26 research outputs found
Genes and structure of selected cytokines involved in pathogenesis of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a common skin disease involving 1-4% of human population worldwide, of strong genetic background. The following cytokines are directly involved in psoriasis: TNF, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-15, IL-18, IL-19, IL-20, IL-23 whereas IL-4, IL-10, IL-12 as well as IL-11, IL-17 and IFN-gamma are rather indirectly engaged. This work is a review of some genetic factors and structure of selected cytokines and receptors and their genes location
Using Photodynamic Therapy to Estimate Effectiveness of Innovative Combined Diclofenac and Tazaroten Therapy of Disseminated Actinic Keratosis
Early diagnosis and therapy of precancerous lesions and malignant tumors belong to the most challenging tasks in modern medicine. Photodynamic diagnosis can help diagnose both precancerous lesions and early carcinoma. Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common precancerous lesion of the skin. The available data show a high effectiveness of diclofenac in treating multifocal AK. We report a case of a 52-year-old woman who complained of multiple disseminated AK lesions predominantly on the lower limbs and trunk with a significant exacerbation within the last 6 months. Due to the spreading of disease and a high number of AK foci, as well as technical problems with visiting the hospital (PDT Laboratory), photodynamic therapy was not applied. The patient was treated for 2 months with a combination of local administration of 3% diclofenac and 0.1% tazaroten and 3% diclofenac only as a half side (left-right) comparison. The effects of therapy were later clinically evaluated and verified by means of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) directly after therapy and at a follow-up examination 3 months later. The evaluation of treatment was blinded.Treatment with diclofenac only on the right side of the body resulted in clearing of 55% of all treated lesions, which increased to 60% three months after finishing therapy. On the left side of the body, where combined therapy (diclofenac 2 times daily on uneven dates and diclofenac once a day + tazaroten once a day on even dates) was used, 77.5% pathologic lesions disappeared, but this did not increase at follow up. The treatment of multifocal, disseminated AK is a difficult task and also burdensome for the patient due to side effects like scarring or burning and itching which occur during most therapies. Combined therapy with diclofenac and tazaroten supported by PDD may improve the effects of routine treatment of AK.</p
Xanthoma-like skin changes in an elderly woman with normal lipid profile
No abstract available
Istnieją różne opracowania litanii, a niniejsze dotyczy jej miejsca w nowożytnej pobożności liturgicznej. Źródłem informacji, analizy i formułowania wniosków stał się pochodzący z 1506 roku Missale caminense.Ta niewielka suplikacja mieści w sobie nie tylko inwokacje do świętych, ale także streszcza wiarę w miłosiernego Boga, świętych obcowanie i ich wstawiennictwo. Modlący ma możliwość swoistego dialogu z Bogiem i świętymi. Przez ich zasługi i świątobliwe życie zanoszone są do nieba modlitwy błagalne. Litania do wszystkich świętych jest ściśle związana z liturgią oraz z prywatną pobożnością chrześcijan.Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje przede wszystkim Litanię do wszystkich świętych zamieszczoną w Missale caminense – specimen caminense. Na jej podstawie opracowany został aspekt formalno-kompozycyjny i kwestie teologiczno-liturgiczne. W zestawieniu z innymi litanijnymi suplikacjami nosi ona znamiona oryginalności. Należałoby uszanować działania redaktorów Mszału kamieńskiego, gdyż litania, jak i sama księga, daje świadectwo wiary naszych przodków oraz jest cennym zabytkiem piśmienniczym.Although there are different studies of Litany, that this applies to its place in the liturgical piety. The source of information, analysis and formulation of proposals have become the chosen dating from 1506 y. Missale caminense. This small supplication accommodates not only the invocations to the saints, but also summarizes the belief in a merciful God, the communion of the saints and their intercession. A praying person has got a possibility of specific dialogue with God and the saints. Through their merits and saintly life there are lifted up to heaven supplication prayers. The Litany to all the saints is precisely connected with the liturgy and private godliness of the Christians.This article presents mainly The Litany to all the saints placed in the Missale caminense – specimen caminense. On its basis was developed formal and compositional aspect and theological and liturgical issues. In comparison with other litanian supplications bears the features of originality. It is necessary to respect meticulously the actions of the editors of Kamieński Missal because The Litany, and the book itself constitute the faith of our ancestors and precious letter monumen
Treatment of Actinic Keratosis with Photodynamic Therapy Using Red or Green Light: A Comparative Study
Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common in situ cancerous skin lesion. Compared with other approved treatment modalities photodynamic therapy is preferred by patients due to faster recovery and improved cosmetic outcome. However, pain during irradiation is an important drawback. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness and tolerability of topical aminolaevulinic acid-photodynamic therapy in the treatment of AK on the head using red and green light. Complete remissions after 3 sessions of photodynamic therapy at 2-week intervals following 9 months of observation were 91.67% for red light and 86.67% for green light (difference not significant). The mean pain value was significantly greater in areas irradiated with red light compared with green light for all 3 sessions. This comparative study demonstrates that aminolaevulinic acid-photodynamic therapy with green light is of similar efficacy as that with red light in the treatment of middle/moderate AK, but causes less pain