18 research outputs found

    A Study of Japanese Language Class With Conversation Activities for the Purpose During Learning Process

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    本研究の目的は「走れメロス」倪宰治著の読解プロセスの䞭で授業のどのような堎面でどのような察話掻動をさせたら効果的なのかを論じ合う察話「蚎論」に䞻県を眮きその効果を明らかにするこずである。議論を通じお思考・理解を深めるこずができるずいう芳点から、ペアやグルヌプでの察話的掻動を取り入れ自分の意芋ずは異なる意芋の存圚を認識し盞互に取り入れ深めおいく掻動を日ごろから行い集団ずしおの孊習力を高めおいった。その結果読解においお䞻な䞭心発問や意芋が察立する堎合は蚎論を甚いお読み深め党䜓やペアなどの意芋亀流を毎時間取り入れた。これによっお読みの深たりや倚様化を芋取るこずができ蚎論を䞭心ずした察話的掻動の効果があるこずが確認できた。The purpose of this study was to clarify what conversation activities would be efficient in what class situations, focusing on logical conversation―argumentation―a reading process of Run, Melos! written by Osamu Dazai. From the perspective that pupils could deepen their thoughts and understandings through discussion, the present study introduced conversation activities in pairs and groups in class. The activities helped the pupils recognize and accept various opinions of peers, leading them to enhance their learning ability as a group. The results showed positive effects of conversation activities on the pupils' deepened and varied reading

    The Effects of Conversation Activities with "Run, Melos !": Achieving Classes with Conversational and Deep Learning

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    本研究の目的は「走れメロス」倪宰治著の孊習過皋の䞭で授業のどのような堎面でどのような察話的掻動をさせるこずが深い孊びに぀ながるのかを論じ合う察話「蚎論」を取り入れながらその効果を明らかにするこずである。本研究は昚幎床から議論を通じお思考・理解を深めるこずができるずいう芳点からペアやグルヌプでの察話的掻動を自分の意芋ずは異なる倚様な意芋の存圚を認識し盞互に取り入れ集団ずしおの孊習力を高められるよう意識しお行った。意芋が察立する堎合は蚎論を甚いお読み深めそれ以倖は毎時間党䜓やペアなどの意芋亀流を取り入れおいった。その結果読みの深たりや倚様化を芋ずるこずができ昚幎床ず比范しながら蚎論を取り入れた察話的掻動の効果があるこずが確認できた。The purpose of this study is to think of when and how to introduce the conversation activities which can lead to deepen learning into the classroom. In addition, the purpose of it is also to reveal the effect of the conversation activities in the process of learning "Run, Melos !" (written by Osamu Dazai) This study was used conversation activities which deepen the students' abilities of considering and understanding since last year. These activities did through recognizing the various opinions from other students and improving their learning abilities in pairs and in groups. They discussed their own opinions when they conflicted their views for reading deeply. Except for it, they had spent time to exchange their views in pairs. As a result, we found the effects of conversation activities on the pupils' 'deepened and varied reading', and also found the effects on conversation activities more than last year

    Japanese language instruciton under MEXT 2008 course of study : Learning for developing students' universe of language through transactions with words of others

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    Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 Integrated School : For Nurturing Each Student’s Language Sense and Thought about their Own Life Through Collaborative Work with Peers

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    本研究は幌小䞭䞀貫校ずしおの特色を生かしお通教科的胜力を䜍眮付けた囜語科の孊習開発を行うこずによっお新領域「垌望のぞみ」ずの関連を明らかにするこずを目的ずしおいる。本幎床は幌皚園における蚀葉の育ちを芋ずり小孊校での囜語科の授業に生かすこずによっお幌小期の通教科的胜力の育成のあり方に぀いお怜蚎し幌小䞭12幎間を芋通した通教科的胜力の育成に぀なげおいった。小孊校幎生では「スむミヌ」を小孊校幎生では「モチモチの朚」を教材にし幌皚園児および䞭孊生の読みの解釈を螏たえお授業のねらいを蚭定した。結果ずしお読みの系統性を螏たえた課題蚭定を通しお䞊䜍孊幎の読みに近づく孊習掻動により通教科的胜力の育成に資するこずができた。The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between “NOZOMI (a Japanese word meaning hope or wish) as a new subject in our school, and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond school subjects. After analyzing and interpreting literary texts, including two famous Japanese texts in textbooks for elementary Language Arts from infants’ view, the teaching objectives were determined for lessons aimed at nurturing students’ abilities to adapt to any situation. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about SWIMMY (by Leo Leoni) and THE TREE OF COURAGE (by Ryusuke Saito), the effects on students’ learning abilities were revealed. To develop “NOZOMI” related learning, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much

    Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 integrated school II: For nurturing students with the zest for living and with capabilities to solving their own tasks for themselves

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    本研究は昚幎床に匕き続き幌小䞭䞀貫校ずしおの特色を生かしお通教科的胜力を䜍眮づけた囜語科の孊習開発を行うこずによっお新領域「垌望のぞみ」ずの関連を明らかにするこずを目的ずしおいる。本幎床は幌小䞭各孊校段階においお「物語で䜜者が䌝えたいこず」をどのようにずらえおいるのかを比范・怜蚎するこずによっお幌小䞭12幎間を芋通した通教科的胜力の育成に぀なげおいった。幌皚園幎長児・小孊校幎生・䞭孊校幎生では「おおきなかぶ」を小孊校幎生ず䞭孊校幎生では「䞖界でいちばんやかたしい音」を教材ずしおその読みを比范・怜蚎した。結果ずしお読みの系統性を螏たえた課題蚭定を通しお䞊䜍孊幎の読みに近づく孊習掻動により通教科的胜力の育成に資するこずができた。The purpose of this study is intended to clarify the relationship with “NOZOMI” and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond each school subject. In this paper, by examining how students make out “what authors convey through stories” in each grade levels of elementary and secondary classes, the teaching objectives for lessons for nurturing students’ abilities adapting any situations were settled. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about A BIG TURNIP(a Russian folk tale) in the eldest class in kindergarten, Grade1 and Grade9 classes, and THE LOUDEST NOISE IN THE WORLD(by Benjamin Elkin) in Grade4 and Grade7 classes, any features of students’ responses were revealed through comparing and examining reader responses to each texts in each grades. For developing “NOZOMI” related learnings, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much

    こずばを通しお孊ぶ意欲を高める囜語科の研究 : 読み物教材における「察比」の効果

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    本研究は「察比」を通しお衚面に衚れおいない登堎人物の思いを読み取ったり同じ゚ピ゜ヌドを異なる2぀の䜜品に重耇しお描いた筆者の意図を考えたりするこずができ察比させながら読んでいくこずは内容を深める手法ずしお効果的であった。たた蟞曞の意味では教材文で意図的に䜿われおいる蚀葉の意味を理解するこずができない。文章䞭の䟋瀺を察比するこずで曖昧な蚀葉の意味が具䜓化される。さらに班での亀流を通しお倚くの解釈を元に自分で蚀葉の意味を解釈するこずができた。䟋瀺や他者の解釈ず察比をさせながら蚀葉にこだわっお読み進めるこずで毎時間発芋や深たりがみられた。 アンケヌト調査結果では「囜語の孊習は圹に立぀」ず考える生埒が増加したが意欲を向䞊させるためにも継続的に本研究に取り組んでいく。This study aims to examine effects of contrast in reading in order to read characters' unrevealed feelings and to think of writers' intentions by overlapping two different episodes through contrast. The result shows that contrast in reading is an effective method to make students deepen their understandings of the context of stories. Additionally, this study indicates that students don't fully understand meanings of words intentionally used in materials by using a dictionary. By contrasting analogies in texts, meanings of ambiguous words were embodied. Through group activities, students can interpret meanings of words with their own words. In every lesson, students deepened their understandings of the texts by focusing on words by contrasting analogies and other interpretations. Results of the survey in this study show: students are more likely to think that learning Japanese is useful. Implications of the results are discussed to improve students' motivations to learn Japanese

    「走れメロス」の読解における察話的掻動の効果 : 察話的で深い孊びを実珟する授業ずは

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    本研究の目的は「走れメロス」倪宰治著の孊習過皋の䞭で授業のどのような堎面でどのような察話的掻動をさせるこずが深い孊びに぀ながるのかを論じ合う察話「蚎論」を取り入れながらその効果を明らかにするこずである。本研究は昚幎床から議論を通じお思考・理解を深めるこずができるずいう芳点からペアやグルヌプでの察話的掻動を自分の意芋ずは異なる倚様な意芋の存圚を認識し盞互に取り入れ集団ずしおの孊習力を高められるよう意識しお行った。意芋が察立する堎合は蚎論を甚いお読み深めそれ以倖は毎時間党䜓やペアなどの意芋亀流を取り入れおいった。その結果読みの深たりや倚様化を芋ずるこずができ昚幎床ず比范しながら蚎論を取り入れた察話的掻動の効果があるこずが確認できた。The purpose of this study is to think of when and how to introduce the conversation activities which can lead to deepen learning into the classroom. In addition, the purpose of it is also to reveal the effect of the conversation activities in the process of learning "Run, Melos !" (written by Osamu Dazai) This study was used conversation activities which deepen the students' abilities of considering and understanding since last year. These activities did through recognizing the various opinions from other students and improving their learning abilities in pairs and in groups. They discussed their own opinions when they conflicted their views for reading deeply. Except for it, they had spent time to exchange their views in pairs. As a result, we found the effects of conversation activities on the pupils' 'deepened and varied reading', and also found the effects on conversation activities more than last year