51 research outputs found

    Solvable extensions of negative Ricci curvature of filiform Lie groups

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of a left-invariant metric of strictly negative Ricci curvature on a solvable Lie group the nilradical of whose Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g} is a filiform Lie algebra n\mathfrak{n}. It turns out that such a metric always exists, except for in the two cases, when n\mathfrak{n} is one of the algebras of rank two, LnL_n or QnQ_n, and g\mathfrak{g} is a one-dimensional extension of n\mathfrak{n}, in which cases the conditions are given in terms of certain linear inequalities for the eigenvalues of the extension derivation.Comment: 15 page

    Nilradicals of Einstein solvmanifolds

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    A Riemannian Einstein solvmanifold is called standard, if the orthogonal complement to the nilradical of its Lie algebra is abelian. No examples of nonstandard solvmanifolds are known. We show that the standardness of an Einstein metric solvable Lie algebra is completely detected by its nilradical and prove that many classes of nilpotent Lie algebras (Einstein nilradicals, algebras with less than four generators, free Lie algebras, some classes of two-step nilpotent ones) contain no nilradicals of nonstandard Einstein metric solvable Lie algebras. We also prove that there are no nonstandard Einstein metric solvable Lie algebras of dimension less than ten.Comment: 22 page

    Totally geodesic hypersurfaces of homogeneous spaces

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    We show that a simply connected Riemannian homogeneous space M which admits a totally geodesic hypersurface F is isometric to either (a) the Riemannian product of a space of constant curvature and a homogeneous space, or (b) the warped product of the Euclidean space and a homogeneous space, or (c) the twisted product of the line and a homogeneous space (with the warping/twisting function given explicitly). In the first case, F is also a Riemannian product; in the last two cases, it is a leaf of a totally geodesic homogeneous fibration. Case (c) can alternatively be characterised by the fact that M admits a Riemannian submersion onto the universal cover of the group SL(2) equipped with a particular left-invariant metric, and F is the preimage of the two-dimensional solvable totally geodesic subgroup.Comment: 8 page

    Harmonic homogeneous manifolds of nonpositive curvature

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    A Riemannian manifold is called harmonic if its volume density function expressed in polar coordinates centered at any point is radial. Flat and rank-one symmetric spaces are harmonic. The converse (the Lichnerowicz Conjecture) is true for manifolds of nonnegative scalar curvature and for some other classes of manifolds, but is not true in general: there exists a family of homogeneous harmonic spaces, the Damek-Ricci spaces, containing noncompact rank-one symmetric spaces, as well as infinitely many nonsymmetric examples. We prove that a harmonic homogeneous manifold of nonpositive curvature is either flat, or is isometric to a Damek-Ricci space.Comment: 11 page

    Einstein solvmanifolds attached to two-step nilradicals

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    A Riemannian Einstein solvmanifold (possibly, any noncompact homogeneous Einstein space) is almost completely determined by the nilradical of its Lie algebra. A nilpotent Lie algebra, which can serve as the nilradical of an Einstein metric solvable Lie algebra, is called an Einstein nilradical. Despite a substantial progress towards the understanding of Einstein nilradicals, there is still a lack of classification results even for some well-studied classes of nilpotent Lie algebras, such as the two-step ones. In this paper, we give a classification of two-step nilpotent Einstein nilradicals in one of the rare cases when the complete set of affine invariants is known: for the two-step nilpotent Lie algebras with the two-dimensional center. Informally speaking, we prove that such a Lie algebra is an Einstein nilradical, if it is defined by a matrix pencil having no nilpotent blocks in the canonical form and no elementary divisors of a very high multiplicity. We also discuss the connection between the property of a two-step nilpotent Lie algebra and its dual to be an Einstein nilradical.Comment: 16 page

    Osserman manifolds of dimension 8

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    For a Riemannian manifold MnM^n with the curvature tensor RR, the Jacobi operator RXR_X is defined by RXY=R(X,Y)XR_XY = R(X,Y)X. The manifold MnM^n is called {\it pointwise Osserman} if, for every p∈Mnp \in M^n, the eigenvalues of the Jacobi operator RXR_X do not depend of a unit vector X∈TpMnX \in T_pM^n, and is called {\it globally Osserman} if they do not depend of the point pp either. R. Osserman conjectured that globally Osserman manifolds are flat or rank-one symmetric. This Conjecture is true for manifolds of dimension nβ‰ 8,16n \ne 8, 16. Here we prove the Osserman Conjecture and its pointwise version for 8-dimensional manifolds.Comment: 18 pages, LaTE

    Osserman manifolds and Weyl-Schouten Theorem for rank-one symmetric spaces

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    A Riemannian manifold is called Osserman (conformally Osserman, respectively), if the eigenvalues of the Jacobi operator of its curvature tensor (Weyl tensor, respectively) are constant on the unit tangent sphere at every point. Osserman Conjecture asserts that every Osserman manifold is either flat or rank-one symmetric. We prove that both the Osserman Conjecture and its conformal version, the Conformal Osserman Conjecture, are true, modulo a certain assumption on algebraic curvature tensors in R16\mathbb{R}^16. As a consequence, we show that a Riemannian manifold having the same Weyl tensor as a rank-one symmetric space, is conformally equivalent to it.Comment: 25 page

    Riemannian manifolds of dimension 7 whose skew-symmetric curvature operator has constant eigenvalues

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    A Riemannian manifold is called IP, if the eigenvalues of its skew-symmetric curvature operator are pointwise constant. It was previously shown that for all n\ge 4, except n=7, any IP manifold either has constant curvature, or is a warped product, with some specific function, of a line and a space of constant curvature. We extend this result to the case n = 7, and also study 3-dimensional IP manifolds.Comment: Corollary on p2 correcte

    Einstein solvmanifolds with free nilradical

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    We classify solvable Lie groups with a free nilradical admitting an Einstein left-invariant metric. Any such group is essentially determined by the nilradical of its Lie algebra, which is then called an Einstein nilradical. We show that among the free Lie algebras, there are very few Einstein nilradicals. Except for the one-step (abelian) and the two-step ones, there are only six others: f(2,3), f(2,4), f(2,5), f(3,3), f(4,3), f(5,3) (where f(m,p) is a free p-step Lie algebra on m generators). The reason for that is the inequality-type restrictions on the eigenvalue type of an Einstein nilradical obtained in the paper.Comment: 14 pages, changes to introduction, one reference added, small changes to the text and to the titl

    Einstein solvmanifolds with a simple Einstein derivation

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    The structure of a solvable Lie groups admitting an Einstein left-invariant metric is, in a sense, completely determined by the nilradical of its Lie algebra. We give an easy-to-check necessary and sufficient condition for a nilpotent algebra to be an Einstein nilradical whose Einstein derivation has simple eigenvalues. As an application, we classify filiform Einstein nilradicals (modulo known classification results on filiform graded Lie algebras).Comment: 11 page
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