2,580 research outputs found

    Numeričko istraživanje utjecaja radijalne zračnosti na performanse kompresora s kombiniranim tokom

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    In mixed-flow compressor, the leakage flow through the tip clearance generates the tip leakage vortex by the interaction with the main flow, and consequently makes the flow in the impeller passage more complex. Different tip clearances generate different intensity of disturbance to main flow. In this paper, numerical analysis is performed using a commercial code to investigate tip clearance effects on main flow. The performance of mixed-flow impeller with four different clearances between impeller and stationary shroud are evaluated and compared with experimental results. The impeller performance curves are obtained for different mass flow parameters with different tip clearances at design speed. The results show that the tip leakage flow strongly interacts with main flow and contributes to total pressure loss and performance reduction. The pressure and performance decrement are approximately linearly proportional to the gap between impeller and stationary shroud. Though the velocity vectors distribution, the computed results reveal that the intensity of the disturbance generated by the leakage flow interacts with the main flow has rather a large influence over efficiency. And the quantity of backflow is minimum when the tip clearance is 0.5 mm, while the 0.75mm tip clearance, by contrast, has a considerable effect on main flow by the interaction with leakage flow.Kod kompresora s kombiniranim tokom, protok rasipanja kroz radijalnu zračnost stvara vršni vrtlog rasipanja zbog interakcije s glavnim tokom te uzročno tok u prolazu rotora čini kompleksnijim. Različite veličine radijalne zračnosti uzrokuju različiti intenzitet smetnje glavnom toku. U ovom članku, numerička analiza provodi se korištenjem komercijalnog koda kako bi se istražio utjecaj radijalne zračnosti na glavni tok. Ocjenjene su performanse rotora kombiniranog toka sa četiri različite radijalne zračnosti između rotora i stacionarnog kućišta te su uspoređene s eksperimentalnim rezultatima. Krivulje performansa rotora dobivene su za različite parametre masenog protoka sa različitim radijalnim zračnostima pri konstrukcijskoj brzini. Rezultati pokazuju kako protok vršnog rasipanja ima snažno međudjelovanje s glavnim tokom i da pridonosi potpunom gubitku tlaka i smanjenju performansa. Smanjenje tlaka i performansi približno je linearno proporcionalno razmaku između rotora i stacionarnog kućišta. Kroz raspored vektora brzine, računalni izračuni otkrivaju kako intenzitet smetnja koje se stvaraju kod međudjelovanja protoka rasipanja i glavnog toka, ima priličan utjecaj na efikasnost. Kvantiteta protutoka je minimalna kad radijalna zračnost iznosi 0.5mm, a usporedno tome, kad je radijalna zračnost 0.75mm, ima značajan utjecaj na glavni tok kroz međudjelovanje s protokom rasipanja

    Semi-rational design of nitroarene dioxygenase for catalytic ability toward 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene

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    Rieske non-heme dioxygenase family enzymes play an important role in the aerobic biodegradation of nitroaromatic pollutants, but no active dioxygenases are available in nature for initial reactions in the degradation of many refractory pollutants like 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene (24DCNB). Here, we report the engineering of hotspots in 2,3-dichloronitrobenzene dioxygenase from Diaphorobacter sp. strain JS3051, achieved through molecular dynamic simulation analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, with the aim of enhancing its catalytic activity toward 24DCNB. The computationally predicted activity scores were largely consistent with the detected activities in wet experiments. Among them, the two most beneficial mutations (E204M and M248I) were obtained, and the combined mutant reached up to a 62-fold increase in activity toward 24DCNB, generating a single product, 3,5-dichlorocatechol, which is a naturally occurring compound. In silico analysis confirmed that residue 204 affected the substrate preference for meta-substituted nitroarenes, while residue 248 may influence substrate preference by interaction with residue 295. Overall, this study provides a framework for manipulating nitroarene dioxygenases using computational methods to address various nitroarene contamination problems