13 research outputs found

    ICT adoption and diffusion in the construction industry of a developing economy: The case of the sultanate of Oman

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    The government of the Sultanate of Oman has launched a long-term development strategy, the ‘Oman Vision 2020’ plan, which focuses on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the fundamental establishment of a knowledge economy. However, the Omani construction sector, in particular, is lagging behind this vision. There are a number of limitations and barriers to the effective development of the industry, and a considerable gap exists between the modus operandi of the construction sectors in developed economies and that in Oman. This study aims to develop an in-depth and evidenced understanding of the structure, current practices, limitations and barriers, as well as specific characteristics of construction in Oman. The results reveal a number of socio-cultural and regulatory barriers reflected in a lack of (i) ICT strategic thinking in the surveyed organizations hindered by short-term cost and profit concerns and (ii) awareness, training and education programmes

    E-readiness in construction: an incongruous paradigm of variables

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    The construction industry has witnessed unprecedented levels of technological change over the last 10 years in particular, the corollary of which has required key decision makers to fundamentally re-think the way they: (a) have undertaken business in the past; (b) are currently doing business at the moment; and, (c) will need to change their business practices in order to compete in the future. This research attempts to understand this trichotomy, with a specific emphasis on understanding key decision makers' perception of e-readiness within the context of the construction industry. Research findings highlighted the importance of People, Process and Technology, along with five core enablers that are deemed priority areas for operationalisation. The rubrics for managing these dependences are also discussed in the context of future leveraging opportunities. This research reports the significant importance of ICT to capture, store and reuse knowledge in the organisational and demonstrates the need for the organisation to be e-ready