26 research outputs found

    Antibacterial and qualitative phytochemical analysis of Giloy extract for application of herbal finish on cotton fabric

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    The current study was planned to prepare antibacterial finish for grey cotton fabric using Giloy stem extract for healthcare applications. The selected grey cotton fabric was pretreated prior to application of the extract. For the extraction of the herb, maceration process was employed and the solution prepared was further subjected to soxhlet extraction to congeal the extract. Giloy extract was assessed for its phytochemical and antibacterial properties, to find out the bioactive components responsible for such activity. The application of the extract was carried out on pretreated cotton fabric using exhaust and pad dry cure methods (5 g/L). The treated fabric was assessed for its efficacy against the selected bacterium (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) using AATCC-100 Test method employing Agar well diffusion method. It is discernible from the results of the study that there was good antibacterial activity of Giloy stem extract treated fabric against Pseudomonas aeruginosa which was determined on the basis of zone of inhibition. It was also found that the finish nearly retained upto ten wash cycles and can be used for medical purposes

    Energy from Waste: Poterioochromonas malhamensis Used for Managing Dairy Effluent and Producing Valuable Microalgal Lipid

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    Currently, microalgae have become a marvelous and resource-friendly alternative source of advantageous bioproducts, such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, or other bioactive compounds. Because of the richness of microalgae in these high-value-added metabolites, still, it is an underdeveloped source of sustainable energy and food. There are some hurdles to profitable production, such as culture contamination and costly harvesting techniques. In the current work, a chrysophyte was isolated from dairy wastewater, identified as Poterioochromonas malhamensis based on its morphology and partial 18S rRNA gene sequences. This isolate was used to remediate dairy waste water (DWW) and to obtain neutral lipids (fatty acids) from microalgae. Microalgal growth was optimized by using different concentrations of DWW, supplemented with all the nutritive requirements for better progression and flourishment. Maximum biomass yield 1.478 g L−1 was achieved by optimized cultural conditions (different concentrations of DWW with BBM media). This strain showed high nitrate and phosphate removal efficiency (87.45% and 88.96%), respectively in 15 days. The experimental results highlighted that the lipid content and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal were 31.60% and 88.84%, respectively, and the lipid profile of isolated microalga was C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, and C18:2 fatty acids. For growth and treatment purposes, 75% DWW with Bold’s Basal Medium (BBM) media showed better results. This is the first report of DWW treatment using the microalga Poterioochromonas malhamensis, as far as we are aware. Its cultivation prevented the spread of pollution of freshwater sources, remedied the DWW, and generated important lipids for industry

    Chitosan- hypothalamic hormonal analogue nanoconjugates enhanced the reproductive performance in Indian major carp, Labeo rohita

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    The current study reports the potential of chitosan nanoparticles for the efficient delivery of hypothalamic hormonal analogue in Labeo rohita, aiming to improve reproductive performance. Here salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (sGnRH-a) was conjugated with chitosan nanoparticles (ChN-sGnRH-a) to evaluate its efficiency in enhancing the reproductive gene expression, hormones as well as the overall reproductive output in L. rohita. A total of 54 pairs of brooders were selected and divided into six treatments viz; C0: Negative Control (fish injected with bare chitosan nanoparticles), C: Positive Control (fish injected with Gonopro-FHÂź, a commercially available inducing hormone, at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg body weight of fish), T1: fish injected with ChN-sGnRH-a at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg, T2: T1 + 10 mg/ml domperidone, T3: fish injected with ChN-sGnRH-a at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg, T4: T3 + 10 mg/ml domperidone. In T2 and T4 treatments, serum hormones, Testosterone (T); Estradiol (E2); Vitellogenin (Vtg); and 17α, 20ÎČ-dihydroxyprogesterone (17α, 20ÎČ-DHP) showed the sustained elevation. The means of reproductive traits like fecundity, fertilization rate, pseudo-gonadosomatic index and spawning rate were significantly (P<0.05) higher in T2 treatment, while no significant difference was found between C and T4 treatment. The mRNA expression level of follicle-stimulating hormone (fshÎČ), luteinizing hormone (lhÎČ) and their cognate receptors was significantly better in T2 treatment, while no significant difference was found between T4 and C treatments. Further, the histological analysis of ovaries showed increased post-ovulatory follicles in C, T2 and T4 treatments. The results indicate that ChN-sGnRH-a could help in reducing the recommended dose of sGnRH-a without affecting the reproductive performance in L. rohita females. The sustained releasing mechanism of this formulation may be used as an induced breeding strategy in female L. rohita broodstock

    The Qur’an’s Message on Spirituality and Martyrdom: A Literary and Rhetorical Analysis

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    Is the Qur’an a spiritual text that links human existence to divine benevolence? Or does the Qur’an advocate martyrdom and justify violence against non-believers? This debate acquired new urgency with the rise of terrorism perpetrated in the name of Islam in the later decades of the twentieth century. On the one hand, the Qur’an provides spiritual guidance to millions of Muslims around the world. On the other, Islamic terrorist organizations draw inspiration from the Qur’an. Some Western experts also cite Qur’anic passages as supporting violence and terrorism. This paper interprets the Qur’an in the tradition of Arab scholars of the early medieval period (eighth century CE) who began al-balāgha, a study of literary devices used in the rhetorical expression of the Qur’an. The paper analyzes how literary and rhetorical elements in the Qur’an have shaped its message on man’s relationship with the divine, as well as two key theological concepts in Islam: requital and final judgment. The paper demonstrates how an appreciation of the Qur’an’s literary and rhetorical elements is critical to understanding its spiritual message, as well as its stance on violence and martyrdom


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    The Matrix Converter stands as an alternative in power conversion by directly connecting input terminals with output through bidirectional switches. It has low higher order harmonics as well as no sub-harmonics. Different modulation methods are available for matrix converter like space vector modulation method.  Direct and indirect space vector modulation methods are chosen here for the analysis of switching patterns of a three phase matrix converter.  Here, the effectiveness of two modulation methods is simulated in Matlab environment

    Dual degree branched type-2 fuzzy controller optimized with a hybrid algorithm for frequency regulation in a triple-area power system integrated with renewable sources

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    Abstract The uncertainties associated with multi-area power systems comprising both thermal and distributed renewable generation (DRG) sources such as solar and wind necessitate the use of an efficient load frequency control (LFC) technique. Therefore, a hybrid version of two metaheuristic algorithms (arithmetic optimization and African vulture's optimization algorithm) is developed. It is called the ‘arithmetic optimized African vulture's optimization algorithm (AOAVOA)’. This algorithm is used to tune a novel type-2 fuzzy-based proportional–derivative branched with dual degree-of-freedom proportional–integral–derivative controller for the LFC of a three-area hybrid deregulated power system. Thermal, electric vehicle (EV), and DRG sources (including a solar panel and a wind turbine system) are connected in area-1. Area-2 involves thermal and gas-generating units (GUs), while thermal and geothermal units are linked in area-3. Practical restrictions such as thermo-boiler dynamics, thermal-governor dead-band, and generation rate constraints are also considered. The proposed LFC method is compared to other controllers and optimizers to demonstrate its superiority in rejecting step and random load disturbances. By functioning as energy storage elements, EVs and DRG units can enhance dynamic responses during peak demand. As a result, the effect of the aforementioned units on dynamic reactions is also investigated. To validate its effectiveness, the closed-loop system is subjected to robust stability analysis and is compared to various existing control schemes from the literature. It is determined that the suggested AOAVOA improves fitness by 40.20% over the arithmetic optimizer (AO), while frequency regulation is improved by 4.55% over an AO-tuned type-2 fuzzy-based branched controller

    Quercetin, a Lead Compound against Type 2 Diabetes Ameliorates Glucose Uptake via AMPK Pathway in Skeletal Muscle Cell Line

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    Herein we investigated the molecular mechanism of action of the citrus flavonoid, quercetin in skeletal muscle cells (L6 myotubes). Taking advantage of protein kinase inhibitors, we proved that the effect of quercetin on 2-NBDG uptake in L6 myotubes was not through insulin signaling pathway, but through adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) pathway and its downstream target p38 MAPK. An increase in the cellular AMP to ATP ratio on pretreatment may account for AMPK activation which was coupled with a transient change in mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition, quercetin triggered a rise in intracellular calcium suggesting that calcium-calmodulin mediated protein kinase (CaMKK) may also be involved. Quercetin shared a similar mechanism with the well-known drug metformin, highlighting it as a promising compound for the management of type 2 diabetes. The AMPK signaling pathway could contribute to correction of insulin resistance through bypassing the insulin-regulated system for GLUT4 translocation

    Hsp60D-A novel modifier of polyglutamine-mediated neurodegeneration in Drosophila

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    Background: Several dominant neurodegenerative disorders result from alleles carrying expanded stretch of polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts in the encoded proteins, which become toxic and form insoluble cytoplasmic and/or nuclear aggregates or "inclusion bodies" in the affected neuronal cells. Purpose: Present study identified Hsp60D, a member of the Drosophila Hsp60 family, as a novel modifier of neurodegeneration in fly models of polyQ disorders, viz., Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 3 (SCA3, caused by mutated MJDtr-Q78 allele) or the 127Q model. Methods: Immunostaining of third instar larval eye discs was carried out and the eye discs of 50-hours old pupae of different genotypes were stained with Phalloidin-Rhodamine to examine the organization of actin filaments in ommatidial units. The nail polish imprints of adult eye surfaces were examined and the assay was performed using a glass Y-maze. Results: We showed that the reduction in the cellular levels of Hsp60D protein through directed RNAi in the polyQ expressing developing eye cells not only improved external eye morphology, retinal structure and vision, but also reduced the number of inclusion bodies and the associated expression of Hsp70. Conclusion: Our results suggest that Hsp60D may be required for folding of polypeptides with polyQ stretches so that in its absence, due to targeted RNAi, the expanded polyQ polypeptides fail to fold in a manner that can produce the toxic inclusion bodies

    The Analysis of Fibre Properties of Water Retted Sansevieria trifasciata with Sodium Hydroxide

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    In the last decade, natural fibres have been in high demand because of their strength, high efficiency, and biodegradability easy availability for nature and improved textile properties than synthetic fibre. So, the increasing preference towards natural and green textile products rather than synthetic products has increased the attraction of tourists to the local as well as outside markets. Therefore, the present paper focused on the analysis of sodium hydroxide on the fibre properties of water-retted S. trifasciata (snake plant) fibres. The extraction of fibres from snake plant leaves was conducted by using water water-retted method. Three different time periods were selected i.e. 10, 15 and 20 days for water retting. After water retting, the selected fibres were treated with an alkali i.e. NaOH. The optimum conditions for alkali were chemical concentration, material to liquor, time durations, treatment temperature and pH for standardization of the process of alkali treatment. The effect of sodium hydroxide was analyzed on fibre properties such as fibre yield, fineness, bundle strength, and elongation at the break. As a result, a gradual fibre yield was to be increased to decrease after being treated with alkali (NaOH). The alkali-treated fibres fibre yield, fineness and bundle strength was recorded (0.84±0.02 g), (23.51±0.39 denier) and (47.97±0.13 g/tex). Elongation of the alkali-treated fibres was 5.02±0.007 per cent. The resulting fibre properties were found suitable for other textile products such as apparel, reinforcement material composite etc

    Quantitative Changes in Cerebral Perfusion during Urinary Urgency in Women with Overactive Bladder

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    Purpose. To quantitatively measure changes in cerebral perfusion in select regions of interest in the brain during urinary urgency in women with overactive bladder (OAB) using arterial spin labeling (ASL). Methods. Twelve women with OAB and 10 controls underwent bladder filling and rated urinary urgency (scale 0–10). ASL fMRI scans were performed (1) in the low urgency state after voiding and (2) high urgency state after drinking oral fluids. Absolute regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in select regions of interest was compared between the low and high urgency states. Results. There were no significant differences in rCBF between the low and high urgency states in the control group. In the OAB group, rCBF (mean ± SE, ml/100 g/min) increased by 10–14% from the low to the high urgency state in the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) (44.56±0.59 versus 49.52±1.49, p<0.05), left ACC (49.29±0.85 versus 54.02±1.46, p<0.05), and left insula (50.46±1.72 versus 54.99±1.09, p<0.05). Whole-brain analysis identified additional areas of activation in the right insula, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and pons/midbrain area. Conclusions. Urinary urgency is associated with quantitative increase in cerebral perfusion in regions of the brain associated with processing emotional response to discomfort