10 research outputs found
Endoskopsko lijeÄenje sindroma Å”kljocavog kuka vanjskog tipa: kirurÅ”ka tehnika i prikaz dvaju sluÄajeva
Snapping hip or coxa saltans is a condition characterized by an audible and/or palpable snapping during hip movement and can be associated with pain around the hip. There are various causes of this condition and can be divided into two types: extra-articular and intra-articular. The most common type is the external extra-articular, where the snapping is due to thickened posterior part of the iliotibial band or anterior part of the gluteus maximus muscle sliding over the greater trochanter during hip movement. Two patients with external snapping hip are presented, who were treated with our original endoscopic iliotibial band release and greater trochanteric bursectomy. There were no surgical complications and the patients did not experience snapping or pain in the hip during 24-month follow-up period. Results of various open techniques and one endoscopic technique in the treatment of external snapping hip are also reported.Å kljocavi kuk ili coxa saltans je stanje u kojem dolazi do Äujnog i/ili palpabilnog Å”kljocanja prilikom pokreta u kuku, tijekom Äega se mogu javljati i bolovi. Prema uzrocima Å”kljocavi kuk se dijeli na ekstra-artikularni i intra-artikularni. NajÄeÅ”Äi tip je vanjski ekstra-artikularni, gdje do Å”kljocanja dolazi zbog preskakanja zadebljanog stražnjeg dijela traktusa iliotibijalisa ili prednjeg dijela miÅ”iÄa gluteusa maksimusa preko velikog trohantera tijekom pokreta u kuku. U ovom radu prikazujemo dvoje bolesnika s vanjskim tipom Å”kljocavog kuka koji su podvrgnuti endoskopskom opuÅ”tanju traktusa iliotibijalisa i uklanjanju burze nad velikim trohanterom naÅ”om vlastitom metodom. Oba zahvata su proÅ”la bez komplikacija te bolesnici nisu imali bolove ili Å”kljocanje u kuku u vremenu praÄenja od dvije godine. Ujedno prikazujemo rezultate mnogobrojnih otvorenih tehnika i jedne endoskopske tehnike u lijeÄenju Å”kljocavog kuka
Tumors after Liver Transplantation
Sve dulje preživljenje nakon transplantacije jetre povezano je s porastom kasnih komplikacija. NajÄeÅ”Äi uzrok mortaliteta godinama nakon transplantacije jetre su de novo maligne bolesti i recidivi malignih bolesti. NajÄeÅ”Äe de novo maligne bolesti nakon transplantacije jetre su maligni tumori kože, posttransplantacijska limfoproliferativna bolest, maligni tumori pluÄa i maligni tumori gastrointestinalnog sustava. Kako bismo prevenirali i u ranom stadiju dijagnosticirali malignu bolest kod pacijenta kojem je transplantirana jetra, potrebno je educirati pacijenta, provoditi redovite kontrolne preglede te odabrati imunosupresivnu terapiju prilagoÄenu pacijentu. U sluÄaju dijagnosticirane maligne bolesti kod pacijenta s transplantiranom jetrom potrebno je provoditi odgovarajuÄe lijeÄenje Äime znaÄajno utjeÄemo na produljenje preživljenja i poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života pacijenata nakon transplantacije jetre.More prolonged survival after liver transplantation is associated with an increase in late complications after liver transplantation. The most common causes of death years after liver transplantation are de novo malignant diseases and recurrences of malignant diseases. The most common de novo malignant diseases after liver transplantation are malignant skin tumors, post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease, lung tumors, and gastrointestinal tumors. In order to prevent and diagnose malignant disease in liver transplant patients at an early stage, it is necessary to educate patients, carry out regular check-ups, reduce immunosuppressive therapy, and adapt it to the patient. In the case of a diagnosed de novo malignant disease in liver transplant patients at an early stage, it is necessary to educate patients, carry out regular check-ups, reduce immunosuppressive therapy, and adapt it to a patient. In the case of a diagnosed de novo malignant disease in patients after liver transplant, it is necessary to carry out adequate treatment. In this way, we can prolong patientsā survival after liver transplantation and improve their quality of life
Liver transplantation in patients with neuroendocrine tumors: a case series and literature review
Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are a rare and heterogeneous group of neoplasms with variable biological behavior.
They frequently metastasize to the liver, requiring active,
multimodality treatment. Surgical resection, possible in
only a minority of cases, was until recently the only potentially curative option. For unresectable NET with liver metastases, liver transplantation (LT) emerged as a potential
curative treatment due to relatively slow growth and indolent behavior of the metastases. In this case series with
literature review, we retrospectively analyzed the characteristics of 12 highly selected patients with metastatic NET
disease as an indication for LT treated in our center. We also
summarized the proposed prognostic factors, and evaluated and compared the existing selection criteria. The main
poor prognostic factors in our patients were high grade
NET and primary tumor in the pancreas. Inconsistent liver transplantation outcome parameters make it difficult
to standardize patient selection criteria. There is a need for
further studies that would fully elucidate the curative potential of LT in patients diagnosed with NET
Quality of life change in patients with liver cirrhosis after transplantation
Cilj: Kvaliteta života primatelja jetre jedan je od najvažnijih parametara uspjeha transplantacijskog lijeÄenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj prije i poslijetransplantacijskih kliniÄko-laboratorijskih obilježja i kvalitete presatka jetre na kvalitetu života primatelja jetre. -----
Metode i ispitanici: U istraživanje je ukljuÄeno 100 bolesnika s cirozom jetre dobi izmeÄu 18 i 65 godina, transplantiranih u periodu 2015. do 2017. godine. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je generiÄkim -SF-36 i specifiÄnim upitnikom - CLDQ, koje su ispitanici ispunjavali prije transplantacije te 6 i 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije. -----
Rezultati: U svim domenama SF-36 upitnika, osim u BP (p=0,582), te u svim domenama CLDQ upitnika, pokazano je da postoji statistiÄki znaÄajno poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života usporeÄujuÄi stanje prije i nakon transplantacije jetre. Univarijatnom analizom se pokazalo da su faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok su arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI faktori s negativnim utjecajem. Spearmanova korelacija pokazala je statistiÄki znaÄajnu pozitivnu povezanost MELD rezultata s kvalitetom života 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije u MCS domeni SF-36 upitnika (r=0,267, p=0,007), te u ukupnom rezultatu CLDQ upitnika (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivarijatna raÅ”Älamba pokazala je da je znaÄajno bolja kvaliteta života nakon transplantacije prisutna kod ispitanika s cirozom etiliÄne geneze (p=0,037), te kod onih koji nemaju arterijsku hipertenziju (p=0,042). -----
ZakljuÄak: Nakon transplantacije jetre dolazi do znaÄajnog poboljÅ”anja kvalitete života bolesnika. Faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije su muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok negativno utjeÄu arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI rezultat.Background: Quality of life is one of the most important success parameters after liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of pre- and post-transplantation clinical and laboratory parameters and liver graft quality on liver recipients quality of life. -----
Methods: The study comprised 100 patients with liver cirrhosis aged >18 and <65 years, transplantated in the period between year 2015 and 2017. Quality of life was assessed with a generic- SF-36 and specific questionnaire- CLDQ, at 3 times: before, and at 6 and 12 months after transplantation. -----
Results: We observed a significant improvement in quality of life after liver transplantation in all domains of SF-36, except in BP (p=0,582), and CLDQ questionnaire. Univariate analysis found that factors with positive effect on post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score, while arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors with negative effect. Spearman analysis showed a significant positive correlation between MELD and results 12 months after transplantation, in the MCS SF-36 domain (r=0,267, p=0,007), and overall CLDQ domain (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivariate analysis found significantly better post-transplant quality of life according to CLDQ overall domain, in patients with ethylic cirrhosis (p=0,037) and those without arterial hypertension (p=0,042). -----
Conclusion: Quality of life improved significantly after liver transplantation. Factors that positively affect post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score. Arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors that adversely affect post-transplant quality of life
Quality of life change in patients with liver cirrhosis after transplantation
Cilj: Kvaliteta života primatelja jetre jedan je od najvažnijih parametara uspjeha transplantacijskog lijeÄenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj prije i poslijetransplantacijskih kliniÄko-laboratorijskih obilježja i kvalitete presatka jetre na kvalitetu života primatelja jetre. -----
Metode i ispitanici: U istraživanje je ukljuÄeno 100 bolesnika s cirozom jetre dobi izmeÄu 18 i 65 godina, transplantiranih u periodu 2015. do 2017. godine. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je generiÄkim -SF-36 i specifiÄnim upitnikom - CLDQ, koje su ispitanici ispunjavali prije transplantacije te 6 i 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije. -----
Rezultati: U svim domenama SF-36 upitnika, osim u BP (p=0,582), te u svim domenama CLDQ upitnika, pokazano je da postoji statistiÄki znaÄajno poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života usporeÄujuÄi stanje prije i nakon transplantacije jetre. Univarijatnom analizom se pokazalo da su faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok su arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI faktori s negativnim utjecajem. Spearmanova korelacija pokazala je statistiÄki znaÄajnu pozitivnu povezanost MELD rezultata s kvalitetom života 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije u MCS domeni SF-36 upitnika (r=0,267, p=0,007), te u ukupnom rezultatu CLDQ upitnika (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivarijatna raÅ”Älamba pokazala je da je znaÄajno bolja kvaliteta života nakon transplantacije prisutna kod ispitanika s cirozom etiliÄne geneze (p=0,037), te kod onih koji nemaju arterijsku hipertenziju (p=0,042). -----
ZakljuÄak: Nakon transplantacije jetre dolazi do znaÄajnog poboljÅ”anja kvalitete života bolesnika. Faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije su muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok negativno utjeÄu arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI rezultat.Background: Quality of life is one of the most important success parameters after liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of pre- and post-transplantation clinical and laboratory parameters and liver graft quality on liver recipients quality of life. -----
Methods: The study comprised 100 patients with liver cirrhosis aged >18 and <65 years, transplantated in the period between year 2015 and 2017. Quality of life was assessed with a generic- SF-36 and specific questionnaire- CLDQ, at 3 times: before, and at 6 and 12 months after transplantation. -----
Results: We observed a significant improvement in quality of life after liver transplantation in all domains of SF-36, except in BP (p=0,582), and CLDQ questionnaire. Univariate analysis found that factors with positive effect on post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score, while arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors with negative effect. Spearman analysis showed a significant positive correlation between MELD and results 12 months after transplantation, in the MCS SF-36 domain (r=0,267, p=0,007), and overall CLDQ domain (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivariate analysis found significantly better post-transplant quality of life according to CLDQ overall domain, in patients with ethylic cirrhosis (p=0,037) and those without arterial hypertension (p=0,042). -----
Conclusion: Quality of life improved significantly after liver transplantation. Factors that positively affect post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score. Arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors that adversely affect post-transplant quality of life
Quality of life change in patients with liver cirrhosis after transplantation
Cilj: Kvaliteta života primatelja jetre jedan je od najvažnijih parametara uspjeha transplantacijskog lijeÄenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj prije i poslijetransplantacijskih kliniÄko-laboratorijskih obilježja i kvalitete presatka jetre na kvalitetu života primatelja jetre. -----
Metode i ispitanici: U istraživanje je ukljuÄeno 100 bolesnika s cirozom jetre dobi izmeÄu 18 i 65 godina, transplantiranih u periodu 2015. do 2017. godine. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je generiÄkim -SF-36 i specifiÄnim upitnikom - CLDQ, koje su ispitanici ispunjavali prije transplantacije te 6 i 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije. -----
Rezultati: U svim domenama SF-36 upitnika, osim u BP (p=0,582), te u svim domenama CLDQ upitnika, pokazano je da postoji statistiÄki znaÄajno poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života usporeÄujuÄi stanje prije i nakon transplantacije jetre. Univarijatnom analizom se pokazalo da su faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok su arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI faktori s negativnim utjecajem. Spearmanova korelacija pokazala je statistiÄki znaÄajnu pozitivnu povezanost MELD rezultata s kvalitetom života 12 mjeseci nakon transplantacije u MCS domeni SF-36 upitnika (r=0,267, p=0,007), te u ukupnom rezultatu CLDQ upitnika (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivarijatna raÅ”Älamba pokazala je da je znaÄajno bolja kvaliteta života nakon transplantacije prisutna kod ispitanika s cirozom etiliÄne geneze (p=0,037), te kod onih koji nemaju arterijsku hipertenziju (p=0,042). -----
ZakljuÄak: Nakon transplantacije jetre dolazi do znaÄajnog poboljÅ”anja kvalitete života bolesnika. Faktori s pozitivnim utjecajem na kvalitetu života nakon transplantacije su muÅ”ki spol, etiliÄna ciroza te viÅ”i CTP i MELD rezultat, dok negativno utjeÄu arterijska hipertenzija, HCC i viÅ”i DRI rezultat.Background: Quality of life is one of the most important success parameters after liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of pre- and post-transplantation clinical and laboratory parameters and liver graft quality on liver recipients quality of life. -----
Methods: The study comprised 100 patients with liver cirrhosis aged >18 and <65 years, transplantated in the period between year 2015 and 2017. Quality of life was assessed with a generic- SF-36 and specific questionnaire- CLDQ, at 3 times: before, and at 6 and 12 months after transplantation. -----
Results: We observed a significant improvement in quality of life after liver transplantation in all domains of SF-36, except in BP (p=0,582), and CLDQ questionnaire. Univariate analysis found that factors with positive effect on post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score, while arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors with negative effect. Spearman analysis showed a significant positive correlation between MELD and results 12 months after transplantation, in the MCS SF-36 domain (r=0,267, p=0,007), and overall CLDQ domain (r=0,274, p=0,006). Multivariate analysis found significantly better post-transplant quality of life according to CLDQ overall domain, in patients with ethylic cirrhosis (p=0,037) and those without arterial hypertension (p=0,042). -----
Conclusion: Quality of life improved significantly after liver transplantation. Factors that positively affect post-transplant quality of life are male gender, ethylic cirrhosis and higher CTP and MELD score. Arterial hypertension, HCC and higher DRI are factors that adversely affect post-transplant quality of life
Assessment of platelet function by whole blood impedance aggregometry in coronary artery bypass grafting patients on acetylsalicylic acid treatment may prompt a switch to dual antiplatelet therapy
Residual platelet reactivity (RPR) following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) might be related to thrombotic complications and major ischemic cardiac events. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in platelet reactivity monitored pre- and postoperatively using multiple-electrode aggregometry (MEA) and to propose an alternative therapeutic approach in a subgroup of patients with postoperative RPR. Ninety-nine patients undergoing elective CABG were enrolled in the study, of whom 41 (41.4%) were diabetic. Preoperatively, all patients received 100 mg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), with 47 of 99 (47.4%) patients receiving an additional 75 mg clopidogrel (CLO). The blood samples were drawn the day before surgery, and on the first and 4th postoperative day. Platelet count and fibrinogen level were documented, as well as type and daily dose of antiplatelet therapy (APT) received pre- and postoperatively. Multiple-electrode aggregometry using tests based on arachidonic acid (ASPI test) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP test) was performed on the day before and 4 days after surgery. Preoperatively, we detected 31 of 99 (31.3%) patients with RPR (ASPI > 30 AUC). Platelet count correlated with both the ASPI (P = 0.03) and ADP (0.002) tests. Fibrinogen correlated with ADP test values (P 30 AUC at the 4th postoperative day consequently received as a part of our clinical routine an additional 75 mg CLO per day, in terms of platelet inhibition optimization. Multiple-electrode aggregometry can recognize patients with RPR during both the pre- and post-CABG period. Postoperatively administered ASA (300 mg) did not sufficiently inhibit platelet aggregation in 46.5% of post-CABG patients. In this group of patients a switch to dual APT should be considered
Endoskopsko lijeÄenje sindroma Å”kljocavog kuka vanjskog tipa: kirurÅ”ka tehnika i prikaz dvaju sluÄajeva
Snapping hip or coxa saltans is a condition characterized by an audible and/or palpable snapping during hip movement and can be associated with pain around the hip. There are various causes of this condition and can be divided into two types: extra-articular and intra-articular. The most common type is the external extra-articular, where the snapping is due to thickened posterior part of the iliotibial band or anterior part of the gluteus maximus muscle sliding over the greater trochanter during hip movement. Two patients with external snapping hip are presented, who were treated with our original endoscopic iliotibial band release and greater trochanteric bursectomy. There were no surgical complications and the patients did not experience snapping or pain in the hip during 24-month follow-up period. Results of various open techniques and one endoscopic technique in the treatment of external snapping hip are also reported.Å kljocavi kuk ili coxa saltans je stanje u kojem dolazi do Äujnog i/ili palpabilnog Å”kljocanja prilikom pokreta u kuku, tijekom Äega se mogu javljati i bolovi. Prema uzrocima Å”kljocavi kuk se dijeli na ekstra-artikularni i intra-artikularni. NajÄeÅ”Äi tip je vanjski ekstra-artikularni, gdje do Å”kljocanja dolazi zbog preskakanja zadebljanog stražnjeg dijela traktusa iliotibijalisa ili prednjeg dijela miÅ”iÄa gluteusa maksimusa preko velikog trohantera tijekom pokreta u kuku. U ovom radu prikazujemo dvoje bolesnika s vanjskim tipom Å”kljocavog kuka koji su podvrgnuti endoskopskom opuÅ”tanju traktusa iliotibijalisa i uklanjanju burze nad velikim trohanterom naÅ”om vlastitom metodom. Oba zahvata su proÅ”la bez komplikacija te bolesnici nisu imali bolove ili Å”kljocanje u kuku u vremenu praÄenja od dvije godine. Ujedno prikazujemo rezultate mnogobrojnih otvorenih tehnika i jedne endoskopske tehnike u lijeÄenju Å”kljocavog kuka