1 research outputs found

    Utvecklingsstörning och sexualitet - en studie kring kunskapen om och synen på den

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    Author: Erika Noaksson Title: Intellectual disability and sexuality – a study about the knowledge and perceptions on it Supervisor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson The purpose of this study is to examine both the degree of knowledge within society, and overall societal perceptions of intellectual disability in relation to sexuality. In addition it also examines what kind of consequences a lack of knowledge in this field could result in for the target group. The study has gathered empirical data regarding three distinct focus groups. The first group (the target group) consists of people that have been diagnosed with intellectual disability. The second group consists of professionals working with people diagnosed with intellectual disability, and the third group is intended to represent a cross-section of society at large. The study used a qualitative method whereby research was conducted by interviewing professionals that have worked with or currently work with the target group. The various professionals with which interviews were conducted were given the same questions. It is worth noting that in some cases the questions were adapted to suit the professional disciplines of those interviewed, but the context of these questions remained the same. The interviews have been divided into four different areas of questions; information about the person interviewed, their knowledge about sexuality, how they handle the subject within their profession and wider societal perceptions on intellectual disability and sexuality. The analysis has as its starting point five key theories; Social Construction, Erving Goffman's theory of stigma, Howard Becker's theory of labeling, Gagnon & Simon’s theory of sexual scripts and Bengt Nirje’s normalization principle (normaliseringsprincipen). The study has also drawn on other relevant literature to analyze the empirical data collected. In conclusion the study showed that the target group, their families, the professionals and wider society must contribute to a broader knowledge of intellectual disability in relation to sexuality. More knowledge about these issues would be the first step for a greater acceptance to emerge. Key words: disability, intellectual disability, developmental disability, sexualit