52 research outputs found
Reproduction of camelids
Udžbenik „Rasplođivanje kamelida“ predstavlja prvo štivo na hrvatskom jeziku koje na jednom mjestu obuhvaća činjenice vezane uz specifičnosti anatomije spolnih organa i mliječne žlijezde, fiziologije i patologije gravidnosti, porođaja,
puerperija te ostale specifičnosti rasplođivanja u kamelida. U uvodnom dijelu su opisane vrste kamelida koje obitavaju u pustinjskim predjelima svijeta kao i južnoamerički kamelidi koji žive na visoravnima Anda. Slijedi detaljan opis i anatomija ženskih i muških spolnih organa te anatomija mliječne žlijezde. U poglavlju fiziologije rasplođivanja obrađene su teme spolne i rasplodne zrelosti, sezonost, neurohormonalna regulacija spolnog ciklusa i ponašanje prilikom parenja. U šestom poglavlju opisana je biotehnologija rasplođivanja (umjetno osjemjenjivanje, multipla ovulacija i embriotransfer, proizvodnja zametaka i kloniranje). Nakon toga slijede poglavlja o fizologiji i patologiji gravidnosti,
porođaja i puerperija te posljednje trinaesto poglavlje o patologiji rasplođivanja koje obuhvaća prirođenu (strukturne abnormalnosti i anomalije na spolnim organima) i stečenu neplodnost. Udžbenik je izvorno djelo, a po relevantnosti za
obrađenu tematiku na hrvatskom jeziku ne postoji niti jedno slično djelo. Stoga su se do sada studenti veterinarske medicine kao i svi zainteresirani za ovo nepravedno zanemerano područje uglavnom mogli služiti samo separatima stručnih i znanstvenih članaka. Želim istaknuti da ovaj udžbenik na jednom mjestu objedinjuje sve relevantne činjenice vezane uz rasplođivanje kamelida. Udžbenik sadrži 114 stranica s približno 30-ak originalnih fotografija, slika, crteža, dijagrama, grafikona i histograma te 10-ak tabela. Obrađena materija potkrijepljena je s preko 270 navoda iz domaće i svjetske literature, pojačana iskustvom i saznanjima autora. Smatram da će ovaj udžbenik pobuditi zanimanje u studenata veterinarske medicine i doktora veterinarske medicine koji svoju djelatnost obavljaju u ambulantama za velike i egzotične životinje, zoološkim vrtovima te znanstvenim ustanovama kao i srodnim strukama (agronomi i biolozi) te u svih onih koji žude za novim spoznajama o ovim predivnim, egzotičnim životinjama, no i sve prisutnijim u našoj zemlji.The textbook Reproduction of camelids represents the first texbook in the Croatian language which in one place encompasses the facts related to the specifics of anatomy genitals and mammary glands, physiology and pathologies of pregnancy, parturition, puerperium and other specifics of reproduction in cameids. In the introductory part the camellia species that inhabit are described in the desert regions of the world as well as South American camelids living on the plateaus Anda. The following is a detailed description and anatomy female and male sexual organs and anatomy of the mammary gland. In the chapter physiology of reproduction topics are covered sexual and reproductive maturity, seasonality, neurohormonal regulation of the sexual cycle and mating behavior. In the sixth chapter breeding biotechnology is described (artificial insemination, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer, production embryos and cloning). They follow chapters on the physiology and pathology of pregnancy, parturition and puerperium and the latter chapter thirteen on the pathology of reproduction which includes innate (structural sexual abnormalities and anomalies organs) and acquired infertility. Textbook is an original work, and by relevance to treated topics in the Croatian language there is no similar work. Therefore they are are so far students of veterinary medicine as well as all interested in this unjust neglected area mostly could only serve as separatists of professional and scientific articles. I want to point out that this textbook brings together in one place all relevant facts related to camellia breeding.
The textbook contains 114 pages with about 30 original photos, pictures, drawings, diagrams, charts and histogram and about 10 tables. Processed the matter is substantiated by over 270 citations from domestic and world literature,
reinforced by the experience and knowledge of the authors. In my opinion this textbook will excite occupation in veterinary medicine students and doctors of veterinary medicine that perform their activity in dispensaries for the large and exotic animals, zoos and scientific institutions as well as related ones professions (agronomists and biologists) and in all those who crave new knowledge about to these beautiful, exotic animals, but also increasingly present in our country
Urinary incontinence as consequence of castration in bitches
Najčešći uzrok urinarne inkontinencije kod kuja je kastracija. Uzroci urinarne inkontinencije dijele se na neurološke i ne-neurološke, među koje pripada i kastracija. Brojne studije navode vezu između urinarne inkontinencije i dobi životinje u trenutku kastracije. Rezultati tih istraživanja su različiti, no postoji općenito mišljenje da se rizik od nastanka urinarne inkontinencije kuja povećava ako su kastrirane prije trećeg mjeseca starosti. Starost životinje kod ovarijektomije nema utjecaja na razvoj urinarne inkontinencije ako životinja u odrasloj dobi neće težiti više od 15 kg. Manje pasmine pasa, dakle, imaju manju predispoziciju za nastanak urinarne inkontinencije, pri čemu rizik od razvoja inkontinencije, izgleda, nije povezan s dobi životinje za vrijeme kastracije. U većih pasmina (tjelesne mase odrasle jedinke veće od 15 kg) povećava se rizik od razvoja urinarne inkontinencije. Urinarnu je inkontinenciju lako dijagnosticirati, ali za otkrivanje njezina uzroka potrebna je opsežna dijagnostika. Primarna metoda liječenja je medikamentna terapija u kojoj važnu ulogu imaju α-agonisti. U slučajevima kada medikamentna terapija ne daje željene rezultate, moguće je liječenje intervencijskim i kirurškim metodama.The most common cause of urinary incontinence in bitches is castration. The causes of urinary incontinence can be classified as neurological and non-neurological with castration being one of those. Numerous studies indicate the interrelation of urinary incontinence and the age of the animal at the moment of castration. The results of these studies differ, but there is a general consideration that the risk of urinary incontinence in bitches is higher if the animals are castrated before three months of age. Considering ovariectomy, the age of the animal will not affect the development of urinary incontinence if the weight of an adult does not exceed 15 kg. In smaller dog breeds the risk of developing urinary incontinence is lower and the risk does not seem to correlate with the age when castration is performed. In bigger dog breeds where the expected adult body weight exceeds 15 kilograns the risk of urinary incontinence is higher. Urinary incontinence is easy to diagnose, but determining its exact cause requires extensive diagnostics. The primary method of treatment is through medication in which α-agonists play a major role. In cases where medication therapy fails interventional and surgical methods are used
Indukcija ovipozicije u bradate agame (Pogona vitticeps) s postoovulacijskom retencijom jaja (distocija) - prikaz slučaja
A 2-year-old bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), was admitted to the Clinic due to interrupted oviposition. The lizard had laid 1 egg with an insufficiently calcified eggshell 4 days before admission. The lizard was lethargic, without appetite and had been digging the substrate inside the terrarium. During the clinical examination, hard consistency formations were palpable in the coelom. Ultrasound and X-ray findings confirmed the presence of 14 calcified eggs in the coelom cavity. The diagnosis suggested postovulatory dystocia. Therapy included rehydration of the patient and induction of oviposition. Two doses of calcium borogluconate were administrated i/m (35 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg after 30 minutes) and oxytocin (5 IU) was also given intramuscularly. Within the next 20 hours the patient laid 14 calcified eggs. On X-ray follow up 24 hours after therapy, no retained eggs were observed so the animal was released from the Clinic. The owners were advised that the current diet should be supplemented with calcium and phosphorus in the prescribed daily dose, to prevent future dystocia. On the next oviposition the animal successfully laid 38 calcified eggs. This case report describes the clinical presentation and diagnosis of dystocia and a therapeutic protocol for induction of oviposition in a bearded dragon. The described hormonal protocol is important due to the fact that the oxytocin causes induction of the oviposition more than 72 hours from commencing the oviposition which is different from the findings of other authors who reported that its effect only lasts up to 72 hours.Bradata agama (Pogona vitticeps) u dobi od dvije godine zaprimljena je na kliniku zbog prekida ovipozicije. Gušterica je četiri dana prije dolaska na kliniku izbacila jedno djelomično kalcificirano jaje. Otada je apatična, nema apetita te učestalo kopa supstrat u terariju. Tijekom kliničkog pregleda palpacijom celoma pronađene su tvorbe tvrde konzistencije. Ultrazvučni i rendgenski nalaz potvrdio je prisutnost 14 kalcificiranih jaja u celomnoj šupljini što upućuje na postovulacijsku distociju. Terapija je uključivala rehidraciju pacijenta i indukciju ovipozicije, stoga su aplicirane dvije doze kalcijeva boroglukonata (35 mg/kg te nakon 30 minuta 50 mg/kg im.) i oksitocin (5 i. j. im.). U sljedećih 20 sati gušterica je izbacila 14 kalcificiranih jaja. Na kontrolnom rendgenogramu 24 sata nakon terapije nije bilo vidljivih zaostalih jaja. Vlasnicima je savjetovano da trenutačnoj prehrani nadodaju kalcij i fosfor u propisanoj dnevnoj dozi kako bi se spriječila opetovana distocija. Prilikom sljedeće ovipozicije životinja je uspješno izbacila 38 kalcificiranih jaja. Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje klinički tijek i dijagnostiku distocije te terapijski protokol za indukciju ovipozicije u bradate agame. Opisan hormonski protokol važan je jer dokazuje da je učinak oksitocina na indukciju ovipozicije dulji od 72 sata što se razlikuje od navoda drugih autora koji tvrde da učinak traje do 72 sata od početka ovipozicije
Uloga oksidacijskog stresa i upalnog odgovora u patogenezi mastitisa u mliječnih krava
Mastitis is one of the most frequent diseases of dairy cows throughout the world, therefore it causes the greatest economic losses in dairy cattle industry. These losses are reflected through: reduced milk production, increased costs of medication and the other animal health services, reduced fertility, early culling of animals and the value of discarded milk. Mastitis is also important from the aspects of public health, milk processing and animal welfare. In the pathogenesis of mastitis the key role plays the innate immune response which is the first line of defence against the pathogen invasion of the udder. The innate immune response generates an inflammatory reaction which is the elementary response of an organism to the tissue trauma induced by any physical, chemical or biological causative agent, but primarily it is the protective mechanism of a vital significance which includes increased phagocytic activity, secretion of antimicrobial substances, fibrosis as well as the alterations in tissue structure of affected organ or body cavity. The release of a number of inflammatory mediators as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) is an important part of inflammatory response. In dairy cows, the metabolic challenge that occurred during the transition from dry period to early lactation may additionally increase the release of ROS which may contribute to development of oxidative stress and inflammatory response. Oxidative stress is defined as a shift in the balance from cellular oxidation-reduction reactions towards oxidation, i.e. to the state of excessive release of oxidants when their removal by antioxidants is impaired and even insufficient. During peripartum period antioxidantive status of dairy cows is seriously impaired and consequently both the oxidative stress and inflammatory response may present the predisposing factors to their higher susceptibility to intramammary infections (IMI) and mastitis. This association between oxidative stress and inflammation during IMI and mastitis indicates their role in the pathogenesis of mastitis. Thus, a better understanding of such a synergism could contribute to development of new approaches to prevention and therapy of IMI and mastitis.Mastitis je jedna od najčešćih bolesti mliječnih goveda u cijelom svijetu, jer uzrokuje najveće gubitke u mliječnom gospodarstvu. Ima značajan utjecaj sa stanovišta javnog zdravstva, prerade mlijeka i dobrobiti životinja. Ekonomski gubitci se očituju kroz: smanjenu proizvodnju mlijeka, velike troškove liječenja, prijevremeno izlučivanje životinja, vrijednost odbačenog mlijeka te smanjenu plodnost. U patogenezi mastitisa ključnu ulogu ima urođeni imunosni odgovor koji je prva linija obrane nakon što patogen prodre u mliječnu žlijezdu. Upala je standardna reakcija organizma na ozljedu bilo kakvog fizičkog, kemijskog ili biološkog uzroka, no prije svega to je vitalni zaštitni mehanizam, koji uključuje proizvodnju reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS), fagocitne mehanizme, izlučivanje protumikrobnih tvari, stvaranje ožiljkastog tkiva i neovaskularizaciju te promjene tkivne strukture zahvaćenog organa ili tjelesnog prostora. Metaboličko opterećenje nastalo prilikom prelaska iz perioda zasušenja u period rane laktacije je dodatno potencijalni izvor oksidansa i ROS-a u mliječnih krava i pogodovni čimbenik za nastanak oksidacijskog stresa i upalnog odgovora. Oksidacijski stres definiran je kao pomak ravnoteže u staničnim oksido-redukcijskim reakcijama prema oksidaciji, odnosno to je stanje prekomjernog stvaranja slobodnih radikala kisika i ROS pri čemu se nadilazi mogućnost njihova uklanjanja. Antioksidacijski status krava u peripartalnom periodu je stoga oslabljen i posljedično oksidacijski stres i upalni odgovor mogu predisponirati osjetljivosti krave za intramamarne infekcije (IMI) i mastitis. Povezanost između upalnog odgovora i oksidacijskog stresa tijekom IMI i mastitisa ukazuje na njihovu važnu ulogu u patogenezi bolesti mliječne žlijezde te stoga bolje razumijevanje takvog sinergizma može doprinijeti razvoju novih pristupa u prevenciji i liječenju IMI i mastitisa
Ketogenic diet in small animal oncology patients
Istraživanja ukazuju da je metabolizam stanica tumora obilježen promjenama u proizvodnji energije putem oksidativne fosforilacije i fermentacije te se smatra kako je moguće kontrolirati rast i razvoj tumora promjenom energetskog supstrata. Tumorske stanice pokazuju povećanu potrošnju glukoze, čak i u aerobnim uvjetima, što se događa zbog poremećaja u mitohondrijskom staničnom disanju pri čemu pojačana glikoliza predstavlja kompenzatorni odgovor. Stoga bi promjene u prehrani, poput ketogene dijete s visokim udjelom masti, umjerenim udjelom bjelančevina i niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata, koje potiču oksidativni metabolizam mitohondrija, istovremeno limitirajući potrošnju glukoze, predstavljale mogući nutritivni pristup selektivnom metaboličkom stresu tumorskih stanica. Iako je primjena ketogene dijete, kao potporne terapije tumora opetovano dokazana u humanim istraživanjima do danas nije provedeno istraživanje koje bi potvrdilo pozitivne učinke u pasa i mačaka s tumorima. No, korištenje MCT dijete u pasa s epilepsijom dalo je obećavajuće rezultate. Metaboličke specifičnosti prisutne u pasa i mačaka poput učinkovitog iskorištavanja ketogenih tijela od strane perifernih tkiva te prilagodba visokom udjelu masti u obroku, pod uvjetom da je zadovoljen glukoneogenetski kapacitet, ukazuju da postoje temelji za primjenu ketogene dijete u onkoloških pacijenata, no bez istraživanja koje bi navedeno potvrdila nije moguće tvrditi kako je korištenje ketogene dijete bez rizika. Prema trenutnim smjernicama, pri izradi prehrambenog plana kod onkoloških pacijenata ključno je prilagoditi oblik hranidbenog režima svakom pacijentu pojedinačno, uzimajući pritom u obzir kliničku sliku, prognozu i prisutnost ostalih patologija koje će uvjetovati prilagodbu obroka.Recent studies indicate that the metabolism of tumour cells is characterized by changes in energy production through oxidative phosphorylation and fermentation, and it is presumed that their growth and development can be controlled by altering the energy substrate. Tumour cells have increased glucose consumption, even in aerobic conditions, most likely due to mitochondrial dysfunction, with increased glycolysis as a compensatory response. Therefore, dietary changes, such as a ketogenic high fat, medium protein and low carbohydrate diet, which induces oxidative metabolism while limiting glucose consumption, represents a possible nutritional approach causing selective metabolic stress of tumour cells. Nonetheless, the use of the ketogenic diet in human research has repeatedly proven to have beneficial effects. However, the use of a ketogenic diet in dogs and cats as in nutritional management during treatment or recovery in tumour patients has not been described in the existing veterinary scientific literature. The use of the MCT diet in epileptic dogs provided promising results. Adaptive metabolic mechanisms in cats and dogs through the effective clearance of ketone bodies and fast adaptation to fatty acids as the main energy substrate implies that there is a basis for the use of the ketogenic diet in small animal oncology patients. Nevertheless, without research to support this, it is presumptive to claim that the use of a ketogenic diet is without risk. According to the existing guidelines, the dietary plan for small animal oncology patients should include an individually adapted nutrition plan, with consideration of the clinical symptoms, prognosis, and concurrent pathologies
Referentne vrijednosti i utjecaj spola i dobi na hemogram i kliničku biokemiju zaštićene i ugrožene pasmine međimurski konj
The aim of this study was to establish the exact haematological and clinical biochemistry reference values for horses of the Murinsulaner breed, using the complete population in Croatia (n = 33) for the sampling. Haemoglobin concentrations (HB), red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), platelet count and differential white blood cell counts were determined. Clinical biochemistry included the activity of GGT, AST, ALT, CK, ALP, LDH and AMYL, concentrations of glucose (GLUC), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TRI), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), urea (UREA), creatinine (CREA) and total bilirubin (TBIL). The animals were sorted into groups according to sex and age, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was preformed using the GLM procedure and Tukey’s studentized range test. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed a significantly higher mean for CREA in stallions, for ALB in old horses and CK in young horses. The two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in the means for HB, PCV, and globulins, CK, GLUC, ALB and CREA. The significantly higher means of HB, PCV, GLUC and CREA in the group of old stallions should be further investigated. The influence of age and sex is difficult to interpret due to the critically small population. The reference values for Murinsulaner horses are within ranges for other cold-blooded breeds except TP, Ca and UREA.Svrha ovoga rada bila je utvrditi referentne vrijednosti hematologije i kliničke biokemije za konje pasmine međimurski konj, pri čemu je korištena cjelokupna preostala populacija (n = 33). Također se želio utvrditi utjecaj dobi i spola na vrijednosti krvne slike i kliničke biokemije. Dobiveni rezultati jesu referentne vrijednosti za pasminu međimurski konj. Također upućuju na razlike među spolovima za hematokrit i hemoglobin. Nije bilo razlike među dobnim skupinama za ukupni bilirubin, ureju, Ca, AP, AST, LDH, GGT, TP, globulin i MCH, iako je postojala neznatna razlika za CK i albumine. Referentne vrijednosti za konje pasmine međimurski konj uklapaju se u već objavljene referentne vrijednosti za ostale pasmine hladnokrvnih konja, iako od njih neznatno odstupaju. Znatno odstupaju TP, Ca i ureja. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo radi li se o pasminskom svojstvu ili o nečemu drugom. Bilo bi korisno provesti niz mjerenja s ponavljanjem uzorkovanja krvi, kako bi se točno utvrdilo o čemu se radi
Basic framework determinants for the acquisition of competences and improvement of professional skills at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Uspješnost osposobljavanja budućih doktora veterinarske medicine u izravnoj je vezi s kompetencijama nastavnika, odnosno svih sudionika u osposobljavanju doktorica/ doktora veterinarske medicine iz raznih područja, a koje obuhvaćaju znanje i vještine koje nastoje prenijeti, kao i njihove stavove. Stoga je važno usuglasiti zahtjeve struke u odnosu na kompetencije sudionika u profesionalnom osposobljavanju studenata veterinarske medicine. To se posebno odnosi na vještine koje studenti moraju usvojiti, a odnose se na specifične i generičke kompetencije za pružanje veterinarsko-medicinskih usluga visoke razine kvalitete u širem europskom prostoru. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti „Kompetencije prvoga dana“ (engl. Day One Competences, DOC), odnosno zacrtane nužne profesionalne vještine novih doktorica/doktora veterinarske medicine, kao i pobliže objasniti i olakšati razumijevanje temeljnih odrednica navedenog koncepta. DOC je usvojio Europski koordinacijski odbor za veterinarsku edukaciju (engl. European Coordination Committee on Veterinary Training, ECCVT), koji su osnovali Europska udruga ustanova za veterinarsku naobrazbu (engl. European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, EAEVE), Europski odbor za veterinarsku specijalizaciju (engl. European Board of Veterinary Specialisation,EBVS®) i Federacija europskih veterinara (engl. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, FVE). DOC su detaljno opisane u dokumentu Standardni operativni postupak (SOP, 2019.) Europskog sustava evaluacije veterinarske izobrazbe (engl. European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training, ESEVT) koji također djeluje unutar EAEVE-a.The success of training future doctors of veterinary medicine depends upon the competences of teachers from various fields. Such competences include knowledge and skills which they are trying to convey, as well as their attitudes. Therefore, it is important to harmonize the requirements of the profession in relation to the competences of the participants in the professional training of students of veterinary medicine. That specially refers to the skills that students should develop, and to specific and generic competences for performing professional duties in the wider European area. The aim of this work is to present“Day One Competences” (DOC) and outline the necessary professional skills of the new doctor of veterinary medicine as well as to explain in more detail and make understanding the fundamental determinants of the mentioned concept easier. DOC was approved by the European Coordination Committee for Veterinary Education (ECCVT), which was founded by the European Association of Institutions for Veterinary Education (EAEVE), European Board for Veterinary Specialization(EBVS®) and the Federation of European Veterinarians (FVE). DOC is described in detail in the Standard operating procedure (SOP, 2019) of the European Evaluation System of Veterinary Education (ESEVT) which also works within EAEVE
A modern competency approach to education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb
Članak donosi pregled dosadašnjih obrazovnih pristupa vezanih za uspostavu kompetencijskog pristupa u veterinarskom obrazovanju. Primjena ishoda učenja na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (dalje u tekstu: Veterinarski fakultet) utjecala je na cijeli niz obrazovnih smjernica i praksi u suvremenom obrazovanju doktora veterinarske medicine. Bitne promjene koje uključuju uspostavu osiguravanja kvalitete obrazovnih ishoda studijskog programa i povezanost s potrebama tržišta rada
provode se odnedavno na Fakultetu pod utjecajem razvoja Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira (HKO) i koncepta Europskog sustava evaluacije veterinarskog obrazovanja (European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training, ESEVT) nazvanog Kompetencije prvoga dana (Day One Competences, DOC), sustava u nadležnosti Europske udruge ustanova za veterinarsko obrazovanje (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, EAEVE) i Federacije europskih veterinara (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, FVE). Kurikul veterinarske medicine, razvijen na Veterinarskom fakultetu, koji se temelji na ishodima učenja danas jasno uređuje cjelokupni sustav standarda kvalifikacije veterinarske profesije i čini ih prepoznatljivim u hrvatskim i europskim okvirima. U radu se prikazuje pristup konstruktivnom poravnanju ishoda učenja koji će postati dijelom budućih postupaka vrednovanja ustanova u visokom obrazovanju.The article presents an overview of the educational methods related to establishing an approach based on competences in veterinary education. The application of learning outcomes (LOs) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb has influenced a whole series of educational policies and practices in the modern education of doctors of veterinary medicine. Important changes, including the establishment of quality assurance related to learning outcomes in the study programme, and a connection with
the needs of the labour market, have recently been implemented at the Faculty, following the development of the Croatian Qualification Framework (CQF) and the concept of the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT), known as Day One Competences (DOC). This system is under the jurisdiction of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE). The veterinary medicine curriculum developed at the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, based on LOs, is clearly determined by the entire system of qualification standards for the veterinary profession, and makes them recognizable in both Croatian and European frameworks. The paper presents an approach to the constructive alignment of LOs, which will become part of the future evaluation procedures of institutions in high education
Ensuring and promoting the standards and guidelines of the european quality assurance system for veterinary education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Osiguravanje i promicanje standarda i smjernica europskog sustava osiguravanja kvalitete veterinarskog obrazovanja na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (VEFUNIZG) provodi se, među ostalim, na temelju obveza prihvaćenih Strategijom razvoja VEFUNIZG-a od 2023. do 2027. godine. U skladu s tim, kontinuiranom unapređenju nastave i studijskih programa na Fakultetu redovito prethode pomna planiranja i radnje. U radu se opisuje tijek i iskustva VEFUNIZG-a tijekom neovisnog vanjskog vrednovanja koje je u proljeće 2023. godine provela Europska udruga ustanova za veterinarsko obrazovanje (engl. European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, EAEVE) potpunim vizitacijskim postupkom koji je proveo tim stručnjaka (u daljnjem tekstu: vizitacijski tim) Europskog sustava vrednovanja veterinarskog obrazovanja (engl. European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training, ESEVT). Osnovni je zadatak vizitacijskog tima bio ustanoviti jesu li profesionalne kvalifikacije postignute obrazovanjem na VEFUNIZG-u usklađene s važećim direktivama Europske unije i Standardima i smjernicama u osiguravanju kvalitete na Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja (engl. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, ESG).Ensuring and promoting the standards and guidelines of the european veterinary education quality assurance system at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb (VEFUNIZG) is carried out, among other ways, according to the obligations outlined in the Development Strategy of the VEFUNIZG from 2023 to 2027. Accordingly, the continuous improvement of teaching and study programs at the Faculty is regularly preceded by careful planning and action. The paper describes the procedures and experiences of
the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zagreb during the independent external evaluation carried out in the spring of 2023 by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) through a full visit by the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT). The main task of the ESEVT team was to establish whether the professional qualifications attained through education at VEFUNIZG align with the current directives of the European Union and comply with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)
Razvojna sposobnost nezrelih goveđih jajnih stanica i kvaliteta zametaka podrijetlom od klaoničkih jajnika i živih davateljica
The aim of this research was to compare the developmental competence of oocytes recovered from slaughterhouse ovaries (SO) and those recovered in vivo by ovum pick up (OPU). OPU was performed in 6 donor heifers synchronized with PGF2α and stimulated with pFSH, twice a day for two days. OPU was repeated once a week for six consecutive weeks. The control group consisted of slaughterhouse-derived oocytes. The number of aspirated follicles, retrieved oocytes and oocyte recovery rate were recorded. Oocytes of grade 1 and 2 were matured, fertilized and cultured in vitro in SOFaaBSA until day 9. The cleavage rates on day 2, the total number of morulas and blastocysts on day 7 and the numbers of hatched blastocysts on day 9 were recorded. Differential staining of the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm cells (TE) were performed on a random sample of day 7 blastocysts (n = 24). Significantly more follicles were aspirated from SO (19.3 versus 11.5, P<0.05). This was reflfl ected in a significantly higher number of oocytes collected from the same group (12.6 versus 6.5, P<0.05). A higher proportion of OPU-derived oocytes reached the morula/blastocyst stage at day 7 (44.7% vs. 29.9%, P<0.05) and hatched blastocyst stage at day 9 (35.6% vs. 16.8%, P<0.05). OPU-derived embryos displayed significantly higher number (P<0.05) of ICM cells which was also reflected to higher proportion of ICM cells. The results demonstrate that oocytes recovered in vivo after OPU are more competent to develop to the blastocyst stage than those derived from slaughterhouse ovaries.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je usporediti razvojnu sposobnost jajnih stanica dobivenih iz klaoničkih jajnika i junica davateljica postupkom transvaginalne aspiracije folikula. Jajne stanice uzete su od šest junica davateljica sinkroniziranih s PGF2α i stimuliranih FSH-om, dva puta dnevno tijekom dva dana. Postupak je ponavljan jednom tjedno tijekom šest uzastopnih tjedana. Paralelno su punktirani folikuli jajnika junica uzeti na liniji klanja. Bilježen je broj aspiriranih folikula, broj aspiriranih jajnih stanica i uspjeh aspiracije. Jajne stanice morfološki su ocijenjene te je praćena njihova sposobnost dozrijevanja, oplodnje i uzgoja in vitro. Bilježen je postotak brazdanih jajnih stanica 2. dana, broj morula/blastocista 7. dana i broj izlegnutih blastocista 9. dana uzgoja in vitro. Diferencijalno bojenje stanica zametnoga čvorića i trofoblasta izvedeno je na nasumce odabranim blastocistama 7. dana uzgoja in vitro. Iz klaoničkih jajnika aspirirano je značajno više folikula (19,3 prema 11,5, P<0,05) i jajnih stanica (12,6 prema 6,5, P<0,05) u usporedbi s davateljicama. Kod davateljica
uzgojeno je više morula i blastocista 7. dana (44,7% prema 29,9%, P<0,05) i izlegnutih blastocista 9. dana uzgoja in vitro (35,6% prema 16,8%, P<0,05). Diferencijalnim bojenjem ustanovljen je značajno veći broj stanica zametnoga čvorića (P<0,05) u blastocistama podrijetlom od davateljica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da jajne stanice dobivene postupkom transvaginalne ultrazvučne aspiracije imaju veću sposobnost razvoja do stadija blastociste u uvjetima uzgoja in vitro od klaoničkih jajnih stanica
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