3 research outputs found

    Environmental Conservation And Disaster Management In Tanzania

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    This research paper considered critically, the concept of Environmental Conservation, conservation techniques, analysis of the remote causes of environmental disasters, environmental degradati011 and possible management principles for national development and poverty reduction. Development is a continuous process which builds upon previous. This anchors on preservation or conservation of existing facilities and infrastructure upon which national wealth has been invested. Protection of life and properties; is key to any responsible govemment and environnwnt is a vital issue too. Fire, flood, erosion, deforestation, greenhouse effects, ozone laver depletion and destruction of the ecosystem amongst others shall be considered vis a vis their effects on the environment and suggestions made ar. to how they can be effectively managed for national growth and poverty reduction. Conservation techniques of aforestation, creation of national reserves and town planning were also considered. The paper created a balance between natural and human dis~ster management as a means of environmental conservation towards national development and poverty reduction. Although the content of this paper are by no means exhaustive on this topic, they provides a bird's eye view of the principle concem in disaster management and the use of early warning systems'Jor disaster vulnerable areas, specifically in Tanzania

    Provision Of Affordable And Reliable Energy Data Bank

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    This paper focuses on the preparation of a data bank for alternative reliable and affordable source of energy. It has examined the energy ·needs of Tanzania and the alternative energy available from conventional sources ranging from Biomass, Solar, Nuclear and Wind respectively, which need to be exploited for the provision of affordable and reliable energy for national growth and poverty reduction in Tanzania. A typical Nigeria case was examined; data from different geographical zones were collected and critically analyzed to recommend a model for creating reliable and affordable :data bank for the provision of reliable and affordable energy in Tanzania. The management of existing capacity froin energy sources was examined, ways of improving the management was suggested and conservation of energy using energy saving devices was recommended

    Exploiting ICT For Accelerated Development In Tanzania

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    ICT plays a great role in nation building today. Its relevance in rural development cannot be overemphasized, owing to it's immerse contributions through the use of services made possible by new technological developments. A comprehensive analysis on the status of ICT in Tanzania was carried out; this analysis was done to ascertain the depth to which ICT has gone in the country. Factors hindering a progressive ICT in Tanzania were also studied, analyzed so as to proffer concrete solutions to them. Also highlighted in this research paper are the potential uses of ICT coupled with the role of ICT in human development and reduction of poverty which is the focal point of the research work. It was discovered at the end of the research, that though Tanzania has embraced ICT in most areas, some other areas still needs attention. The paper highlights among others the need for proper awareness on the relevant of ICT to human and economic development and also . ~he need for manpower development to ensure maximum exploitation of ICT in Tanzania