2 research outputs found
p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Regulates Vasoconstriction in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Author
- De Nucci G Thomas R, D&rsquo
- Dessy C Kim I, Sougnez CL, Laporte
- Epstein AM Throckmorton D, Brophy
- Franklin MT Wang CL, Adam LP
- Horowitz A Menice CB, Laporte R, M
- Kim B Kim J, Bae YM, et al
- Kwon SC Lee WJ, Fang LH, Kim B, Ah
- Lewis TS Shapiro PS, Ahn NG
- Mathew V Hasdai D, Lerman A
- Nishimura J Moreland S, Ahn HY, Ka
- Nixon GF Iizuka K, Haystead CMM, H
- Pang D.C., Johns, A., Patterson, K
- Walsh MP
- Weber LP Van Lierop JE, Walsh MP
- Yamboliev IA Hedges JC, Mutnick JL
- Yanagisawa M Kurihara H, Kimura S,
- Zubkov AY Rollins KS, Parent AD, Z
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Pharmacological Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Dependence of Ca2+-Induced Contraction on ATP in α-Toxin-Permeabilized Preparations of Rat Femoral Artery
- Author
- Arner A Hellstrand P
- Clark JF Khuchua Z, Boehm E, Ventura-Clapier R
- Gerthoffer WT Gunst SJ
- Gerthoffer WT Murphey KA, Mangini J, Boman S, Lattanzio FA Jr
- Horiuti K
- Horowitz A Menice CB, Laporte R, Morgan KG
- Iino M
- Ishihara H., Martin, B.L., Brautigan, D.L., Karaki, H., Ozaki, H., Kato, Y., Fusetani, N., Watabe, S., Hashimoto, K., Uemura, D., and Hartshorne, D.J.
- Itoh T Kanmura Y, Kuriyama H
- Kitazawa T Somlyo AP
- Kitazawa T., Kobayashi, S., Horiuti, K., Somlyo, A.V. and Somlyo, A.P.
- Kobayashi S Kitazawa T, Somlyo AV and Somlyo AP
- Li L Eto M, Lee MR, Morita F, Yazawa M, Kitazawa T
- Nishimura J Moreland S, Ahn HY, Kawase T, Moreland RS, Van Breemen C
- Ohtsuki I Manzi RM, Palade GE, Jamieson JD
- Pfitzer G
- Saiag B Milon D, Allain H, Rault B, Van den Driessche J
- Saitoh M Ishikawa T, Matsushima S, Naka M and Hidaka H
- Trinkle-Mulcahy L Siegman MJ, Butler TM
- Ventura-Clapier R Saks VA, Vassort G, Lauer C, Elizarova GV
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Pharmacological Society'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study