130 research outputs found

    Optimal Discrete Spatial Compression for Beamspace Massive MIMO Signals

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    Deploying massive number of antennas at the base station side can boost the cellular system performance dramatically. Meanwhile, it however involves significant additional radio-frequency (RF) front-end complexity, hardware cost and power consumption. To address this issue, the beamspace-multiple-input-multiple-output (beamspace-MIMO) based approach is considered as a promising solution. In this paper, we first show that the traditional beamspace-MIMO suffers from spatial power leakage and imperfect channel statistics estimation. A beam combination module is hence proposed, which consists of a small number (compared with the number of antenna elements) of low-resolution (possibly one-bit) digital (discrete) phase shifters after the beamspace transformation to further compress the beamspace signal dimensionality, such that the number of RF chains can be reduced beyond beamspace transformation and beam selection. The optimum discrete beam combination weights for the uplink are obtained based on the branch-and-bound (BB) approach. The key to the BB-based solution is to solve the embodied sub-problem, whose solution is derived in a closed-form. Based on the solution, a sequential greedy beam combination scheme with linear-complexity (w.r.t. the number of beams in the beamspace) is proposed. Link-level simulation results based on realistic channel models and long-term-evolution (LTE) parameters are presented which show that the proposed schemes can reduce the number of RF chains by up to 25%25\% with a one-bit digital phase-shifter-network.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Proces

    Joint User Scheduling and Beam Selection Optimization for Beam-Based Massive MIMO Downlinks

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    In beam-based massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, signals are processed spatially in the radio-frequency (RF) front-end and thereby the number of RF chains can be reduced to save hardware cost, power consumptions and pilot overhead. Most existing work focuses on how to select, or design analog beams to achieve performance close to full digital systems. However, since beams are strongly correlated (directed) to certain users, the selection of beams and scheduling of users should be jointly considered. In this paper, we formulate the joint user scheduling and beam selection problem based on the Lyapunov-drift optimization framework and obtain the optimal scheduling policy in a closed-form. For reduced overhead and computational cost, the proposed scheduling schemes are based only upon statistical channel state information. Towards this end, asymptotic expressions of the downlink broadcast channel capacity are derived. To address the weighted sum rate maximization problem in the Lyapunov optimization, an algorithm based on block coordinated update is proposed and proved to converge to the optimum of the relaxed problem. To further reduce the complexity, an incremental greedy scheduling algorithm is also proposed, whose performance is proved to be bounded within a constant multiplicative factor. Simulation results based on widely-used spatial channel models are given. It is shown that the proposed schemes are close to optimal, and outperform several state-of-the-art schemes.Comment: Submitted to Trans. Wireless Commu

    Task Replication for Deadline-Constrained Vehicular Cloud Computing: Optimal Policy, Performance Analysis and Implications on Road Traffic

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    In vehicular cloud computing (VCC) systems, the computational resources of moving vehicles are exploited and managed by infrastructures, e.g., roadside units, to provide computational services. The offloading of computational tasks and collection of results rely on successful transmissions between vehicles and infrastructures during encounters. In this paper, we investigate how to provide timely computational services in VCC systems. In particular, we seek to minimize the deadline violation probability given a set of tasks to be executed in vehicular clouds. Due to the uncertainty of vehicle movements, the task replication methodology is leveraged which allows one task to be executed by several vehicles, and thus trading computational resources for delay reduction. The optimal task replication policy is of key interest. We first formulate the problem as a finite-horizon sampled-time Markov decision problem and obtain the optimal policy by value iterations. To conquer the complexity issue, we propose the balanced-task-assignment (BETA) policy which is proved optimal and has a clear structure: it always assigns the task with the minimum number of replicas. Moreover, a tight closed-form performance upper bound for the BETA policy is derived, which indicates that the deadline violation probability follows the Rayleigh distribution approximately. Applying the vehicle speed-density relationship in the traffic flow theory, we find that vehicle mobility benefits VCC systems more compared with road traffic systems, by showing that the optimum vehicle speed to minimize the deadline violation probability is larger than the critical vehicle speed in traffic theory which maximizes traffic flow efficiency.Comment: accepted by Internet of Things Journa

    Can Decentralized Status Update Achieve Universally Near-Optimal Age-of-Information in Wireless Multiaccess Channels?

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    In an Internet-of-Things system where status data are collected from sensors and actuators for time-critical applications, the freshness of data is vital and can be quantified by the recently proposed age-of-information (AoI) metric. In this paper, we first consider a general scenario where multiple terminals share a common channel to transmit or receive randomly generated status packets. The optimal scheduling problem to minimize AoI is formulated as a restless multi-armed bandit problem. To solve the problem efficiently, we derive the Whittle's index in closed-form and establish the indexability thereof. Compared with existing work, we extend the index policy for AoI optimization to incorporate stochastic packet arrivals and optimal packet management (buffering the latest packet). Inspired by the index policy which has near-optimal performance but is centralized by nature, a decentralized status update scheme, i.e., the index-prioritized random access policy (IPRA), is further proposed, achieving universally near-optimal AoI performance and outperforming state-of-the-arts in the literature.Comment: Submitted to ITC 30, 201

    Optimal Sleeping Mechanism for Multiple Servers with MMPP-Based Bursty Traffic Arrival

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    An important fundamental problem in green communications and networking is the operation of servers (routers or base stations) with sleeping mechanism to optimize energy-delay tradeoffs. This problem is very challenging when considering realistic bursty, non-Poisson traffic. We prove for the first time the optimal structure of such a sleep mechanism for multiple servers when the arrival of jobs is modeled by a bursty Markov-modulated Poisson process (MMPP). It is shown that the optimal operation, which determines the number of active (or sleeping) servers dynamically, is hysteretic and monotone, and hence it is a queue-threshold-based policy. This work settles a conjecture in the literature that the optimal sleeping mechanism for a single server with interrupted Poisson arrival process, which can be treated as a special case of MMPP, is queue-threshold-based. The exact thresholds are given by numerically solving the Markov decision process.Comment: Submitted to IEEE WC

    Exploiting Moving Intelligence: Delay-Optimized Computation Offloading in Vehicular Fog Networks

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    Future vehicles will have rich computing resources to support autonomous driving and be connected by wireless technologies. Vehicular fog networks (VeFN) have thus emerged to enable computing resource sharing via computation task offloading, providing wide range of fog applications. However, the high mobility of vehicles makes it hard to guarantee the delay that accounts for both communication and computation throughout the whole task offloading procedure. In this article, we first review the state-of-the-art of task offloading in VeFN, and argue that mobility is not only an obstacle for timely computing in VeFN, but can also benefit the delay performance. We then identify machine learning and coded computing as key enabling technologies to address and exploit mobility in VeFN. Case studies are provided to illustrate how to adapt learning algorithms to fit for the dynamic environment in VeFN, and how to exploit the mobility with opportunistic computation offloading and task replication.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by IEEE Communications Magazin

    How Often Should CSI be Updated for Massive MIMO Systems with Massive Connectivity?

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems need to support massive connectivity for the application of the Internet of things (IoT). The overhead of channel state information (CSI) acquisition becomes a bottleneck in the system performance due to the increasing number of users. An intermittent estimation scheme is proposed to ease the burden of channel estimation and maximize the sum capacity. In the scheme, we exploit the temporal correlation of MIMO channels and analyze the influence of the age of CSI on the downlink transmission rate using linear precoders. We show the CSI updating interval should follow a quasi-periodic distribution and reach a trade-off between the accuracy of CSI estimation and the overhead of CSI acquisition by optimizing the CSI updating frequency of each user. Numerical results show that the proposed intermittent scheme provides significant capacity gains over the conventional continuous estimation scheme.Comment: To appear in GLOBECOM 201

    Achievable Rates of FDD Massive MIMO Systems with Spatial Channel Correlation

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    It is well known that the performance of frequency-division-duplex (FDD) massive MIMO systems with i.i.d. channels is disappointing compared with that of time-division-duplex (TDD) systems, due to the prohibitively large overhead for acquiring channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). In this paper, we investigate the achievable rates of FDD massive MIMO systems with spatially correlated channels, considering the CSIT acquisition dimensionality loss, the imperfection of CSIT and the regularized-zero-forcing linear precoder. The achievable rates are optimized by judiciously designing the downlink channel training sequences and user CSIT feedback codebooks, exploiting the multiuser spatial channel correlation. We compare our achievable rates with TDD massive MIMO systems, i.i.d. FDD systems, and the joint spatial division and multiplexing (JSDM) scheme, by deriving the deterministic equivalents of the achievable rates, based on popular channel models. It is shown that, based on the proposed eigenspace channel estimation schemes, the rate-gap between FDD systems and TDD systems is significantly narrowed, even approached under moderate number of base station antennas. Compared to the JSDM scheme, our proposal achieves dimensionality-reduction channel estimation without channel pre-projection, and higher throughput for moderate number of antennas and moderate to large channel coherence time, though at higher computational complexity

    Elastic Local Breakout Strategy and Implementation for Delay-Sensitive Packets with Local Significance

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    Explosion of mobile traffic will bring a heavy burden to the core network, and rapid growth of mobile devices, as well as increasing demand for delay-sensitive services poses severe challenges to future wireless communication systems. In this regard, local breakout is a promising solution to save core network load and, more importantly, to reduce end-to-end (e2e) delay of packets with local significance. However, the capacity of local breakout link is limited, resulting in excessive delay when the traffic load through the local link is high. Therefore, the decision on whether the traffic flows should be transmitted through core network or by local breakout link has great practical significance. In this paper, we propose and implement a novel local breakout framework to deliver low e2e delay packets with local significance. A real-time local breakout rule based on the solution to a Markov decision process is given, showing that some packets with local significance should pass through core network rather than being delivered by local breakout link to meet the delay requirements. To test our proposed framework, a long-term-evolution (LTE) based test-bed with virtual base stations is implemented, by which we show the proposed framework is feasible and the e2e delay is significantly reduced.Comment: To to presented in WCSP 201

    Dynamic Channel Acquisition in MU-MIMO

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    Multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems are known to be hindered by dimensionality loss due to channel state information (CSI) acquisition overhead. In this paper, we investigate user-scheduling in MU-MIMO systems on account of CSI acquisition overhead, where a base station dynamically acquires user channels to avoid choking the system with CSI overhead. The genie-aided optimization problem (GAP) is first formulated to maximize the Lyapunov-drift every scheduling step, incorporating user queue information and taking channel fluctuations into consideration. The scheduling scheme based on GAP, namely the GAP-rule, is proved to be throughput-optimal but practically infeasible, and thus serves as a performance bound. In view of the implementation overhead and delay unfairness of the GAP-rule, the T-frame dynamic channel acquisition scheme and the power-law DCA scheme are further proposed to mitigate the implementation overhead and delay unfairness, respectively. Both schemes are based on the GAP-rule and proved throughput-optimal. To make the schemes practically feasible, we then propose the heuristic schemes, queue-based quantized-block-length user scheduling scheme (QQS), T-frame QQS, and power-law QQS, which are the practical versions of the aforementioned GAP-based schemes, respectively. The QQS-based schemes substantially decrease the complexity, and also perform fairly close to the optimum. Numerical results evaluate the proposed schemes under various system parameters.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. Commu
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