12 research outputs found

    Produktivitas Karkas Sapi Bali Di Timor Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    West Timor was known as one of Bali cattle producing area. Bali cattle was kept in extensive and semi-intensive system. A research was conducted to study Carcass Productivity of Bali Cattle. The research was carried out in Kupang-East Nusa Tenggara from March to May 2008. Sixty three Bali cattle comprising twenty eigth male and theerty five female were used in this study. The experiment used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (2x3). To study carcass productivity, sex class (male and female) and slaughter weight group (<190 kg, 191-220 kg, >220 kg) were used as the factors. The result of this study showed that no interaction effect between sex and slaughter weight on carcass productivity. Male cattle had higher carcass percentage and commercial cut weights than female cattle

    Kualitas Nutrisi dan Anti Nutrisi Pakan Cair Fermentasi Berbahan Biji Asam

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    Biji asam selain memiliki nutrien juga memiliki antinutrien tanin. Oleh karena itu fermentasi pakan cair perlu dilakukan dengan perbandingan air berbeda. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji kandungan nutrisi dan anti nutrisi fermentasi pakan cair berbahan biji asam dengan perbandingan air berbeda. Bahan penelitian adalah biji asam utuh, dedak, jagung, tepung daging dan tulang, dan bungkil kacang kedelai dengan perbandingan air berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dan terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan adalah R0: ransum basal tanpa biji asam, R1: Ransum mengandung biji asam fermentasi, R2: R1 dengan perbandingan air 1:1, R3: R1 dengan perbandingan air 1:3, dan R4: R1 dengan perbandingan air 1:5. Variabel penelitian adalah bahan kering, protein kasar, serat kasar, Bahan Ekstrak Tanpa Nitrogen/BETN, lemak kasar, dan tannin. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis varians dan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi pakan cair berbahan biji asam dengan perbandingan air berbeda berpengaruh sangat nyata  (P0,05) terhadap kandungan protein kasar, serat kasar, lemak kasar, BETN, dan abu. Perbandingan air pakan cair terbaik adalah 1:3. Kesimpulannya perbandingan air pakan cair fermentasi berbahan biji asam adalah 1:3 yang dapat menurunkan kandungan bahan kering protein kasar, abu, dan tanin serta meningkatkan BETN, serat kasar, dan lemak kasar

    Harga dan Estimasi Nilai Ekonomis Pakan Cair yang Mengandung Persentase Biji Asam Berbeda

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    One of the conventional feed ingredients commonly used as pig feed to reduce ration prices is tamarind seeds. However, tamarind seeds have a hard seed coat texture, therefore liquid feed is fermented by formulating it with other feed ingredients, in order to know whether the liquid feed has economic value or not. The purpose of this research is to examine the price of liquid feed containing different percentages of tamarind seeds and estimate their economic value in the form of total consumption costs and feed cost per gain. The research was using yellow corn, rice bran, soybean meal, meat and bone meal, whole tamarind seeds, and aquades. Liquid feed is formulated according to the needs of the grower phase of pigs. The research treatments were R0: Fermented liquid feed (FLF) containing 0% tamarind seeds, R10: FLF containing 10% tamarind seeds, R20: FLF containing 20% ​​tamarind seeds, and R30: FLF containing 30% tamarind seeds. The variables studied were the price of liquid feed (Rp/kg), total consumption cost (Rp/kg/e), and feed cost per gain (Rp). The data were analyzed descriptively according to the research variables. The results showed that the price of liquid feed, the total cost of consumption, and the cost of the R30 treatment feed were Rp. 6868/kg, Rp. 12,579,711/kg/e, and Rp. 18,177 lower or more economical than treatment R0, R10, and R20. It was concluded that the presentation of the use of tamarind seeds in liquid feed at a level of 30% was more profitable