21 research outputs found

    Machine learning based modelling for estimation of the fundamental time period of precast concrete structures using computer programming

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    This research investigated the capability of machine learning approaches to evaluate the fundamental time period (FTP) of precast concrete structures. Data set consisting of 288 models with shear wall and beam-column frame structures. The 288 models were analysed using Etabs software and Rstudio.  Input parameters consisted of the height of the building, number of bays, length and breadth of the building, cracked or uncracked section, number of storeys and frame type on the FTP of precast concrete structures. Out of 288 models, for testing 108 arbitrary selected models were used and the remaining 180 models were used for training. Linear (LRF), polynomial (PLF) and radial basis (RBF) kernel functions were used for machine learning approach i.e support vector machines (SVM) and gaussian process (GPR). Evaluation of results suggests that linear function-based support vector machines performed well as compared to gaussian process regression. The accuracy of the machine learning approaches was verified through comparison with the available equations to evaluate the FTP in literature.&nbsp

    A comparative study of efficacy of letrozole and clomiphene citrate for ovulation induction

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    Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of letrozole as an ovulation inducing agent and to compare it with clomiphene citrate (CC) in infertile women.Methods: This study includes 100 women referred to gynecology OPD of Pt. B.D Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak with   infertility due to dysovulation. The patients were divided in two groups each comprised of 50 patients, Alternate women were enrolled in study group (Letrozole). Ultrasonic follicular monitoring was done on day 10, 12, 14, 16 of menstrual cycle to measure the number, size of mature follicles. Endometrial thickness and trilaminar pattern of endometrium was compared in between the groups. Inj. Gonadotrophin (hCG) was given as a trigger intramuscularly when follicle size was between 18 to 21mm. After 36 hours of hCG administration ovulation was confirmed on ultrasound.Results: Mean age, parity, and the duration of infertility were similar in both groups. Ovulation rate was 81.6% in letrozole group and was higher than control group(p<.01). The average number of follicles in the control group was 1.90±0.77and 1.17±0.47 in the study group(p<.001). Endometrial thickness in the study group was 7.55±1.12mm and in the control group it was 6.06±0.87(p<.01). Pregnancy rate in study group was 48 % and control group 16%(p<.05).Conclusions: Aromatase inhibitors (Letrozole) is a new group of drugs to join the arsenal of infertility treatments. The result of this preliminary study suggests that letrozole is associated with higher ovulation rate, higher endometrial thickness and trilaminar pattern thus resulting in higher pregnancy rate. Clomiphene citrate may be replaced by letrozole as primary treatment for ovulation induction in infertile patients

    Comparative study of transperineal and transvaginal sonography for localization of placenta in antepartum haermorrhage

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    Background: Haemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in world in pregnant patients.Patients with antepartum haemorrhage confirmation of location of placenta by sonography is must for management. Transvaginal sonography(TVS) has main disadvantage of need of penetration of vagina and  provoking vaginal haemorrhage It can also result in uterine contraction & requirement of special transducer. Transperineal sonography(TPS) is more convenient and safer means of imaging the cervix and lower uterine segment overcoming the short coming of transabdominal sonography and eliminating the risk associated with Transvaginal sonography.  Thus present study was undertaken with a view to evulate patients of antepartum haemorrhage by Transvaginal as well as by transperineal sonography to compare accuracy of transperineal with Transvaginal sonography.Methods: Transvaginal probe was gently introduced for about 3-4 cm beyond the introitus. Distance between internal os and lower edge of placenta was measured. The diagnosis of placenta previa was made if placental edge was located within 5cm of internal os. Transperineal sonography was performed with convex transducer. Bladder was kept empty The transducer was positioned directly on perineum in sagittal orientation over the labia minora with center of transducer typically posterior to urethra and anterior to vaginal orifice and measurement taken.Results: TPS diagnosed placenta previa in 31 cases, 30 of which had placenta previa. TPS  negated placenta previa in 19 cases, none of which had placenta previa. So false positive rate of TPS was found to 4.7%, false negative 0% sensitivity 100% specificity 95.2%. Positive predictive value of TPS was found to be 96.7% and negative predictive value of TVS was found to be 100%.Conclusions: So, to conclude transperineal sonography is easy to perform, well tolerated accurate diagnostic tool with high sensitivity specificity, positive and negative predictive values for localisation of placenta cases of APH. TVS can be replaced by TPS in cases of APH for localisation of placenta

    A prospective study of maternal outcome in antepartum haemorrhage in tertiary care center in northern India

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    Background: Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) is a grave obstetrical emergency. It is leading cause of maternal death. Aim of the present study was to see maternal outcome patient with APH.Methods: It was a prospective study carried out over a period of one year on 100 women admitted with the diagnosis of APH at Pt. B.D Sharma medical college, Rohtak, Haryana, India, a tertiary care center. 100 patients with antenatal hemorrhage were studied prospectively. History was taken regarding age, hemoglobin status, blood unit given, ultrasound done to note type of placenta, distance of placenta from Os noted, third stage and delayed complication recorded.Results: 40.7% patients of placenta previa had immediate LSCS. 44.4% patients of placenta previa delayed LSCS was done after expectant management. 61.76% of patients of abruptio placentae had immediate vaginal delivery. 16% had atonic postpartum haemorrhage as third stage complication. One patient lynch sutures were applied. In 2 cases bilateral internal iliac artery ligation was done. In 3 cases bilateral uterine artery ligation done to control PPH. 71% patients of APH had postpartum anemia as delayed complication.Conclusions: The single most important factor in reducing maternal mortality has been the increase use of caesarean delivery in cases of abruptio placentae. Anemia is the most common cause of maternal morbidity (80%) associated with APH in the present study

    Connection Design of Precast Concrete Structures Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    In this research, the number of dowels (horizontal connection) has been determined using support vector machines (SVM), gradient boosting and artificial neural networks (ANN-Multilayer perceptron). Building height, length and thickness of the wall, maximum shear, maximum compressive force and maximum tension were the input parameters while the output parameter was the number of dowels. 1140 machine learning models were used, out of which 814 were used as training datasets and 326 as test datasets. A coefficient of correlation of 0.9264, root mean square error of 0.3677 and scattering Index of 4.75 % was achieved by SVM radial basis kernel function (SVM-RBF) as compared to a coefficient of correlation of 0.9232, root mean square error of 0.3743 and scattering Index of 4.83 % by resilient ANN-Multilayer perceptron, suggesting that SVM-RBF is more accurate in estimating the number of dowels. The study's encouraging findings highlight the need for additional research into the use of machine learning in civil engineering


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    Objective: Ribes glaciale Wall. is used in folk medicine by the locals of North West Himalayas, Uttarakhand, India, but its pharmacological potentials are not well studied. This work evaluates antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of the extract of Ribes glaciale Wall.Methods: Antioxidant activity was assessed by studying free radical scavenging ability, total antioxidant capacity, ferrous ion chelation and reducing power of the extracts. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity was assessed by carrageenan induced rat paw edema and acetic acid induced writhing model respectively.Results: The methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of Ribes glaciale Wall. Consists considerable amount of total phenolic and flavonoid contents. The ethyl acetate extract was potent in scavenging DPPH free radical (IC50 55.7 μg/ml) while methanolic extract demonstrated higher ability to scavenge ABTS free radical (TEAC 11802.2). Methanolic extract exhibited higher ferrous ion chelation activity (61% at 400 µg/ml). The ethyl acetate extract demonstrated superior reducing power and total antioxidant capacity. The methanolic extract was evaluated for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Administration of methanolic extract of Ribes glaciale exhibited dose dependent inhibition of paw edema induced by carrageenan and also showed significant reduction in number of acetic acid induced abdominal writhing.Conclusion: The study revealed antioxidant potential of methanolic and ethyl acetate extract of Ribes glaciale Wall. The methanolic extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity and indicate the need for its further phytochemical evaluation.Â

    Intelligent Cyber Security Framework Based on SC-AJSO Feature Selection and HT-RLSTM Attack Detection

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    Cyber security is identified as an emerging concern for information technology management in business and society, owing to swift advances in telecommunication and wireless technologies. Cyberspace security has had a tremendous impact on numerous crucial infrastructures. Along with current security status data, historical data should be acquired by the system to implement the latest cyber security defense and protection. It also makes intelligent decisions that can provide adaptive security management and control. An intelligent cyber security framework using Hyperparameter Tuning based on Regularized Long Short-Term Memory (HT-RLSTM) technique was developed in this work to elevate the security level of core system assets. To detect various attacks, the proposed framework was trained and tested on the collection of data. Owing to missing values, poor scaling, imbalanced and overlapped data, the data was primarily incomplete and inconsistent. To elevate the decision making for detecting attacks, the inconsistent or unstructured data issue was addressed. The missing values were handled by this work along with scaling performance using the developed Kernelized Robust Scaler (KRS). Using the developed Random Over Sample-Based Density-Based Spatial Clustering Associated with Noise (ROS-DBSCAN), the imbalanced and overlapped data were handled, which was followed by the relevant feature selection of data utilizing the Sine Cosine-Based Artificial Jellyfish Search Optimization (SC-AJSO) technique. The data were split under the provision of Stratified K-Fold cross-validation along being trained in the proposed HT-RLSTM. The experimental analysis depicted that better accuracy was attained in detecting attacks by the proposed work for different datasets. When analogized with prevailing state-of-the-art methods, a low false detection rate, as well as computation time, was attained by the proposed scheme

    Intelligent Cyber Security Framework Based on SC-AJSO Feature Selection and HT-RLSTM Attack Detection

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    Cyber security is identified as an emerging concern for information technology management in business and society, owing to swift advances in telecommunication and wireless technologies. Cyberspace security has had a tremendous impact on numerous crucial infrastructures. Along with current security status data, historical data should be acquired by the system to implement the latest cyber security defense and protection. It also makes intelligent decisions that can provide adaptive security management and control. An intelligent cyber security framework using Hyperparameter Tuning based on Regularized Long Short-Term Memory (HT-RLSTM) technique was developed in this work to elevate the security level of core system assets. To detect various attacks, the proposed framework was trained and tested on the collection of data. Owing to missing values, poor scaling, imbalanced and overlapped data, the data was primarily incomplete and inconsistent. To elevate the decision making for detecting attacks, the inconsistent or unstructured data issue was addressed. The missing values were handled by this work along with scaling performance using the developed Kernelized Robust Scaler (KRS). Using the developed Random Over Sample-Based Density-Based Spatial Clustering Associated with Noise (ROS-DBSCAN), the imbalanced and overlapped data were handled, which was followed by the relevant feature selection of data utilizing the Sine Cosine-Based Artificial Jellyfish Search Optimization (SC-AJSO) technique. The data were split under the provision of Stratified K-Fold cross-validation along being trained in the proposed HT-RLSTM. The experimental analysis depicted that better accuracy was attained in detecting attacks by the proposed work for different datasets. When analogized with prevailing state-of-the-art methods, a low false detection rate, as well as computation time, was attained by the proposed scheme

    Comparative study of transperineal and transvaginal sonography for localization of placenta in antepartum haermorrhage

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    Background: Haemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in world in pregnant patients.Patients with antepartum haemorrhage confirmation of location of placenta by sonography is must for management. Transvaginal sonography(TVS) has main disadvantage of need of penetration of vagina and  provoking vaginal haemorrhage It can also result in uterine contraction &amp; requirement of special transducer. Transperineal sonography(TPS) is more convenient and safer means of imaging the cervix and lower uterine segment overcoming the short coming of transabdominal sonography and eliminating the risk associated with Transvaginal sonography.  Thus present study was undertaken with a view to evulate patients of antepartum haemorrhage by Transvaginal as well as by transperineal sonography to compare accuracy of transperineal with Transvaginal sonography.Methods: Transvaginal probe was gently introduced for about 3-4 cm beyond the introitus. Distance between internal os and lower edge of placenta was measured. The diagnosis of placenta previa was made if placental edge was located within 5cm of internal os. Transperineal sonography was performed with convex transducer. Bladder was kept empty The transducer was positioned directly on perineum in sagittal orientation over the labia minora with center of transducer typically posterior to urethra and anterior to vaginal orifice and measurement taken.Results: TPS diagnosed placenta previa in 31 cases, 30 of which had placenta previa. TPS  negated placenta previa in 19 cases, none of which had placenta previa. So false positive rate of TPS was found to 4.7%, false negative 0% sensitivity 100% specificity 95.2%. Positive predictive value of TPS was found to be 96.7% and negative predictive value of TVS was found to be 100%.Conclusions: So, to conclude transperineal sonography is easy to perform, well tolerated accurate diagnostic tool with high sensitivity specificity, positive and negative predictive values for localisation of placenta cases of APH. TVS can be replaced by TPS in cases of APH for localisation of placenta

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableHaemonchosis is considered as the most severe gastrointestinal helminthosis of camels which may be associated with clinical disease and can be fatal. This nematode occurs in the abomasum of the infected camels sucking blood from the mucosal vessels leading to haemorrhagic anaemia, a characteristic feature of the disease (EL Hassan cf ¢J, 2011). Likewise, coccidiosis may be seen in camel calves with symptoms like diarrhoea, dysentery, dehydration, rough hair coat and anaemia (Parsani cf ¢Z, 2008). Among gastrointestinal protozoan parasites, infection of fi.77icr3.a spp. is a major problem in camels. The present study is the first description of a case where in the pathology of concurrent coccidiosis and hemonchosis infection has been studied in a dromedary camel calf.Not Availabl