112 research outputs found

    Why the persistent power can be observed in mesoscopic quantum system

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    It is shown that one of consequences of basic principle of quantum mechanics at the mesoscopic level is violation of the second law of thermodynamics and that an experimental evidence of this violation was obtained long ago.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    Quantum limits to the second law and breach of symmetry

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    Connection between an intrinsic breach of symmetry of equilibrium motion and violation of the second law is accentuated. An intrinsic breach only of clockwise - counter-clockwise symmetry of a circular equilibrium motion can be logical under equilibrium conditions, whereas a breach of right-left symmetry should be always an actual violation of the second law. The reader's attention is drawn to experimental evidence of an intrinsic breach of the clockwise - counter-clockwise symmetry of a circular equilibrium motion, well known as the persistent current. The persistent current is observed in mesoscopic normal metal, semiconductor and superconductor loops and the clockwise - counter-clockwise symmetry is broken because of the discrete spectrum of the permitted states of quantum charged particles in a closed loop. The quantum oscillations of the dc voltage observed on a segment of an asymmetric superconducting loop is experimental evidence of the intrinsic breach of the right-left symmetry and an actual violation of the second law.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, the Invited Lecture presented at the Conference "Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics" 26-29 July 2004, Pragu

    The quantum challenge on mesoscopic level

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    Most experts reject the quantum potential introduced by David Bohm in 1952. But it is impossible to describe some quantum mesoscopic phenomena observed in superconductor nanostructures without a quantum force.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    The quantum mechanics is a non-universal theory. The realistic Schrodinger's and positivistic Born's interpretation of the wave function

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    Quantum mechanics describes successfully numerous quantum phenomena both microscopic and macroscopic, such as superconductivity. But the controversies about quantum mechanics, in the old days and present day, reveal fundamental obscurity in quantum mechanics. In this work reader attention is drawn first of all to the fact that the orthodox description of superconductivity and some other quantum phenomena uses the realistic interpretation of the wave function proposed by Schrodinger whereas the controversies take place until the present about the positivistic interpretation proposed by Born. Causes and essence of the fundamental obscurity of the Born interpretation are considered in detail in the first part of the paper. The fundamental obscurities of the orthodox description of superconductivity and other quantum phenomena are considered in the end of the paper.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, the chapter was written for Advances in Quantum Systems Researc

    About Perpetuum Mobile without Emotions

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    One of the oldest science problems - possibility of the perpetuum mobile is discussed. The interest to this problem was provoke a result, published in J. Low Temp.Phys. 112, 227 (1998); cond-mat/9811148, which contradicts to the second law of thermodynamics. According to this result, the thermal fluctuations can induce a voltage with direct component in a inhomogeneous superconducting ring at an unaltered temperature corresponded to the resistive transition of the ring segment with the lowest critical temperature. This result arises from obvious statements: 1) the switching of a ring segment lbl_{b} into and out of the normal state, while the rest of the ring (segment lal_{a}) remains superconducting, can induced a voltage with dc component (It is shown that, in spite of the wide spread opinion, this statement is correct because the superconductivity is a macroscopic quantum phenomena); 2) the thermal fluctuations switch the mesoscopic ring segment lbl_{b} with lowest critical temperature TsbT_{sb} into and out of the normal state at T≃TsbT \simeq T_{sb}, while the rest of the ring remains superconducting if Tsa>T≃TsbT_{sa} > T \simeq T_{sb}. In order to resolve the contradiction between these obvious statements and the second law of thermodynamics a possibility of the second order perpetuum mobile is considered theoretically. It is shown that from two type of the perpetuum mobile, only type "b" and only in quantum systems is possible. According to the presented interpretation, the total entropy, as the measure of the chaos, may be systematically reduced in some quantum system because a "switching" between the classical and quantum mechanics is possible. Instruction for the making of the perpetuum mobile is enclosed.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figure

    Phase Coherence Appearance in Thin Superconducting Film with Strong Disorders. The Return to the Mendelssohn Model

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    It is shown that transition from the mixed state without the phase coherence to the mixed state with the long-range phase coherence (i.e. to the Abrikosov state) of superconductors without disorder must be first order phase transition. The phase coherence appearance in thin superconducting film with strong disorder is considered. The observed smooth transition is explained by increasing of the effective fluctuation dimensionality (from zero to one) in superconductors with strong disorder. Mendelssohn model is used for the explanation of the resistive properties of film with strong disorder.Comment: 16 pages LaTex, 5 figures ps, was submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Fundamental Differences Between Application of Basic Principles of Quantum Mechanics on Atomic and Higher Levels

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    Superconductivity is macroscopic quantum phenomenon. From force of habit most physicists pay no heed to a paradoxicality of this fact. Niels Bohr considered quantum mechanics as atomic physics and the paradoxical quantum principles may be admissible on this level. But they seem quite strange on the macroscopic level. In the last years some experts, A. J. Leggett and other, attract our attention to a contradiction between quantum mechanics and macroscopic realism. In this paper I try to draw reader's attention to some paradoxical consequences of the Bohr quantization on the macroscopic level.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, the talk was presented at the Eighth International Symposium Frontiers of Fundamental Physics, Madrid, October 17-19, 200

    Differences between application of some basic principles of quantum mechanics on atomic and mesoscopic levels

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    Formalism of the quantum mechanics developed for microscopic (atomic) level comes into collision with some logical difficulties on mesoscopic level. Some fundamental differences between application of its basic principles on microscopic and mesoscopic levels are accentuated.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    What is the Vortex Lattice Melting, Reality or Fiction?

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    This work fights against the widespread delusion cond-mat/0111052 on the vortex lattice melting. In spite of the outward appearances the Abrikosov state is not the vortex lattice with crystalline long-range order because pinning disorders destroy this order in real superconductors (A.I.Larkin, 1970) and the Abrikosov's solution 1957 year is not valid in the ideal case (K.Maki and H.Takayama, 1972). Only long-range order - long-range phase coherence exists in the Abrikosov state. Therefore the vortex lattice melting theories are science fiction cond-mat/9811051. The phase transition interpreted erroneously as the vortex lattice melting is in reality a disappearance of long-range phase coherence. In spite of the widespread opinion these two transitions are different transitions when a suitable definition of phase coherence is used. The superconducting state without phase coherence differs in essence from the mythical vortex liquid. The vortex, as a singularity in superconducting state with phase coherence, can not exist without phase coherence.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, reported at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Physics and Materials Science of Vortex States, Flux Pinning and Dynamics, Kusadasi, Turkey, July 26 - August 8, 199

    Flux-qubit and the law of angular momentum conservation

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    The confidence of many authors in the possibility to use superconducting loop interrupted by Josephson junctions as a basis for quantum bit, flux qubit, presumes the assumption on superposition of two macroscopically distinct quantum states with macroscopically different angular momentum. The contradiction of this assumption with macroscopic realism and the conservation law must call the numerous publications about flux qubit in question. These publications uncover misunderstanding by many modern physicists of the essence of the superposition principle. The Einstein - Podolsky - Rosen (EPR) correlation or entanglement, introduced in 1935 by opponents of the Copenhagen interpretation in order to reveal the contradiction of this principle with realism, has provided a basis of the idea of quantum computation. The problem of the EPR correlation has emerged thanks to philosophical controversy between the creators of the quantum theory about the subject of its description. Therefore it is impossible to solve correctly the problem of quantum computer creation without the insight into the essence of this philosophical controversy. The total neglect of the philosophical problems of quantum foundation results to concrete mistakes, the example of which are the publications about flux qubit. In order to prevent such mistakes in the future the philosophical questions about the essence of superposition and entanglement and about the subject of quantum description are considered.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure, Presented at the International Conference "Micro- and nanoelectronics - 2009", extended Session "Quantum Informatics", Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, October 5-9, 200
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