1,692 research outputs found

    Mean dimension and AH-algebras with diagonal maps

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    Mean dimension for AH-algebras is introduced. It is shown that if a simple unital AH-algebra with diagonal maps has mean dimension zero, then it has strict comparison on positive elements. In particular, the strict order on projections is determined by traces. Moreover, a lower bound of the mean dimension is given in term of comparison radius. Using classification results, if a simple unital AH-algebra with diagonal maps has mean dimension zero, it must be an AH-algebra without dimension growth. Two classes of AH-algebras are shown to have mean dimension zero: the class of AH-algebras with at most countably many extremal traces, and the class of AH-algebras with numbers of extreme traces which induce same state on the K0-group being uniformly bounded (in particular, this class includes AH-algebras with real rank zero)

    Lifting KK-elements, asymptotical unitary equivalence and classification of simple C*-algebras

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    Let AA and CC be two unital simple C*-algebas with tracial rank zero. Suppose that CC is amenable and satisfies the Universal Coefficient Theorem. Denote by KKe(C,A)++{{KK}}_e(C,A)^{++} the set of those ΞΊ\kappa for which ΞΊ(K0(C)+βˆ–{0})βŠ‚K0(A)+βˆ–{0}\kappa(K_0(C)_+\setminus\{0\})\subset K_0(A)_+\setminus\{0\} and ΞΊ([1C])=[1A]\kappa([1_C])=[1_A]. Suppose that κ∈KKe(C,A)++.\kappa\in {KK}_e(C,A)^{++}. We show that there is a unital monomorphism Ο•:Cβ†’A\phi: C\to A such that [Ο•]=ΞΊ.[\phi]=\kappa. Suppose that CC is a unital AH-algebra and Ξ»:T(A)β†’Tf(C)\lambda: \mathrm{T}(A)\to \mathrm{T}_{\mathtt{f}}(C) is a continuous affine map for which Ο„(ΞΊ([p]))=Ξ»(Ο„)(p)\tau(\kappa([p]))=\lambda(\tau)(p) for all projections pp in all matrix algebras of CC and any Ο„βˆˆT(A),\tau\in \mathrm{T}(A), where T(A)\mathrm{T}(A) is the simplex of tracial states of AA and Tf(C)\mathrm{T}_{\mathtt{f}}(C) is the convex set of faithful tracial states of C.C. We prove that there is a unital monomorphism Ο•:Cβ†’A\phi: C\to A such that Ο•\phi induces both ΞΊ\kappa and Ξ».\lambda. Suppose that h:Cβ†’Ah: C\to A is a unital monomorphism and \gamma \in \mathrm{Hom}(\Kone(C), \aff(A)). We show that there exists a unital monomorphism Ο•:Cβ†’A\phi: C\to A such that [Ο•]=[h][\phi]=[h] in KK(C,A),{KK}(C,A), Ο„βˆ˜Ο•=Ο„βˆ˜h\tau\circ \phi=\tau\circ h for all tracial states Ο„\tau and the associated rotation map can be given by Ξ³.\gamma. Applications to classification of simple C*-algebras are also given.Comment: The new version made a correction and removed a number of typo

    Homomorphisms into a simple Z-stable C*-Algebras

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    Let AA and BB be unital separable simple amenable \CA s which satisfy the Universal Coefficient Theorem. Suppose {that} AA and BB are Z\mathcal Z-stable and are of rationally tracial rank no more than one. We prove the following: Suppose that Ο•,ψ:Aβ†’B\phi, \psi: A\to B are unital {monomorphisms}. There exists a sequence of unitaries {un}βŠ‚B\{u_n\}\subset B such that \lim_{n\to\infty} u_n^*\phi(a) u_n=\psi(a)\tforal a\in A, if and only if [\phi]=[\psi]\,\,\,\text{in}\,\,\, KL(A,B), \phi_{\sharp}=\psi_{\sharp}\andeqn\phi^{\ddag}=\psi^{\ddag}, where \phi_{\sharp}, \psi_{\sharp}: \aff(T(A))\to \aff(T(B)) and ϕ‑,Οˆβ€‘:U(A)/CU(A)β†’U(B)/CU(B)\phi^{\ddag}, \psi^{\ddag}: U(A)/CU(A)\to U(B)/CU(B) are {the} induced maps and where T(A)T(A) and T(B)T(B) are tracial state spaces of AA and B,B, and CU(A)CU(A) and CU(B)CU(B) are closure of {commutator} subgroups of unitary groups of AA and B,B, respectively. We also show that this holds for some AH-algebras A.A. {Moreover, if κ∈KL(A,B)\kappa\in KL(A,B) preserves the order and the identity, \lambda: \aff(\tr(A))\to \aff(\tr(B)) is a continuous affine map and Ξ³:U(A)/CU(A)β†’U(B)/CU(B)\gamma: U(A)/CU(A)\to U(B)/CU(B) is a \hm\, which are compatible, we also show that there is a unital \hm\, Ο•:Aβ†’B\phi: A\to B so that ([Ο•],Ο•β™―,ϕ‑)=(ΞΊ,Ξ»,Ξ³),([\phi],\phi_{\sharp},\phi^{\ddag})=(\kappa, \lambda, \gamma), at least in the case that K1(A)K_1(A) is a free group,Comment: The revision improves the original result. It is now 47 page

    Asymptotic unitary equivalence in Cβˆ—C^*-algebras

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    Let C=C(X)C=C(X) be the unital Cβˆ—C^*-algebra of all continuous functions on a finite CW complex XX and let AA be a unital simple Cβˆ—C^*-algebra with tracial rank at most one. We show that two unital monomorphisms Ο•,ψ:Cβ†’A\phi, \psi: C\to A are asymptotically unitarily equivalent, i.e., there exists a continuous path of unitaries {ut:t∈[0,1)}βŠ‚A\{u_t: t\in [0,1)\}\subset A such that lim⁑tβ†’1utβˆ—Ο•(f)ut=ψ(f)forall∈C(X), \lim_{t\to 1} u_t^*\phi(f)u_t=\psi(f) {\rm for all} \in C(X), if and only if \beq [\phi]&=&[\psi] {\rm in} KK(C, A), \tau\circ \phi&=&\tau\circ \psi {\rm for all} \tau\in T(A), and \phi^{\dag}&=&\psi^{\dag}, \eneq where T(A)T(A) is the simplex of tracial states of AA and ϕ†,Οˆβ€ :U(M∞(C))/DU(M∞(C))β†’\phi^{\dag}, \psi^{\dag}: U(M_{\infty}(C))/DU(M_{\infty}(C))\to U(M∞(A))/DU(M∞(A))U(M_{\infty}(A))/DU(M_{\infty}(A)) are induced homomorphisms and where U(M∞(A))U(M_{\infty}(A)) and U(M∞(C))U(M_{\infty}(C)) are groups of union of unitary groups of Mk(A)M_k(A) and Mk(C)M_k(C) for all integer kβ‰₯1,k\ge 1, DU(M∞(A))DU(M_{\infty}(A)) and DU(M∞(C))DU(M_{\infty}(C)) are commutator subgroups of U(M∞(A))U(M_{\infty}(A)) and U(M∞(C)),U(M_{\infty}(C)), respectively. We actually prove a more general result for the case that CC is any general unital AH-algebra

    The C*-algebra of a minimal homeomorphism of zero mean dimension

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    Let XX be an infinite compact metrizable space, and let Οƒ:Xβ†’X\sigma: X\to X be a minimal homeomorphism. Suppose that (X,Οƒ)(X, \sigma) has zero mean topological dimension. The associated C*-algebra A=C(X)β‹ŠΟƒZA=\mathrm{C}(X)\rtimes_\sigma\mathbb Z is shown to absorb the Jiang-Su algebra Z\mathcal Z tensorially, i.e., Aβ‰…AβŠ—ZA\cong A\otimes\mathcal Z. This implies that AA is classifiable when (X,Οƒ)(X, \sigma) is uniquely ergodic. Moreover, without any assumption on the mean dimension, it is shown that AβŠ—AA\otimes A always absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra.Comment: Typos are correcte

    On the classification of simple amenable C*-algebras with finite decomposition rank

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    Let AA be a unital simple separable C*-algebra satisfying the UCT. Assume that dr(A)<+∞\mathrm{dr}(A)<+\infty, AA is Jiang-Su stable, and K0(A)βŠ—Qβ‰…Q\mathrm{K}_0(A)\otimes \mathbb{Q}\cong \mathbb{Q}. Then AA is an ASH algebra (indeed, AA is a rationally AH algebra).Comment: 10 pages; Part I of arXiv:1507.03437; To appear in "Operator Algebras and their Applications: A Tribute to Richard V. Kadison", Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I., 201

    Classification of finite simple amenable Z{\cal Z}-stable Cβˆ—C^*-algebras

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    We present a classification theorem for a class of unital simple separable amenable Z{\cal Z}-stable Cβˆ—C^*-algebras by the Elliott invariant. This class of simple Cβˆ—C^*-algebras exhausts all possible Elliott invariant for unital stably finite simple separable amenable Z{\cal Z}-stable Cβˆ—C^*-algebras. Moreover, it contains all unital simple separable amenable Cβˆ—C^*-alegbras which satisfy the UCT and have finite rational tracial rank.Comment: 272 pages. This revision has 283 page

    Z\mathcal Z-stability of C(X)β‹ŠΞ“\mathrm{C}(X)\rtimes\Gamma

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    Let (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma) be a free and minimal topological dynamical system, where XX is a separable compact Hausdorff space and Ξ“\Gamma is a countable infinite discrete amenable group. It is shown that if (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma) has the Uniform Rokhlin Property and Cuntz comparison of open sets, then mdim(X,Ξ“)=0\mathrm{mdim}(X, \Gamma)=0 implies that (C(X)β‹ŠΞ“)βŠ—Zβ‰…C(X)β‹ŠΞ“(\mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes\Gamma)\otimes\mathcal Z \cong \mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes\Gamma, where mdim\mathrm{mdim} is the mean dimension and Z\mathcal Z is the Jiang-Su algebra. In particular, in this case, mdim(X,Ξ“)=0\mathrm{mdim}(X, \Gamma)=0 implies that the C*-algebra C(X)β‹ŠΞ“\mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes\Gamma is classified by the Elliott invariant

    Comparison radius and mean topological dimension: Rokhlin property, comparison of open sets, and subhomogeneous C*-algebras

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    Let (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma) be a free minimal dynamical system, where XX is a compact separable Hausdorff space and Ξ“\Gamma is a discrete amenable group. It is shown that, if (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma) has a version of Rokhlin property (uniform Rokhlin property) and if C(X)β‹ŠΞ“\mathrm{C}(X)\rtimes\Gamma has a Cuntz comparison on open sets, then the comparison radius of the crossed product C*-algebra C(X)β‹ŠΞ“\mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes \Gamma is at most half of the mean topological dimension of (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma). These two conditions are shown to be satisfied if Ξ“=Z\Gamma = \mathbb Z or if (X,Ξ“)(X, \Gamma) is an extension of a free Cantor system and Ξ“\Gamma has subexponential growth. The main tools being used are Cuntz comparison of diagonal elements of a subhomogeneous C*-algebra and small subgroupoids

    Comparison radius and mean topological dimension: Zd\mathbb{Z}^d-actions

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    Consider a minimal free topological dynamical system (X,T,Zd)(X, T, \mathbb{Z}^d). It is shown that the comparison radius of the crossed product C*-algebra C(X)β‹ŠZd\mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes \mathbb{Z}^d is at most the half of the mean topological dimension of (X,T,Zd)(X, T, \mathbb{Z}^d). As a consequence, the C*-algebra C(X)β‹ŠZd\mathrm{C}(X) \rtimes \mathbb{Z}^d is classifiable if (X,T,Zd)(X, T, \mathbb{Z}^d) has zero mean dimension
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