693 research outputs found

    Biologic Agents—A Panacea for Inflammatory Arthritis or Not?

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    Aim. To describe the retention rates for biological therapies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in a clinical setting. Methods. All patients managed in a dedicated biological therapy clinic in a teaching hospital in Australia were assessed for continuation on biological treatments and reasons for switching to an alternative biological agent or cessation of treatment. Results. There was a lower retention rate for RA patients on biological therapies compared to PsA and AS patients and the retention rate for RA patients was lower than that reported in RCTs. Conclusions. The retention rate on biological therapies for RA patients was lower in the clinic setting than what is reported in RCTs. The reasons for the lower retention rate in the clinical setting are discussed but no clear determinants for nonresponse to biological agents were identifiable. These agents have very limited steroid sparing effects

    Large-scale mapping of the massive star-forming region RCW38 in the [CII] and PAH emission

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    We investigate the large-scale structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) around the massive star cluster RCW38 in the [CII] 158 um line and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission. We carried out [CII] line mapping of an area of ~30'x15' for RCW~38 by a Fabry-Perot spectrometer on a 100 cm balloon-borne telescope with an angular resolution of ~1'.5. We compared the [CII] intensity map with the PAH and dust emission maps obtained by the AKARI satellite. The [CII] emission shows a highly nonuniform distribution around the cluster, exhibiting the structure widely extended to the north and the east from the center. The [CII] intensity rapidly drops toward the southwest direction, where a CO cloud appears to dominate. We decompose the 3-160 um spectral energy distributions of the surrounding ISM structure into PAH as well as warm and cool dust components with the help of 2.5-5 um spectra. We find that the [CII] emission spatially corresponds to the PAH emission better than to the dust emission, confirming the relative importance of PAHs for photo-electric heating of gas in photo-dissociation regions. A naive interpretation based on our observational results indicates that molecular clouds associated with RCW38 are located both on the side of and behind the cluster.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Overview of the spectrometer optical fiber feed for the Habitable-zone Planet Finder

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    The Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) is a highly stabilized fiber fed precision radial velocity (RV) spectrograph working in the Near Infrared (NIR): 810 - 1280 nm . In this paper we present an overview of the preparation of the optical fibers for HPF. The entire fiber train from the telescope focus down to the cryostat is detailed. We also discuss the fiber polishing, splicing and its integration into the instrument using a fused silica puck. HPF was designed to be able to operate in two modes, High Resolution (HR- the only mode mode currently commissioned) and High Efficiency (HE). We discuss these fiber heads and the procedure we adopted to attach the slit on to the HR fibers.Comment: Presented at 2018 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Austin, Texas, USA. 18 pages, 25 figures, and 2 table

    TIRSPEC : TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager

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    We describe the TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (TIRSPEC) designed and built in collaboration with M/s. Mauna Kea Infrared LLC, Hawaii, USA, now in operation on the side port of the 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT), Hanle (Ladakh), India at an altitude of 4500 meters above mean sea level. The TIRSPEC provides for various modes of operation which include photometry with broad and narrow band filters, spectrometry in single order mode with long slits of 300" length and different widths, with order sorter filters in the Y, J, H and K bands and a grism as the dispersing element as well as a cross dispersed mode to give a coverage of 1.0 to 2.5 microns at a resolving power R of ~1200. The TIRSPEC uses a Teledyne 1024 x 1024 pixel Hawaii-1 PACE array detector with a cutoff wavelength of 2.5 microns and on HCT, provides a field of view of 307" x 307" with a plate scale of 0.3"/pixel. The TIRSPEC was successfully commissioned in June 2013 and the subsequent characterization and astronomical observations are presented here. The TIRSPEC has been made available to the worldwide astronomical community for science observations from May 2014.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio

    Developmental Studies on Metallised UDMH and Kerosene Gels

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    The influence of particulate and hydrocolloid gellants and different surfactants on gellation of metallised stable gels of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) and kerosene containing 30 per cent 15 micron Aluminium was studied. Metallised UDMH and kerosene gels were characterised with respect to pseudoplasticity, thixotropy, consistency and yield stress using Contrave's rheometer. The effect of shear rate and temperature on the viscosity of these gels was determined. Thermal stability, hypergolicity tests and flow rate studies were also conducted. Metallised UDMH and kerosene gels are found to be stable, thixotropic and pseudoplastic and easily flowing like a liquid under shear force