644 research outputs found

    Deploying active objects onto multicore

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    The performance of a program on multicore platform crucially depends on the scheduling of its tasks; existing high-level programming languages, however, offer limited control over scheduling. In this thesis, we develop Cacoj as an extensible tool set to transform Creol’s active concurrent objects into Java to be deployed on multicore through standard Java Runtime Environment. The concurrent object paradigm is a promising trend for multicore programming because each object may conceptually encapsulate a processor. Cacoj introduces a higher-level abstraction of concurrency API and a Creol compiler in which the translated object in Java takes control over the scheduling of the incoming messages through a per-object approach in contrast with current mainstream trend. Cacoj brings about the required grounds to extend Creol syntax to additionally specify different levels of priority and integrate them into the notion of active concurrent objects

    Sustainable Development and Migration in Iranian Frontier Counties

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    The socio-economic changes of recent decades in Iran, accompanied by the lack of regional balance and over-concentration of facilities in some areas, have caused regional inequality in Iranian society and determined the direction of migration flows. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between four dimensions of sustainability (social, economic, physical-access and environmental) in the border counties of Iran and the net migration in these areas. This study used the data of general population and housing censuses, and other related findings to measure sustainability and net migration. The findings of this study show that the general status of social, economic and especially environmental indicators in Iranian border counties is not good. Also, most of the indicators – except for social – are in a poor condition in the southern counties, especially those in southeast, south, and southwest of Iran. The results also show that there is a significant relationship between economic sustainability and migration. In general, southeastern, western and southwestern border regions of Iran have poor conditions in terms of both sustainable development indicators and negative migration rate

    Evaluating the Effects of Different Levels of Medicinal Plant Powder of Teucrium Polium on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Intestinal Morphology and Antioxidant Status of Blood Serum in Broiler

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    This study was done to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered medicinal plant of Teucrium polium on performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology and antioxidant status of blood serum in broiler. For this experiment, 180 one-day old broilers of Soye of 308- Ras were randomly allotted with 5 treatments and 3 replicates (12 broilers per replicate). Experimental treatments consisted of: 1) basal ration without additives as a control, 2) treatment with 0.5% Teucrium powder, 3) treatment with 1% Teucrium powder, 4) treatment with 1.5% Teucrium powder and 5) treatment containing 2% Teucrium powder. The results showed that the use of Teucrium powder had no significant effect on feed intake and feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). Although level of 1.5% significantly increased the weight in growing period and the level of 2% significantly decreased weight during the beginning and total period of experiment (P >0.05). Birds recipient of Teucrium powder had no significant difference in carcass components and different parts of the intestine (P<0.05), except the level of 2% that decreased the percent of breast and increased the percent of gizzard. Treatments containing 1.5 and 2% of Teucrium were significantly increased the antioxidant capacity of total blood serum (P>0.05), but the level of malondialdehyde was not affected by experimental treatments (P<0.05). The present research's results indicated that the use of Teucrium powder improves growth performance, antioxidant status in broilers

    Sustainable Development and Migration in Iranian Frontier Counties

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    The socio-economic changes of recent decades in Iran, accompanied by the lack of regional balance and over-concentration of facilities in some areas, have caused regional inequality in Iranian society and determined the direction of migration flows. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between four dimensions of sustainability (social, economic, physical-access and environmental) in the border counties of Iran and the net migration in these areas. This study used the data of general population and housing censuses, and other related findings to measure sustainability and net migration. The findings of this study show that the general status of social, economic and especially environmental indicators in Iranian border counties is not good. Also, most of the indicators – except for social – are in a poor condition in the southern counties, especially those in southeast, south, and southwest of Iran. The results also show that there is a significant relationship between economic sustainability and migration. In general, southeastern, western and southwestern border regions of Iran have poor conditions in terms of both sustainable development indicators and negative migration rate

    Evaluating the Effects of Different Levels of Medicinal Plant Powder of Teucrium Polium on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Intestinal Morphology and Antioxidant Status of Blood Serum in Broiler

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    This study was done to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered medicinal plant of Teucrium polium on performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology and antioxidant status of blood serum in broiler. For this experiment, 180 one-day old broilers of Soye of 308- Ras were randomly allotted with 5 treatments and 3 replicates (12 broilers per replicate). Experimental treatments consisted of: 1) basal ration without additives as a control, 2) treatment with 0.5% Teucrium powder, 3) treatment with 1% Teucrium powder, 4) treatment with 1.5% Teucrium powder and 5) treatment containing 2% Teucrium powder. The results showed that the use of Teucrium powder had no significant effect on feed intake and feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). Although level of 1.5% significantly increased the weight in growing period and the level of 2% significantly decreased weight during the beginning and total period of experiment (P >0.05). Birds recipient of Teucrium powder had no significant difference in carcass components and different parts of the intestine (P<0.05), except the level of 2% that decreased the percent of breast and increased the percent of gizzard. Treatments containing 1.5 and 2% of Teucrium were significantly increased the antioxidant capacity of total blood serum (P>0.05), but the level of malondialdehyde was not affected by experimental treatments (P<0.05). The present research's results indicated that the use of Teucrium powder improves growth performance, antioxidant status in broilers

    Modelling discrepancy in Bayesian calibration of reservoir models

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    Simulation models of physical systems such as oil field reservoirs are subject to numerous uncertainties such as observation errors and inaccurate initial and boundary conditions. However, after accounting for these uncertainties, it is usually observed that the mismatch between the simulator output and the observations remains and the model is still inadequate. This incapability of computer models to reproduce the real-life processes is referred to as model inadequacy. This thesis presents a comprehensive framework for modelling discrepancy in the Bayesian calibration and probabilistic forecasting of reservoir models. The framework efficiently implements data-driven approaches to handle uncertainty caused by ignoring the modelling discrepancy in reservoir predictions using two major hierarchical strategies, parametric and non-parametric hierarchical models. The central focus of this thesis is on an appropriate way of modelling discrepancy and the importance of the model selection in controlling overfitting rather than different solutions to different noise models. The thesis employs a model selection code to obtain the best candidate solutions to the form of non-parametric error models. This enables us to, first, interpolate the error in history period and, second, propagate it towards unseen data (i.e. error generalisation). The error models constructed by inferring parameters of selected models can predict the response variable (e.g. oil rate) at any point in input space (e.g. time) with corresponding generalisation uncertainty. In the real field applications, the error models reliably track down the uncertainty regardless of the type of the sampling method and achieve a better model prediction score compared to the models that ignore discrepancy. All the case studies confirm the enhancement of field variables prediction when the discrepancy is modelled. As for the model parameters, hierarchical error models render less global bias concerning the reference case. However, in the considered case studies, the evidence for better prediction of each of the model parameters by error modelling is inconclusive

    Evaluating the Effects of Different Levels of Medicinal Plant Powder of Teucrium Polium on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Intestinal Morphology and Antioxidant Status of Blood Serum in Broiler

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    This study was done to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered medicinal plant of Teucrium polium on performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology and antioxidant status of blood serum in broiler. For this experiment, 180 one-day old broilers of Soye of 308- Ras were randomly allotted with 5 treatments and 3 replicates (12 broilers per replicate). Experimental treatments consisted of: 1) basal ration without additives as a control, 2) treatment with 0.5% Teucrium powder, 3) treatment with 1% Teucrium powder, 4) treatment with 1.5% Teucrium powder and 5) treatment containing 2% Teucrium powder. The results showed that the use of Teucrium powder had no significant effect on feed intake and feed conversion ratio (P<0.05). Although level of 1.5% significantly increased the weight in growing period and the level of 2% significantly decreased weight during the beginning and total period of experiment (P >0.05). Birds recipient of Teucrium powder had no significant difference in carcass components and different parts of the intestine (P<0.05), except the level of 2% that decreased the percent of breast and increased the percent of gizzard. Treatments containing 1.5 and 2% of Teucrium were significantly increased the antioxidant capacity of total blood serum (P>0.05), but the level of malondialdehyde was not affected by experimental treatments (P<0.05). The present research's results indicated that the use of Teucrium powder improves growth performance, antioxidant status in broilers

    Hybrid Forecasting Methods for Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells: EUR Sensitivities

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    In this paper, the sensitivity of expected ultimate recovery (EUR) for horizontal wells with multiple fractures to decline exponent is studied using the simplified forecasting method introduced by Nobakht et al.[1]. This is very important from the reserves evaluation perspective due to uncertainty in decline exponent, b. This uncertainty is caused by many factors like desorption and reservoir/ completion heterogeneity. It is found that in case of timebased forecast (duration of forecast is specified), the ratio of EURs for two different specified values of decline exponent depends on the ratio of economic life time of a well to the duration of linear flow. On the other hand, this EUR ratio depends on the ratio of rate at the end of linear flow to economic rate limit for economic limit-based forecast (economic rate limit is specified).Key words: EUR sensitivities; Multi-fractured horizontal wells; Hybrid forecasting method

    The effect of linguistic context on EFL vocabulary learning

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    There is limited literature on the role of linguistic context in learning and remembering new vocabulary items by EFL learners. To fill this gap in literature and to further explore the relationship between surrounding linguistic context and learning, and retention of new words, this study was set out to investigate whether systematically changing the amount of surrounding context has any significant effect on learning and retention of new vocabulary items. Forty-seven Iranian female advanced EFL learners within the age range of 18-24 were employed in this study and were taught 100 new vocabulary items (unknown words) in ten sessions and in three different contextual conditions (i.e., 1. one known word, one unknown/new word; 2. two known words, one unknown/new word; and 3. three known words, one unknown/new word). Known words for contextual conditions were selected from the previous units of World Pass which the participants had covered before. Furthermore, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary was used for some of the contexts. The researchers made an attempt to use simple and high-frequency words from the units covered and/or from the dictionary. The results of one-way ANOVA for both immediate and delayed post-tests revealed that extending the number of known words (that is, adding to the amount of surrounding linguistic context) does not have any significant effect on learning and retention of new vocabulary items. It can be claimed that two or three known words context is still as small as one word context and they do not have differing contextual roles. Further results and implications are discussed in the paper
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