142 research outputs found

    Near-infrared circular polarization survey in star-forming regions : Correlations and trends

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    We have conducted a systematic near-infrared circular polarization (CP) survey in star-forming regions, covering high-mass, intermediate-mass, and low-mass young stellar objects. All the observations were made using the SIRPOL imaging polarimeter on the Infrared Survey Facility 1.4 m telescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory. We present the polarization properties of 10 sub-regions in 6 star-forming regions. The polarization patterns, extents, and maximum degrees of linear and circular polarizations are used to determine the prevalence and origin of CP in the star-forming regions. Our results show that the CP pattern is quadrupolar in general, the CP regions are extensive, up to 0.65 pc, the CP degrees are high, up to 20%, and the CP degrees decrease systematically from high- to low-mass young stellar objects. The results are consistent with dichroic extinction mechanisms generating the high degrees of CP in star-forming regions.Peer reviewe

    Distortion of Magnetic Fields in a Starless Core II: 3D Magnetic Field Structure of FeSt 1-457

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    Three dimensional (3D) magnetic field information on molecular clouds and cores is important for revealing their kinematical stability (magnetic support) against gravity which is fundamental for studying the initial conditions of star formation. In the present study, the 3D magnetic field structure of the dense starless core FeSt 1-457 is determined based on the near-infrared polarimetric observations of the dichroic polarization of background stars and simple 3D modeling. With an obtained angle of line-of-sight magnetic inclination axis θinc\theta_{\rm inc} of 45±1045^{\circ}\pm10^{\circ} and previously determined plane-of-sky magnetic field strength BpolB_{\rm pol} of 23.8±12.123.8\pm12.1 μG\mu{\rm G}, the total magnetic field strength for FeSt 1-457 is derived to be 33.7±18.033.7\pm18.0 μG\mu{\rm G}. The critical mass of FeSt 1-457, evaluated using both magnetic and thermal/turbulent support is Mcr=3.70±0.92{M}_{\rm cr} = 3.70\pm0.92 M{\rm M}_{\odot}, which is identical to the observed core mass, Mcore=3.55±0.75M_{\rm core}=3.55\pm0.75 M{\rm M}_{\odot}. We thus conclude that the stability of FeSt 1-457 is in a condition close to the critical state. Without infalling gas motion and no associated young stars, the core is regarded to be in the earliest stage of star formation, i.e., the stage just before the onset of dynamical collapse following the attainment of a supercritical condition. These properties would make FeSt 1-457 one of the best starless cores for future studies of the initial conditions of star formation.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    Distortion of Magnetic Fields in a Starless Core III: Polarization--Extinction Relationship in FeSt 1-457

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    The relationship between dust polarization and extinction was determined for the cold dense starless molecular cloud core FeSt 1-457 based on the background star polarimetry of dichroic extinction at near-infrared wavelengths. Owing to the known (three-dimensional) magnetic field structure, the observed polarizations from the core were corrected by considering (a) the subtraction of the ambient polarization component, (b) the depolarization effect of inclined distorted magnetic fields, and (c) the magnetic inclination angle of the core. After these corrections, a linear relationship between polarization and extinction was obtained for the core in the range up to AV20A_V \approx 20 mag. The initial polarization vs. extinction diagram changed dramatically after the corrections of (a) to (c), with the correlation coefficient being refined from 0.71 to 0.79. These corrections should affect the theoretical interpretation of the observational data. The slope of the finally obtained polarization--extinction relationship is PH/EHKs=11.00±0.72P_H / E_{H-K_s} = 11.00 \pm 0.72 %\% mag1{\rm mag}^{-1}, which is close to the statistically estimated upper limit of the interstellar polarization efficiency (Jones 1989). This consistency suggests that the upper limit of interstellar polarization efficiency might be determined by the observational viewing angle toward polarized astronomical objects.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    Distortion of Magnetic Fields in a Starless Core: Near-Infrared Polarimetry of FeSt 1-457

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    Magnetic fields are believed to play an important role in controlling the stability and contraction of dense condensations of gas and dust leading to the formation of stars and planetary systems. In the present study, the magnetic field of FeSt 1-457, a cold starless molecular cloud core, was mapped on the basis of the polarized near-infrared light from 185 background stars after being dichroically absorbed by dust aligned with the magnetic field in the core. A distinct "hourglass-shaped" magnetic field was identified in the region of the core, which was interpreted as the first evidence of a magnetic field structure distorted by mass condensation in a starless core. The steep curvature of the magnetic field lines obtained in the present study indicates that the distortion was mainly created during the formation phase of the dense core. The derived mass-to-magnetic flux ratio indicates that the core is in a magnetically supercritical state. However, the stability of the core can be considered to be in a nearly critical state if the additional contributions from the thermal and turbulent support are included. Further diffusion of the magnetic field and/or turbulent dissipation would cause the onset of dynamical collapse of the core. The geometrical relationship between the direction of the magnetic field lines and the elongation of the core was found to be in good agreement with the theoretical predictions for the formation of Sun-like stars under the influence of a magnetic field.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    Distortion of Magnetic Fields in a Starless Core V: Near-infrared and Submillimeter Polarization in FeSt 1-457

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    The relationship between submillimeter (submm) dust emission polarization and near-infrared (NIR) HH-band polarization produced by dust dichroic extinction was studied for the cold starless dense core FeSt 1-457. The distribution of polarization angles (9090^{\circ}-rotated for submm) and degrees were found to be very different between at submm and NIR wavelengths. The mean polarization angles for FeSt 1-457 at submm and NIR wavelengths are 132.1±22.0132.1^{\circ} \pm 22.0^{\circ} and 2.7±16.22.7^{\circ} \pm 16.2^{\circ}, respectively. The correlation between PHP_H and AVA_V was found to be linear from outermost regions to relatively dense line of sight of AV25A_V \approx 25 mag, indicating that NIR polarization reflects overall polarization (magnetic field) structure of the core at least in this density range. The flat PH/AVP_H/A_V versus AVA_V correlations were confirmed, and the polarization efficiency was found to be comparable to the observational upper limit (Jones 1989). On the other hand, as reported by Alves et al., submm polarization degrees show clear linearly decreasing trend against AVA_V from AV20A_V \approx 20 mag to the densest center (AV41A_V \approx 41 mag), appearing as "polarization hole" structure. The power law index for the PsubmmP_{\rm submm} versus AVA_V relationship was obtained to be 1\approx -1, indicating that the alignment for the submm sensitive dust is lost. These very different polarization distributions at submm and NIR wavelengths suggest that (1) there is different radiation environment at these wavelengths or (2) submm-sensitive dust is localized or the combination of them.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of S106 Cluster-Forming Region with SIRPOL

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    We present the results of wide-field JHKs polarimetry toward the HII region S106 using the IRSF (Infrared Survey Facility) telescope. Our polarimetry data revealed an extended (up to ~ 5') polarized nebula over S106. We confirmed the position of the illuminating source of most of the nebula as consistent with S106 IRS4 through an analysis of polarization vectors. The bright portion of the polarized intensity is consistent with the red wing component of the molecular gas. Diffuse polarized intensity emission is distributed along the north--south molecular gas lanes. We found the interaction region between the radiation from S106 IRS4 and the dense gas. In addition, we also discovered two small polarization nebulae, SIRN1 and SIRN2, associated with a young stellar objects (YSO). Aperture polarimetry of point-like sources in this region was carried out for the first time. The regional magnetic field structures were derived using point-like source aperture polarimetry, and the magnetic field structure position angle around the cluster region in S106 was found to be ~ 120\arcdeg. The magnetic fields in the cluster region, however, have three type position angles: ~ 20\arcdeg, ~ 80\arcdeg, and ~ 120\arcdeg. The present magnetic field structures are consistent with results obtained by submillimeter continuum observations. We found that the magnetic field direction in the dense gas region is not consistent with that of the low density gas region.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A