7 research outputs found
A Research on a New Science Curriculum Development Based on ‘Nature Of Science’ Ⅲ : Reconstruction of a Coherence Science Curriculum from Elementary School to Upper Secondary School
以上の実践より,科学の本質を初等・中等教育で一貫して教えるためには,これまでの実践の視点の変容に基づく教師による授業方略の在り方や投げ込み的教材を使用する教師の意図が,いかに重要であるかを示唆している。This study develops a new science curriculum for elementary to upper secondary schools which include the concept of the “Nature of Science”. We examined possible content to build a systematic framework for mentioned above science education. The practice at junior high school shows that teachers should be familiar with scholarly knowledge, knowledge to be taught by the policy makers and teachers, and taught knowledge which students understand through learning along with the students’ ages and contexts. The teacher’s behavior in argumentation by pupils is also important. The practice at elementary school shows that perceptions of the crucial distinction between inference and observation lead students to write good reports. These practices exemplify that teaching Nature of Science consistently to elementary and lower secondary students should largely depend on the teachers’ methods of instruction and what material they develop from a new viewpoint
The Case Study of the Instructional Method to Develop Scientific Competencies in Junior High School Science : Focus on “the ability to using scientific evidence”
The purpose in this study was inventing an instructional method to develop “scientific competencies” through a unit for junior high school students. And the instructional method focus on “the ability to using scientific evidence” in “scientific competencies”. In this method, students will do the following four leaning activities in the unit of “Changes in biological and animal life”. First, they will lead conclusion which based on scientific evidence. Second, they will evaluate the conclusion of others and self. In order to investigate effectiveness of the method, we conducted a class which 41 junior high school students. Based on their writings on questionnaires and worksheets for class, we conclude that our method can improve their ability to evaluate the conclusion of others and self, which is a part of “the ability to using scientific evidence”
Modes of presentation of acute myocardial infarction
本研究は,中学校・高等学校におけるグローバル人材育成の観点を,世界で活躍する科学者である長沼の体験をもとに明確化し,生徒に提示する教材を開発することで,科学技術創造立国を目指すわが国の科学者育成という課題に取り組むことを目指す。長沼の講義を中心として,グローバル化の本質について生徒の興味や意欲を喚起する教材を開発し,実践を行った結果,生徒に一定の効果があったことが確かめられた。This study designs a class that educates the next generation of Japanese scientists in support of the development of an advanced science-and-technology-oriented nation. Therefore, the authors first explain the perspective of global human resource development required in junior and senior high school by describing the experiences of Dr. Naganuma, a scientist playing an active role in the world. Then, we describe designing teaching materials using Dr. Naganuma’s lecture to stimulate students’ interest in and attraction to the nature of globalization. Results found that the class using these teaching materials had the desired effects on many of the students
New science curriculum development based on the “Nature of Science” II : Reconstruction of a coherent science curriculum from elementary through upper-secondary schools
実践の試行を通して,小学校理科において科学の本質を教えることは可能であることが明らかとなった。高等学校では,科学の本質を取り入れたナラティブと日常生活の文脈を活用することによって,生徒は授業の目標に到達することが明らかになった。教師は,どのような授業方略と話題を用いるか,そして,科学の本質を教えるに当たってどのような実験を含む活動を行わせればよいかを検討する必要があると言えよう。This study develops a new science curriculum for students from elementary through secondary schools, which includes the concept of the “Nature of Science” (NoS). In the second year, we explored what the NoS is and how we could design a new curriculum including its ideas. We performed and conducted two empirical studies in elementary science classes and three empirical studies in upper secondary classes. Through discussion and empirical research, we found that it is possible to include the NoS in the teaching contents for elementary school science. The narrative story of the NoS and daily life context helped upper-secondary school students to understand lessons’ objectives. It can be said that science teachers need to consider what kind of teaching strategies and topics to employ and how students’ practical work should be conducted when incorporating the NoS into teaching