267 research outputs found

    Strategic Planning on the Local Level As a Factor of Rural Development in the Republic of Serbia

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    The policy of regional rural development has to be efficient. It must relay on so called Ć¢ā‚¬Å“good governanceĆ¢ā‚¬. But in last few decades the results on this segment in the republic of Serbia couldnā€™t be qualified as significant. So the primary objective of the paper is focused on how to reverse the process of continued impoverishment of the local rural areas and create conditions for social, cultural, economic and environmentally sustainable development based on local initiative. In order to meet this objective, an attempt is made to define systematic, continuous and cyclic approach of setting up priorities and policies as a basic tool for strategic action planning on a local level (LSAP). Decentralization of the state, strengthening of local municipalities and participation of citizens are three processes which had to be articulated and which through their validity has to gain strength and importance in republic of Serbia. The paper can provisionally be divided into two parts. The first part encompasses the importance of local strategic planning as well as justification of theoretical approaches while the second part gives the bases for methodology of strategic action planning on the local level formulation. In such approach two basic preconditions of LSAP could be specified: adequate institutional base i.e. strong participation of local community and its main stakeholders like local government, citizens, NGOā€™s and others; as well as high level of professional knowledge which builds local stakeholders ability of planning. Introducing of the regional rural approach on the local level is connected with development of LSAP in three basic sectors: institutional ā€“ civil society, infrastructural and economic. Local community must be aware what does LSAP mean, why it is so important, what preconditions are important in its development, how itā€™s structure look like, how it has to be developed, and how to stimulate local initiative, participation, transparency and democracy to reach sustainability.

    The Experience of a Frontier Man Who Weaves into His Historical Literary Production: the Links Between the Sixteenth and the Twentieth Century

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    This paper examines the parallels between two books: Il male viene dal Nord and Quando Dio uscƬ di chiesa by Fulvio Tomizza. Although the books appear quite distinct at first glance, one being a historical novel and the other prompting discussions among researchers regarding its literary genre, both share a common themeā€”the experiences of frontier individuals. These works portray Istrian Lutherans from the 16th century and are linked through the character of Koperā€™s bishop Vergerio. Vergeriā€™s life mirrors the plight of twentiethcentury Istrians who faced exile. The persecution, imprisonment, and forced exodus endured by Istrian Lutherans echo the trials faced by individuals like the narratorā€™s father in the 20th century, following the Second World War. Set in the Istrian peninsula, a place marked by conflicts between Latins, Slavs, and Germans according to Živko Nižić, the story captures the struggles of these groups. Tomizza, through his micro-history approach, pays homage to minority populations residing in border regions, illustrating the violence they endured across history. As a frontier man himself, Tomizza profoundly comprehends their suffering, skillfully weaving this experience into a tapestry of high-quality literature that has earned international acclaim

    Strategic Planning on the Local Level As a Factor of Rural Development in the Republic of Serbia

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    The policy of regional rural development has to be efficient. It must relay on so called "good governance". But in last few decades the results on this segment in the republic of Serbia couldn't be qualified as significant. So the primary objective of the paper is focused on how to reverse the process of continued impoverishment of the local rural areas and create conditions for social, cultural, economic and environmentally sustainable development based on local initiative. In order to meet this objective, an attempt is made to define systematic, continuous and cyclic approach of setting up priorities and policies as a basic tool for strategic action planning on a local level (LSAP). Decentralization of the state, strengthening of local municipalities and participation of citizens are three processes which had to be articulated and which through their validity has to gain strength and importance in republic of Serbia. The paper can provisionally be divided into two parts. The first part encompasses the importance of local strategic planning as well as justification of theoretical approaches while the second part gives the bases for methodology of strategic action planning on the local level formulation. In such approach two basic preconditions of LSAP could be specified: adequate institutional base i.e. strong participation of local community and its main stakeholders like local government, citizens, NGO's and others; as well as high level of professional knowledge which builds local stakeholders ability of planning. Introducing of the regional rural approach on the local level is connected with development of LSAP in three basic sectors: institutional ā€“ civil society, infrastructural and economic. Local community must be aware what does LSAP mean, why it is so important, what preconditions are important in its development, how it's structure look like, how it has to be developed, and how to stimulate local initiative, participation, transparency and democracy to reach sustainability

    ā€œDerviÅ” i smrtā€ MeÅ”e Selimovića i ā€œDrvo snovaā€ Fulvija Tomizze kao romani inspirirani osobnim iskustvima autora

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    Personal tragedies caused by historical and political reasons are well-known today thanks to studies of otherness. Although there are already studies that deal with the literary production of MeÅ”a Selimović and Fulvio Tomizza, there is no study that attempts to compare their literary works. The analysis begins with similarities in the biographies of the two authors. They were interested in communism, and both authors lost a family member to the regime. Selimović lost his brother, and Tomizza his father. These tragedies inspired ā€œDeath and the Dervishā€ and ā€œThe Tree of Dreamsā€. The two novels, which contain autobiographical experiences, are written in the first-person form of a diary and deal with the relationship between God and the narrator. We expect that a comparative approach between the novels will be useful for further research on the relationship between Italian and Slavic literature and culture.Zahvaljujući proučavanju drugotnosti, u danaÅ”nje su vrijeme poznate osobne tragedije uzrokovane povijesnim i političkim motivima. Ti su događaji u ā€žDrvu sanjaā€ Fulvija Tomizze i ā€žDerviÅ”u i smrtiā€ MeÅ”e Selimovića nadvladali značaj osobne tragedije te dobili univerzalnu pozornost i vrijednost, potkrepljenu nagradama koje su autori za svoja djela dobili. Iako već postoje članci i monografije koje se bave literarnim stvaralaÅ”tvom MeÅ”e Selimovića i Fulvija Tomizze, kao i rasprave o utjecajima istočno europskih autora na njihova djela, do sada nije bilo pokuÅ”aja usporedbe djela dvaju autora. Ovo je istraživanje započelo propitivanjem sličnosti dvaju autora. Obojica su pokazala određeno zanimanje za komunizam, ali su i izgubila člana obitelji upravo zbog njega. Selimović je izgubio brata, a Tomizza oca. Ove su tragedije nadahnula njihova djela ā€žDerviÅ” i smrtā€ te ā€žDrvo sanjaā€. ā€žDerviÅ” i smrtā€ djelo je nadahnuto Kuranom. Radnja romana smjeÅ”tena je u Bosni tijekom osmanske vladavine, u kojoj protagonist Ahmed Nurudin bezuspjeÅ”no pokuÅ”ava spasiti zatvorenoga brata. Brat biva ubijen, a vjera Ahmeda Nurudina poljuljana, dok sam roman zavrÅ”ava njegovom smrti. ā€žDrvo sanjaā€ nadahnuto je autobiografskim iskustvima Fulvija Tomizze. Pripovijeda o odlasku iz Istre u svrhu Å”kolovanja protagonista Stefana Marcovicha, njegovoj neprilagođenosti, jugoslavenskoj dominaciji nad Istrom te progonima, zatvaranjima i smrti oca koje će uslijediti. Djelo zavrÅ”ava dnevničkim zapisima u razdoblju od očeve smrti 1953. godine do 1968. godine kada se u snovitom prizoru protagonist miri s ocem. Dva romana pisana su memoarskoj formi i prvome licu te sadrže autobiografske elemente. Bolno iskustvo gubitka brata Tomizza i Selimović pretočili u svoje romane koji su ovjenčani nagradom. Tomizza, koji se komunističkih ideja odrekao te je optirao za Italiju, izravno piÅ”e o Drugome svjetskome ratu, dok Selimović radnju svoga romana smjeÅ”ta vrijeme osmanske vladavine Bosnom, budući da je njegov interes za komunizam možebitno utjecao na njegovu profesionalnu karijeru. U oba se romana može uočiti nečiji alter ego. Ahmed Nurudin može se interpretirati kao alter ego lokalnih vlasti, dok je Stefano Marcovich alter ego Fulvija Tomizze te oslikava povijest Istre nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata i istarski egzodus. Dva romana također pružaju mogućnost rasprave o drugotnosti. Ahmed Nurudin je Drugi naspram svijeta u koji se uklapa, dok je Marco Marcovich postao Drugi nasuprot novih vlasti, Å”to dovodi do njegovih progona, njegova uhićenja, egzila i smrti. U ā€žDerviÅ”u i smrtiā€ kuranske su poruke izmijenjene i zadobivaju pesimističan ton. Naime, Ahmed Nuridin izgubio je brata, vjeru, a potom i život, dok ā€žDrvo sanjaā€ ima biblijsko nadahnuće i moguća je usporedba protagonistova oca i Krista te usporedba hodočaŔća i istarskoga egzila. U Tomizzinu romanu otac i sin mire se u snu, dok je protekom vremena uspostavljen diplomatski odnos Talijanske Republike i bivÅ”e Jugoslavije, Å”to je poboljÅ”alo situaciju tadaÅ”njih istarskih ezula. Provedeno istraživanje, za koje se nada da će potaknuti daljnja propitivanja veza između talijanskoga i slavenskoga svijeta i kultura, ukazalo je na brojne sličnosti između romana ā€žDerviÅ” i smrtā€ MeÅ”e Selimovića i ā€žDrva sanjaā€ Fulvija Tomizze, romanima gdje su osobna bolna iskustva pretočena u nagrađene romane koja su zaprimila univerzalnu vrijednost te postala živi svjedoci događaja koji su uslijedili nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata

    A City as the Key to Interpreting a Novel by Alessandro Baricco

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    The aim of this paper is to present the term \u27city\u27 both as a constructive element and a key to interpreting the same-named novel. The paper is focused on the termā€™s etymology and contemporary definitions, and on the novelā€™s interpretations in the postmodern framework. In order to understand all the layers, the intertextual and intermedial theories are also important. Gould and his governess Shatzy Shell are the main characters of the novel. Gould is a teenager who has been recognized as a genius, which has brought him loneliness and desire to achieve success. That loneliness could be compared to some descriptions of postmodern cities, and on the other hand the cities could be compared to postmodern literature. The novelā€™s most important city is Closingtown ā€“ a city that does not appear on any map. It is a town in the West where the time has stopped. The town is compared to a fragmented postmodern literary work and this novel, as Baricco said, is a representation of what a city might be. A double postmodern language game is present in the novel. The first is related to the Closingtown as a Western city and Shatzyā€™s aspiration to write a western. The second is related to the comparison of the Closingtown and the postmodern text. Someone in the city has torn up time, which can be reflected in the fragmented narration, and it can be read that the citizens have a choice between leaving the town and patching time. The choice requires a dedicated reader who will deduct the story from the patchwork; as the citizens patch time, the dedicated reader finds a new patch of the overall story. These language games have a reflection on a game that uses physical strength and strategic approach ā€“ boxing. The interpretation game is also possible if we take into consideration intertextuality and intermediality that require a dedicated reader who is able to understand and enjoy all the segments that construct this complex novel

    Twenty years of Croatian tutoring in Trieste

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    Croatian teaching abroad is a special educational program of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. It includes a Croatian language and culture program. It is organized for school-aged children and descendants of Croatian citizens who temporary or permanently live in other countries. In the school year 2018/2019 Croatian education abroad recorded 101 teachers in 21 countries, with around 340 teaching spots attended by approximately 5,300 students. In the Italian Republic, this education is occurring in Rome, Como, Molise, Udine and surrounding areas, Trieste and Monfalcone. In 2019 Croatian tutoring in Trieste celebrated twenty years of its existence. It was established thanks to the Croatian Community of Trieste and the Croatian Consulate General, and all other persons related to the Consulate and Community, especially the Ministry of Science and Education. The Ministry recognized the importance of this effort and for 20 years has chosen teachers and entrusted them with the placement in the Croatian schools in Italy. This paper presents a framework of Croatian education abroad. It discusses the role of teachers and reasons why students attend classes and their expectations, including the experiences of good practices of teachers and their perspectives for the future. During twenty years of Croatian tutoring in Trieste the following teachers were employed: Vesna Piasevoli, Tatjana Barković, MaÅ”a Čiča, Olga Diklić, Ana Spindler, Ana Fonović and Diana Njegovan. These teachers have shared their knowledge and experience and motivated students. Along with this, they collaborated with the Croatian Community and the Croatian Consulate General in Trieste, and with the Ministry of Science and Education. The teachers organized projects and various activities to connect students and parents with the Croatian Community and their homeland. The teachers have engaged in good practices and they are the reason why existing collaborations are fostered and developed, and the experience grows. This paper is intended as a written trace of experience and commitment through two decades, to the present day. Its realization would not be possible without a collaboration with all the institutions and persons involved in the Croatian tutoring in Trieste. is paper unites all the collected materials and contributes to a mosaic of good practices, innovations and a process of growth and development

    Priority environmental investment programme: Development and implementation

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    This paper is created to serve as a methodological base and possible work plan for Assistance in Priority Environmental Investment Programme Development and Implementation in the Republic of Serbia. It will contribute to improved mechanisms for selection of priority environmental investments. Also, the paper should outline a scope of work for technical assistance for Republic of Serbia in developing mechanisms for identifying and selecting priority environmental investments. The main feature of the long-term environmental policy in the Republic of Serbia is absence of integrated approach, which goes hand by hand with the international environmental standards, and lack of efficient economic instruments and regulations. It causes an inadequate technology policy and location of the polluters. Besides that there has been a lack of appropriate environmental monitoring system good enough to provide efficient ex-ante and ex-post protection. It has caused a lot of environmental damages so that a completely new approach in the field of environment is expected to be created out of which the Priority Environmental Investment Programme (PEIP) should be a main tool for experience of good environmental governance in the Republic of Serbia as well as in the region of SEE

    Gender inequality in the Serbian labour market

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    Many positive changes have been implemented in Serbia since the beginning of the transition period, and while these improve the position of women in the labour market the main indicators still show significant gender differences. Women are the majority of the unemployed and there are significant differences between regions and districts, in fields of work, experience, and the length of time taken to find work. An analysis of trends in the labour market over the past decade shows a worsening of the position of women, with a lower participation in economic activity and employment, rising unemployment rates, and an increase in the average time to find work and the proportion of women in traditionally female occupations. Problems of gender inequality demand more attention in order to improve existing legislation and the implementation of economic policies in the labour market which will ensure higher participation of women with lower education, with special emphasis on increasing the motivation of these women to undergo continuing education and training

    Supporting local economic development by infrastructure debt financing in the Republic of Serbia

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    The main goal of this paper is to establish grounds for a more efficient development of local communities taking into consideration their entire former development characterized by a pronounced polarization and territorial inequality of development exhibited among them in extreme proportions. In view of the insufficient and inadequate decentralization performed without a specific concept in the past, the authors aim to analyze the state of the local infrastructure within the framework of territorial organization offered by the latest regulations, as well as estimate the goals set in the last couple of years by the support programs related to the development of local infrastructure provided by the international institutions. The authors have a similar goal in that sense to provide sufficient argumentation for a quality distribution of local infrastructure and, accordingly, more efficient local development as a prerequisite for a more uniform regional development, especially in rural areas
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