3,101 research outputs found

    Phase Diagram of a 2D Vertex Model

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    Phase diagram of a symmetric vertex model which allows 7 vertex configurations is obtained by use of the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG), which is a variant of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). The critical indices of this model are identified as β=1/8\beta = 1/8 and α=0\alpha = 0.Comment: 2 pages, 5 figures, short not

    Stochastic Light-Cone CTMRG: a new DMRG approach to stochastic models

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    We develop a new variant of the recently introduced stochastic transfer-matrix DMRG which we call stochastic light-cone corner-transfer-matrix DMRG (LCTMRG). It is a numerical method to compute dynamic properties of one-dimensional stochastic processes. As suggested by its name, the LCTMRG is a modification of the corner-transfer-matrix DMRG (CTMRG), adjusted by an additional causality argument. As an example, two reaction-diffusion models, the diffusion-annihilation process and the branch-fusion process, are studied and compared to exact data and Monte-Carlo simulations to estimate the capability and accuracy of the new method. The number of possible Trotter steps of more than 10^5 shows a considerable improvement to the old stochastic TMRG algorithm.Comment: 15 pages, uses IOP styl

    Critical Point of a Symmetric Vertex Model

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    We study a symmetric vertex model, that allows 10 vertex configurations, by use of the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG), a variant of DMRG. The model has a critical point that belongs to the Ising universality class.Comment: 2 pages, 6 figures, short not

    Simple Two-Dimensional Model for the Elastic Origin of Cooperativity among Spin States of Spin-Crossover Complexes

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    We study the origin of the cooperative nature of spin crossover (SC) between low spin (LS) and high spin (HS) states from the view point of elastic interactions among molecules. As the size of each molecule changes depending on its spin state, the elastic interaction among the lattice distortions provides the cooperative interaction of the spin states. We develop a simple model of SC with intra and intermolecular potentials which accounts for the elastic interaction including the effect of the inhomogeneity of the spin states, and apply constant temperature molecular dynamics based on the Nos\'e-Hoover formalism. We demonstrate that, with increase of the strength of the intermolecular interactions, the temperature dependence of the HS component changes from a gradual crossover to a first-order transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Phase Transition of the Ising model on a Hyperbolic Lattice

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    The matrix product structure is considered on a regular lattice in the hyperbolic plane. The phase transition of the Ising model is observed on the hyperbolic (5,4)(5, 4) lattice by means of the corner-transfer-matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method. Calculated correlation length is always finite even at the transition temperature, where mean-field like behavior is observed. The entanglement entropy is also always finite.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group Method Applied to the Ising Model on the Hyperbolic Plane

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    Critical behavior of the Ising model is investigated at the center of large scale finite size systems, where the lattice is represented as the tiling of pentagons. The system is on the hyperbolic plane, and the recursive structure of the lattice makes it possible to apply the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method. From the calculated nearest neighbor spin correlation function and the spontaneous magnetization, it is concluded that the phase transition of this model is mean-field like. One parameter deformation of the corner Hamiltonian on the hyperbolic plane is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Application of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method to a Non-Equilibrium Problem

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    We apply the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to a non-equilibrium problem: the asymmetric exclusion process in one dimension. We study the stationary state of the process to calculate the particle density profile (one-point function). We show that, even with a small number of retained bases, the DMRG calculation is in excellent agreement with the exact solution obtained by the matrix-product-ansatz approach.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX (using jpsj.sty), 4 non-embedded figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp