6 research outputs found

    Application of targeted goat grazing in oil palm plantations: Assessment of weed preference, spatial use of grazing area and live weight change

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    Targeted goat grazing is a promising tool to control competing weeds in crop plantation systems without causing adverse effects on the environment. Here, we investigated the effectiveness of targeted grazing for weed control involving 11 Katjang crossbreed goats in a mature oil palm plantation. We assessed the animal behaviour and management aspects including weed preference, spatial use of grazing area, and body weight change. Asystasia gangetica was the most preferred weed species, followed by Clidemia hirta. Time spent grazing on A. gangetica (45.83-282.91 s) and C. hirta (10.04-49.82 s) by the female goats were different between grazing days (p<0.05). Spatial use between edge and interior areas of grazing plots were not different (p=0.718), meaning goats grazed evenly throughout the grazing plots. Our results revealed that goats fed evenly on the diverse weed community throughout the grazing plots and maintained similar body weight (p=0.488) before and after grazing. Livestock integration with oil palm agriculture in the manner of targeted grazing should be promoted as a part of integrated pest management for reducing weeds. Targeted grazing might be the solution for environmentally sound weed management in sustainable oil palm plantations

    Targeted cattle grazing as an alternative to herbicides for controlling weeds in bird-friendly oil palm plantations

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    The use of agrochemicals is expected to increase with the global expansion of oil palm plantations. In line with environmentally sustainable palm oil certification, targeted grazing can minimize the dependency on herbicides for controlling weeds in plantations. Here, we show for the first time that targeted grazing would control weeds and improve biodiversity of desired animal species. We sampled birds at 45 oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia that were systematically grazed, non-systematically grazed, or herbicide controlled plantations without cattle grazing. We found that bird species richness increased with size of grazing area, but decreased with number of cattle. Bird abundance was higher in the systematic grazing system, but negatively related to number of cattle. These factors explained 18.41 and 25.34% of the observed variations in bird species richness and abundance, respectively. Our findings suggest that targeted cattle grazing can be instrumental for transforming conventional oil palm agriculture into more biodiversity-friendly agroecosystems. Targeted grazing is likely to be practical under field conditions in major palm oil producing countries. In addition, the use of targeted grazing as a biological control method for weeds would be welcomed by palm oil consumers and encouraged by sustainable palm oil certification bodies such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

    Do silvopastoral management practices affect biological pest control in oil palm plantations?

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    The reliance of conventional oil palm production on agrochemicals to control understory vegetation has caused devastating impacts on the environment. Overuse of chemical herbicides leads to the decline of native biodiversity and production-related ecosystem services, including biological pest control. In contrast to herbicide applications, livestock integration is a chemical-free approach to eradicate weeds without negative consequences on the environment. In this sentinel prey experiment, we assessed the predation pressure (based upon the number of bite marks left by natural predators such as arthropods, birds, and mammals) in three oil palm plantations with different weeding practices (i.e., rotational grazing, free-range grazing, and conventional weeding) located on the south-west part of Peninsular Malaysia. We also investigated the effects of site level characteristics on the predation pressures of artificial caterpillars. Across all types of weeding systems, we found that the majority of the predation attempts on the deployed artificial caterpillars were made by arthropods (532 attempts), whereas mammals (66 attempts) and birds (60 attempts) played much smaller roles. Our results showed that predation pressures were consistent across sites indicating that oil palm-cattle integrated plantations (either free-range or rotational grazing systems) would experience similar level of pest control services as conventional herbicide-sprayed plantations. Our results also indicate the influence of site-level habitat variables (i.e., mean of palm heights, canopy cover, and elevation) on predation pressures. Our results suggest that livestock-oil palm integration may sustain natural predation with little or no herbicide input

    The potential of diverse pastures to reduce nitrogen leaching on New Zealand dairy farms

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    The largest contributor to nitrogen (N) leaching from ryegrass-clover pasture based dairy farms is the surplus feed N excreted as urinary N (UN) onto pastures. Pastures consisting of mixtures of ryegrass, herbs and legumes (diverse pastures) have shown potential to yield similar DM, but with a lower N content and a higher water soluble carbohydrate : crude protein ratio compared with standard ryegrass–clover pastures. These diverse pastures have shown the potential to lower the UN excreted by dairy cows in short-term, late-lactation studies. This modelling study was designed to scale the results from component studies up to farm and over a full season to evaluate the potential of diverse pastures to become a suitable strategy for reducing N leaching on New Zealand dairy farms. The Molly cow model was tested against observed data from one indoor and one outdoor study where feeding diverse pasture resulted in UN (N excreted in urine g/day) reductions of 50% and 17%, respectively. The model predicted UN reductions of 23% and 17%. Farm-scale model scenarios, where 20% or 50% of the farm was sown with diverse pastures, resulted in 2% and 6% reductions in UN deposited onto paddocks. This reduction was smaller than expected with some system interactions related to seasonal feed supply, diet composition and total N intake being likely to play a role. The reduction in UN onto paddocks, together with a dilution effect from larger urine volumes per cow per day as a result of lower DM% of diverse pastures, resulted in N leaching reductions of 11% and 19% for the two scenarios, respectively. This potential to reduce N leaching needs to be evaluated further in the context of farm profitability when other aspects of diverse pastures such as yield, persistency, drought resistance and ability to extract N from the soil becomes part of the farm-system analysis