13,346 research outputs found

    Mode mixing induced by disorder in graphene PNP junction in a magnetic field

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    We study the electron transport through the graphene PNP junction under a magnetic field and show that modes mixing plays an essential role. By using the non-equilibrium Green's function method, the space distribution of the scattering state for a specific incident modes as well the elements of the transmission and reflection coefficient matrixes are investigated. All elements of the transmission (reflection) coefficient matrixes are very different for a perfect PNP junction, but they are same at a disordered junction due to the mode mixing. The space distribution of the scattering state for the different incident modes also exhibit the similar behaviors, that they distinctly differ from each other in the perfect junction but are almost same in the disordered junction. For a unipolar junction, when the mode number in the center region is less than that in the left and right regions, the fluctuations of the total transmission and reflection coefficients are zero, although each element has a large fluctuation. These results clearly indicate the occurrence of perfect mode mixing and it plays an essential role in a graphene PNP junction transport

    A Double-Track Auction for Substitutes and Complements

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    We propose a new t^atonnement process called a double-track auction for efficiently allocating multiple heterogeneous indivisible items in two distinct sets S1 and S2 to many buyers who view items in the same set as substitutes but items across the two sets as complements. The auctioneer initially announces sufficiently low prices for items in one set, say S1, but sufficiently high prices for items in the other set S2. In each round, the buyers respond by reporting their demands at the current prices and the auctioneer adjusts prices upwards for items in S1 but downwards for items in S2 based on buyers' reported demands until the market is clear. Unlike any existing auction, this auction is a blend of a multi-item ascending auction and a multi-item descending auction. We prove that the auction finds an efficient allocation and its market-clearing prices in finitely many rounds. Based on the auction we also establish a dynamic, efficient and strategy-proof mechanism.Market design, dynamic auction, t^atonnement process, gross substitutes and complements, Walrasian equilibrium, incentives.

    Molecular interactions of the mammalian intermediate filament protein synemin with cytoskeletal proteins present in adhesion sites

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    The type VI intermediate filament (IF) protein synemin is a very large, unique member of the IF protein superfamily. Synemin associates with the major type III IF protein desmin and/or vimentin forming heteropolymeric intermediate filaments (IFs) within mammalian muscle cells. Previous studies in our lab showed that avian synemin interacts with vinculin and alpha-actinin, both of which are cytoskeletal proteins present in adhesion sites such as the focal adhesions within cells. Thus, synemin may link the heteropolymeric IFs to adhesion sites within mammalian muscle cells or within some non-muscle cells that express synemin. At least two isoforms of synemin, namely alpha- and beta-synemin, are present in mammals. The larger alpha-synemin is identical with the smaller beta-synemin, with the only exception being that the slightly smaller beta-synemin lacks a 312 amino acid insert (SNTIII) near the end of the long C-terminal tail domain. Whether the two mammalian synemin isoforms have different functions is unclear. Studies in this dissertation provide evidence that the two large mammalian (human) synemin isoforms interact differentially with several cytoskeletal proteins and thereby may fulfill different cellular functions. Mapping the binding site(s) of human synemins within vinculin and talin by in vitro protein-protein interaction assays revealed that SNTIII, which is absent in beta-synemin, interacts specifically with both vinculin and talin. Transient expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged SNTIII co-localized with vinculin and talin at focal adhesion sites within mammalian cells. Confocal microscope analysis of intracellular localizations of endogenous synemin and vinculin/talin indicated that synemin co-localized with vinculin and talin at the sites of costameres, which are considered specialized focal adhesions located periodically along and immediately subjacent to the sarcolemma of mammalian striated muscle cells. These results indicated that mammalian alpha-synemin, but not beta-synemin, interacts directly with the cytoskeletal proteins vinculin and talin within mammalian cells. To elucidate the possible functions of, and to identify novel interacting proteins for, the smaller beta-synemin within cells, yeast two-hybrid screening of a human adult skeletal muscle cDNA library was performed using the entire tail domain of human beta-synemin (SNbetaT) as the bait. The LIM domain protein zyxin was identified as an interaction partner of beta-synemin. The interaction was further confirmed by several in vitro protein-protein interaction assays. Furthermore, over-expression of the zyxin-binding region of synemin within mammalian cells blocked the localizations of endogenous zyxin to the focal adhesions without disrupting normal cellular architectures. Knockdown synemin expression within cells by siRNA resulted in significantly compromised cell adhesion and migration. These results in toto indicate that mammalian (human) synemin isoforms participate in the focal adhesion dynamics and are essential for cell adhesion and cell motility

    Distortion-Tolerant Communications with Correlated Information

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    This dissertation is devoted to the development of distortion-tolerant communication techniques by exploiting the spatial and/or temporal correlation in a broad range of wireless communication systems under various system configurations. Signals observed in wireless communication systems are often correlated in the spatial and/or temporal domains, and the correlation can be used to facilitate system designs and to improve system performance. First, the optimum node density, i.e., the optimum number of nodes in a unit area, is identified by utilizing the spatial data correlation in the one- and two-dimensional wireless sensor networks (WSNs), under the constraint of fixed power per unit area. The WSNs distortion is quantized as the mean square error between the original and the reconstructed signals. Then we extend the analysis into WSNs with spatial-temporally correlated data. The optimum sampling in the space and time domains is derived. The analytical optimum results can provide insights and guidelines on the design of practical WSNs. Second, distributed source coding schemes are developed by exploiting the data correlation in a wireless network with spatially distributed sources. A new symmetric distributed joint source-channel coding scheme (DJSCC) is proposed by utilizing the spatial source correlation. Then the DJSCC code is applied to spatial-temporally correlated sources. The temporal correlated data is modeled as the Markov chain. Correspondingly, two decoding algorithms are proposed. The first multi-codeword message passing algorithm (MCMP) is designed for spatially correlated memoryless sources. In the second algorithm, a hidden Markov decoding process is added to the MCMP decoder to effectively exploit the data correlation in both the space and time domains. Third, we develop distortion-tolerant high mobility wireless communication systems by considering correlated channel state information (CSI) in the time domain, and study the optimum designs with imperfect CSI. The pilot-assisted channel estimation mean square error is expressed as a closed-form expression of various system parameters through asymptotic analysis. Based on the statistical properties of the channel estimation error, we quantify the impacts of imperfect CSI on system performance by developing the analytical symbol error rate and a spectral efficiency lower bound of the communication system

    Analysis of the Network Mental Health Education

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    This paper focuses on the overview of network mental health education, we specifically write the components of network mental health education, further to write the relationship between the main body of network mental health education, and focus on the content of network mental health education, network mental health education methods. With the advancement of market economy, social competition is increasingly fierce, which brings certain psychological pressure to people, especially teenagers. Strengthening the construction of network mental health education is a necessary element to promote harmonious campus and harmonious society. Carryings out network mental health education activities can resolve various psychological problems through emotional communication, emotional guidance and other activities. This is not only for the formation of a healthy psychological and sound personality, to achieve comprehensive and harmonious development is of great significance, but also for the promotion of school and social harmony and stability, the construction of a modern harmonious campus and harmonious society, also has very important practical significance. On the one hand, carrying out network mental health education is the need of carrying out quality education. And can make people better play their potential, easily and naturally adapt to the changes of the external environment; On the other hand, mental health education is also an important part of quality education. Network mental health education is not only the need of comprehensive development and sustainable development, but also an important part of moral education reform. Mental health education not only expands the scope of traditional moral education, because mental health education mainly focuses on prevention and guidance, builds equal communication and exchanges on the basis of respect, trust and understanding, and creates a free spiritual space