6 research outputs found

    Staff management at international hotel chains

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    The article is devoted to the development of innovative approaches to staff management at international hotel chains. The article describes personnel as a driving force to solve problems related to the competitiveness, economic growth, and efficiency of international hotel chains. It is proved that staff management is the key component of the management system at modern hotels, as all targets of a hotel are achieved due to personnel ideas, approaches, and energy. It is determined that the staff management system requires improvement of methods of work with personnel and application of achievements of foreign science and practical experience, and this requires fundamental changes in the vision of the staff role in the development of international hotel chains and understanding the importance of career growth, which becomes the strategic task of both a hotel and a worker. © BEIESP

    Formulation of development strategy for tourism and hospitality industry

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    This article is devoted to formulation of development strategy for tourism and hospitality industry. It has been established that in order to improve competitiveness of sector markets and to create conditions for accelerated development of tourism and hospitality industry due to expansion of spectrum and improvement of service quality, it is required to consider for guarantied conformity of available capacities of existing enterprises and newly established entities with demands of tourists while developing strategic economic programs and their implementation in each region. It has been proved that implementation of development strategy for tourism and hospitality industry would allow to determine numerous attractive tourist and recreation proposals, create modern procurement infrastructure of tourist and hotel business, improve transport infrastructure of border area and arrangement of all required facilities, develop information infrastructure of tourist and hotel business. © IAEME Publication

    Tourism development prospects in the context of global socio-economic trends

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    The article is devoted to assessing the tourism development prospects in the context of global socio-economic trends. It is revealed that the recreational nature of tourism directly affects the tourist attractiveness of Russian tourist territories since due to the vastness of the country it is exactly the regions where the necessary conditions for recreation and temporary stay in ecologically green areas can be created. It is proved that global socio-economic trends create prerequisites, that is, part of the conditions necessary to develop the tourism economy. These opportunities need to be actualized that may contribute to the emergence of conditions sufficient for turning the tourist potential of the regions into their real, financially tangible tourist attractiveness. The need to brand tourist destinations identifying unique features of the respective territories can be considered as the important steps towards tourism development. © 2020 by ASERS®Publishing. All rights reserved

    Prospects for the development of small hotels in modern conditions

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    The paper is dedicated to justifying the prospects for the development of small hotels in modern conditions. It has been found that the Russian Federation demonstrates an example of the rapid development of small hotel business. In some of the country’s regions, progressive trends can be observed, which are associated with an increase in the capacity of the hotel industry related to the attraction of small-sized accommodation facilities to this area. It has been revealed that Saint Petersburg is the undisputed leader in promoting small hotel business. It has been determined that Moscow is another significant representative of the developing small hotel market. Despite an insignificant share of small hotels in the total amount, it is small hotels in Moscow that make up the majority of the newly introduced key count. However, this cannot physically significantly affect the ratio of rooms per thousand capita, which is too low in Moscow. © 2019, ASERS Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Ecological certification of hotel business enterprises: Programs and technologies

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    The article is devoted to the development of approaches to environmental certification of hotel business enterprises. It has been established that the hotel services market is characterized by the growth of initiatives to combat global environmental problems. It has been proved that the state can support and develop existing environmental programs only based on the voluntary choice of an organization to complete environmental certification. It has been revealed that new forms have emerged in the hotel business to ensure that guests enjoy their stay as much as possible while contributing to biodiversity conservation and nature protection. It has been established that in the international market, there are companies engaged in the voluntary certification of products and services. Hotel business enterprises prefer external international certification since the legal framework in the Russian Federation is still poorly developed in this direction. © 2020, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved

    Russian consensus on exo-and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment

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    The Russian consensus on exo- and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment was prepared on the initiative of the Russian Pancreatic Club using the Delphi method. Its goal was to consolidate the opinions of national experts on the most relevant issues of diagnosis and treatment of exo- and endocrine insufficiency after surgical interventions on the pancreas. An interdisciplinary approach is ensured by the participation of leading gastroenterologists and surgeons