7 research outputs found

    Reducing Employee Turnover in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: The Role of Motivation

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    Labour turnover and its adverse effects on institutional productivity remains a major challenge to many tertiary institutions in Ghana. This study looks at labour turnover and its implications on productivity in the Tamale Polytechnic. The study used descriptive survey as a research design with a convenient sample size of 120 respondents. The study discovered that most of the employees in the Polytechnic were not satisfied with the motivational factors in place at the Polytechnic thereby contributing to the high labour turnover in the institution. The study recommended that staff development policies be taken seriously since it has the potential of reducing labour in the Polytechnic. Key Words: Institutional Productivity, Challenge, Labour Turnover, Motivatio

    Financing Human Resource Development In The Ghana Education Service: Prospects And Challenges Of The Study Leave With Pay Scheme

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    The Ghana Education Service (GES) as an organization uses its study leave with pay policy which has been at the easy disposal of teachers since independence of Ghana as a means of up grading its staff. This policy was very flexible until the year 2000 when some restrictions were placed on the accessibility of the facility. This study therefore set to find out the prospects and challenges of the study leave with pay facility with the restrictions the GES has placed on the facility. The data was gathered from teachers and administrators of the Bolgatanga Municipality. This study consisted of a quantitative survey followed by semi-structured qualitative individual interviews.  Theoretical and practical issues of this type of research have been presented along with the research design, data collection and analysis procedures, and ethical considerations. The study found out that majority of teachers have benefited from the facility. However the study leave with pay facility was difficult to access because of subject areas restrictions and other administrative problems. The study concluded that many teachers have accessed the scheme by way of meeting the criteria for selection. However the criterion for selection is accompanied by cumbersome process. The Ghana Education Service should ensure that there is equality for all GES approved courses, monitor beneficiaries to ensure that they return to the classroom after studies, support teachers financially through Distance Learning Programme were some of the recommendations of the study. Keywords: study leave, policy, accessibility, facility, prospects, challenge

    Bridging the Security gap in Ghana: The role of Private Security Actors

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    Traditionally, the police have been the mechanism for protecting the right to security. Policing is an authority conferred by the country’s constitutional system to secure generally the comfort, safety, morals, health, and prosperity of its citizens by preserving public order. The term private or non-state actors broadly refers to individuals, groups and organisations that provide security services, but are not part of the formal, statutory institutions and agencies mandated to provide security related services, such as the police, the military, intelligence agencies, or para-military organisations like the Immigration Service. Non -state security actors have received greater attention from scholars and policy-makers in recent years as their prominence and persistence in many weak states have become increasingly acknowledged. In many developing countries, state security provision has largely been inadequate, being focused mainly on using military, police and intelligence services for state preservation against external aggression and internal disorder. An inordinate focus on this form of security has resulted in the neglect of the physical and other socio-economic needs of a majority of citizens, who have consequently resorted to `self-help' mechanisms using the private, non-state sector to address their security needs. Therefore, this study sought to empirically evaluate the implication of complementing private security actors in the policing of Ghana for the police administration. The researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative strategies (mixed-methodology) in the study. The qualitative approach was used in describing and presenting the background information on the implication of complementing the activities of the Ghana Police Service with private security actors, while the quantitative approach dealt with providing the needed numerical data to assess the working relationship between private security actors and the Ghana police service, and the perception the public hold about private security actors in the Country. The following major findings emerged; both the police and the private security have not complemented their patrol activities frequently; both public actors and police personnel see the importance in collaboration and complementing their activities together; the working relationship between the police and the private security actors was found to be  partially effective; there are inadequate platforms for both the police and the private security actors to complement their activities together to enhance their working relationship. To enhance effective coordination between private and public security actors, the study recommended that; Security officers should be appointed as members of the police reserve force, but their powers and duties should be limited to matters concerning their employers. Key Words: policing, constitutional mandate, security gap, complimentary roles, statutory institution

    An Assesesment of the Impact of Microfinance Schemes on Poverty Reduction among Women in Ghana

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    Microfinance schemes which provide financial services such as (micro) credit, insurance and savings to the poor have become popular tools in the fight against poverty in Ghana. The popular assumption is that enabling poor households with access to credit helps households begin small and medium scale business which would enable them improve their incomes and eventually escape poverty. The main objective of this research was to analyze microfinance schemes on household income as well as measure household vulnerability to poverty after access to microfinance. The study used qualitative and quantitative research methods and approaches in the collection and analysing data. The results indicate a positive and significant impact of microfinance on household income. The research therefore argues that there is a role played by microfinance institutions on the improvement of household incomes. The research also reasserts that providing affordable financial services to the rural population still remains to be an important component of development strategy. On the other hand the research emphasizes that there is need to come up with innovative microfinance schemes that are supportive of their own role in assets accumulation and wealth creation for their clients. This will involve innovative targeting of potential clients, as well as streamlined microfinance regulations to protect their clients. Key Words: Microfinance, Poverty, Financial products and services, Development Strateg

    Assessing The Implementation Challenges of the Procurment Act of Ghana: The Newmont Ghana Experience

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    The Public Procurement Act of 2003 was initiated to address the weaknesses which were impregnated in the Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PUFMARP). The goals of the Acts among others were to harmonise public procurement processes, practices, and secure judicious economic and efficient use of state funds and to possibly ensure that public procurement is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory. The research therefore assessed the challenges influencing the implementation of the Public Procurement ACT 663 and its Amended Act 914 on procurement practitioners, where the main variables included strategic planning, regulation enforcement and organizational culture. Through a survey research design, the study targeted procurement officers’and contractor bodies working with Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd. Convenience sampling technique was used to select a sample of 50 respondents. Interviews and questionnaires were used in the data collection. Quantitative data collection was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using Microsoft Excel and presented through frequencies and percentages. The findings revealed that 75% of the respondent believed that Newmont’s strategic plan has the relevant performance pillars. The study showed that 47.5% said the impact of regulation enforcement on Newmont’s procurement activities is moderate. The findings also revealed that 47.5% of the respondent strongly agreed on the issue that Newmont’s culture favors good procurement procedures.In conclusion, the outcome suggested that, the Public Procurement Act can be carried out effectively if the strategic plan, regulation enforcement and organizational culture support the procurement systems in place. On recommendation, the researcher observed that Procurement process should uphold integrity and ensure that there are no malpractices and there is informed decision-making

    The Correlation between Accounting Systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and Tax Revenue Assessment in Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the correlation between accounting systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and tax revenue assessment. The study was be based on descriptive research survey using questionnaires and interviews as main tools to gather both primary and secondary data to establish the correlation between sound financial record keeping by small /micro and tax revenue assessment. The study showed that most small and micro enterprises have registered with the Registrar General’s Department and that most of them have Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) generated by the Internal Revenue Service. The study further revealed that most small and micro enterprise owners do not have basic knowledge in bookkeeping. From the findings small and micro enterprises spend about half of all cash receipts on cash basis before they are put into bank accounts. Finally, it was established that most of the enterprises cooperate with tax authorities when tax officials come for tax inspection, assessment and collection. It is recommended that, the Internal Revenue Service should ensure effective communication, outreach, monitoring and education of small and micro enterprises on regular basis, to enable the service ensure tax compliance and enhance tax revenue mobilisation from the informal sector in Ghana. Small and micro enterprises should also be encouraged to set up Accounting systems using simple computer software that ensures prompt preparation of financial statements and reporting for tax assessment purposes

    The Correlation between Accounting Systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and Tax Revenue Assessment in Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the correlation between accounting systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and tax revenue assessment. The study was be based on descriptive research survey using questionnaires and interviews as main tools to gather both primary and secondary data to establish the correlation between sound financial record keeping by small /micro and tax revenue assessment. The study showed that most small and micro enterprises have registered with the Registrar General’s Department and that most of them have Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) generated by the Internal Revenue Service. The study further revealed that most small and micro enterprise owners do not have basic knowledge in bookkeeping. From the findings small and micro enterprises spend about half of all cash receipts on cash basis before they are put into bank accounts. Finally, it was established that most of the enterprises cooperate with tax authorities when tax officials come for tax inspection, assessment and collection. It is recommended that, the Internal Revenue Service should ensure effective communication, outreach, monitoring and education of small and micro enterprises on regular basis, to enable the service ensure tax compliance and enhance tax revenue mobilisation from the informal sector in Ghana. Small and micro enterprises should also be encouraged to set up Accounting systems using simple computer software that ensures prompt preparation of financial statements and reporting for tax assessment purposes