41 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning of haploid germ cell-specific tektin cDNA and analysis of the protein in mouse testis

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    AbstractTektins are a class of proteins that form filamentous polymers in the walls of ciliary and flagellar microtubules. We report here the molecular cloning of a new member of the tektin family, tektin-t, identified from a mouse haploid germ cell-specific cDNA library. Tektin-t mRNA encodes a protein of 430 deduced amino acids possessing RSNVELCRD, the conserved sequence of tektin family proteins. Western blotting showed a single band having a molecular weight of 86 kDa in the mouse testis. Immunohistochemistry of the testis showed that tektin-t is localized in the flagella of elongating spermatids from developmental step 15 to maturity

    cAMP-responsive element in TATA-less core promoter is essential for haploid-specific gene expression in mouse testis

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    Promoters, including neither TATA box nor initiator, have been frequently found in testicular germ cell-specific genes in mice. These investigations imply that unique forms of the polymerase II transcription initiation machinery play a role in selective activation of germ cell-specific gene expression programs during spermatogenesis. However, there is little information about testis-specific core promoters, because useful germ cell culture system is not available. In this study, we characterize the regulatory region of the haploid-specific Oxct2b gene in detail by using in vivo transient transfection assay in combination with a transgenic approach, with electrophoretic mobility shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. Expression studies using mutant constructs demonstrate that a 34 bp region, which extends from −49 to −16, acts as a core promoter in an orientation-dependent manner. This promoter region includes the cAMP-responsive element (CRE)-like sequence TGACGCAG, but contains no other motifs, such as a TATA box or initiator. The CRE-like element is indispensable for the core promoter activity, but not for activator in testicular germ cells, through the binding of a testis-specific CRE modulator transcription factor. These results indicate the presence of alternative transcriptional initiation machinery for cell-type-specific gene expression in testicular germ cells

    OAZ-t/OAZ3 Is Essential for Rigid Connection of Sperm Tails to Heads in Mouse

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    Polyamines are known to play important roles in the proliferation and differentiation of many types of cells. Although considerable amounts of polyamines are synthesized and stored in the testes, their roles remain unknown. Ornithine decarboxylase antizymes (OAZs) control the intracellular concentration of polyamines in a feedback manner. OAZ1 and OAZ2 are expressed ubiquitously, whereas OAZ-t/OAZ3 is expressed specifically in germline cells during spermiogenesis. OAZ-t reportedly binds to ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and inactivates ODC activity. In a prior study, polyamines were capable of inducing a frameshift at the frameshift sequence of OAZ-t mRNA, resulting in the translation of OAZ-t. To investigate the physiological role of OAZ-t, we generated OAZ-t–disrupted mutant mice. Homozygous OAZ-t mutant males were infertile, although the polyamine concentrations of epididymides and testes were normal in these mice, and females were fertile. Sperm were successfully recovered from the epididymides of the mutant mice, but the heads and tails of the sperm cells were easily separated in culture medium during incubation. Results indicated that OAZ-t is essential for the formation of a rigid junction between the head and tail during spermatogenesis. The detached tails and heads were alive, and most of the headless tails showed straight forward movement. Although the tailless sperm failed to acrosome-react, the heads were capable of fertilizing eggs via intracytoplasmic sperm injection. OAZ-t likely plays a key role in haploid germ cell differentiation via the local concentration of polyamines

    Analysis of Ser/Thr Kinase HASPIN-Interacting Proteins in the Spermatids

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    HASPIN is predominantly expressed in spermatids, and plays an important role in cell division in somatic and meiotic cells through histone H3 phosphorylation. The literature published to date has suggested that HASPIN may play multiple roles in cells. Here, 10 gene products from the mouse testis cDNA library that interact with HASPIN were isolated using the two-hybrid system. Among them, CENPJ/CPAP, KPNA6/importin alpha 6, and C1QBP/HABP1 were analyzed in detail for their interactions with HASPIN, with HASPIN phosphorylated C1QBP as the substrate. The results indicated that HASPIN is involved in spermatogenesis through the phosphorylation of C1QBP in spermatids, and also may be involved in the formation of centrosomes