate PICK1 dimers to form a tetrameric complex. Bivalent Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 disrupts PICK1 interaction with membrane proteins on supported cell membrane sheets and reduce the interaction of AMPARs with PICK1 and AMPA‐receptor surface expression in vivo. Moreover, Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 administration reduces spinal cord transmission and alleviates mechanical hyperalgesia in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain. Taken together, our data reveal Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 as a novel promising lead for neuropathic pain treatment and expand the therapeutic potential of bivalent inhibitors to non‐tandem protein–protein interaction domains

    A Novel Peripheral Action of PICK1 Inhibition in Inflammatory Pain

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    Chronic pain is a major healthcare problem that impacts one in five adults across the globe. Current treatment is compromised by dose-limiting side effects including drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, loss of ability to function socially and professionally as well as a high abuse liability. Most of these side effects result from broad suppression of excitatory neurotransmission. Chronic pain states are associated with specific changes in the efficacy of synaptic transmission in the pain pathways leading to amplification of non-noxious stimuli and spontaneous pain. Consequently, a reversal of these specific changes may pave the way for the development of efficacious pain treatment with fewer side effects. We have recently described a high-affinity, bivalent peptide TAT-P(4)-(C5)(2), enabling efficient targeting of the neuronal scaffold protein, PICK1, a key protein in mediating chronic pain sensitization. In the present study, we demonstrate that in an inflammatory pain model, the peptide does not only relieve mechanical allodynia by targeting PICK1 involved in central sensitization, but also by peripheral actions in the inflamed paw. Further, we assess the effects of the peptide on novelty-induced locomotor activity, abuse liability, and memory performance without identifying significant side effects

    Coding variants identified in patients with diabetes alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis

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    Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domains are positively charged crescent-shaped modules that mediate curvature of negatively charged lipid membranes during remodeling processes. The BAR domain proteins PICK1, ICA69, and the arfaptins have recently been demonstrated to coordinate the budding and formation of immature secretory granules (ISGs) at the trans-Golgi network. Here, we identify 4 coding variants in the PICK1 gene from a whole-exome screening of Danish patients with diabetes that each involve a change in positively charged residues in the PICK1 BAR domain. All 4 coding variants failed to rescue insulin content in INS-1E cells upon knock down of endogenous PICK1. Moreover, 2 variants showed dominant-negative properties. In vitro assays addressing BAR domain function suggested that the coding variants compromised BAR domain function but increased the capacity to cause fission of liposomes. Live confocal microscopy and super-resolution microscopy further revealed that PICK1 resides transiently on ISGs before egress via vesicular budding events. Interestingly, this egress of PICK1 was accelerated in the coding variants. We propose that PICK1 assists in or complements the removal of excess membrane and generic membrane trafficking proteins, and possibly also insulin, from ISGs during the maturation process; and that the coding variants may cause premature budding, possibly explaining their dominant-negative function

    A high‐affinity, bivalent PDZ domain inhibitor complexes PICK 1 to alleviate neuropathic pain

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    Maladaptive plasticity involving increased expression of AMPA‐type glutamate receptors is involved in several pathologies, including neuropathic pain, but direct inhibition of AMPARs is associated with side effects. As an alternative, we developed a cell‐permeable, high‐affinity (~2 nM) peptide inhibitor, Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2, of the PDZ domain protein PICK1 to interfere with increased AMPAR expression. The affinity is obtained partly from the Tat peptide and partly from the bivalency of the PDZ motif, engaging PDZ domains from two separate PICK1 dimers to form a tetrameric complex. Bivalent Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 disrupts PICK1 interaction with membrane proteins on supported cell membrane sheets and reduce the interaction of AMPARs with PICK1 and AMPA‐receptor surface expression in vivo. Moreover, Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 administration reduces spinal cord transmission and alleviates mechanical hyperalgesia in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain. Taken together, our data reveal Tat‐P4_4‐(C5)2_2 as a novel promising lead for neuropathic pain treatment and expand the therapeutic potential of bivalent inhibitors to non‐tandem protein–protein interaction domains