4 research outputs found

    Хетерозисни прояви по технологични параметри в F1 хибриди лук за сушене

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    The suitability of newly developed F1 onion (Allium cepa L.) hybrids for drying was evaluated in 3-year experiment by the expression of the heterosis effect toward the time for reaching to the minimal equilibrium moisture content during the drying process. Lines, varieties and F1 onion hybrids of three types (hot, semi-hot and sweet) with yellow envelope flakes and different morphological characteristics were used. The drying time for the investigated variants ranged between 70 and 180 minutes. The bulbs of hybrid Liaskovski sterile x Jubilei 50 (LA x J50) F1 were dried most rapidly. The hypothetical heterosis varied from -17.65% to 46.67%. Heterosis manifestations concerning drying time of onion bulbs were expressed but they have not economic importance. Therefore the heterosis breeding is not the way for increasing the suitability of onion for drying. Systematic investigations on the initial plant material before including in the hybridization in order to search parental components with optimal values of the drying parameters have to be on the focus.В тригодишен експеримент е оценена пригодността за сушене на новосъздадени F1 хибриди лук (Allium cepa L.) чрез изследване на хетерозисния ефект по отношение на времето за достигане до минималното равновесно съдържание на влага по време на процеса на изсушаване. Използвани са три типа линии, сортове и F1 хибриди лук (люти, полулюти и сладки) с жълти обвивни люспи и различна морфологична характеристика. Времето на сушене за изследваните варианти варира между 70 и 180 минути. Луковиците на хибрида Лясковски стерилен х Юбией 50 (LA x J50) F1 се изсушават най-бързо. Хипотетичният хетерозис варира от -17.65% до 46.67%. Установени са прояви на хетерозис, отнасящи се до времето на сушене на луковиците, но без икономическо значение.Това показва, че хетерозисната селекция при лука не е пътят, по който може да се увеличи пригодността му засушене. На фокус трябва да бъдат систематични изследвания на растителния материал преди включването му в хибридизация с цел търсене на родителски компоненти с оптимални стойности на параметрите на сушене

    GNSS Storm Nowcasting Demonstrator for Bulgaria

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    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is an established atmospheric monitoring technique delivering water vapour data in near-real time with a latency of 90 min for operational Numerical Weather Prediction in Europe within the GNSS water vapour service (E-GVAP). The advancement of GNSS processing made the quality of real-time GNSS tropospheric products comparable to near-real-time solutions. In addition, they can be provided with a temporal resolution of 5 min and latency of 10 min, suitable for severe weather nowcasting. This paper exploits the added value of sub-hourly real-time GNSS tropospheric products for the nowcasting of convective storms in Bulgaria. A convective Storm Demonstrator (Storm Demo) is build using real-time GNSS tropospheric products and Instability Indices to derive site-specific threshold values in support of public weather and hail suppression services. The Storm Demo targets the development of service featuring GNSS products for two regions with hail suppression operations in Bulgaria, where thunderstorms and hail events occur between May and September, with a peak in July. The Storm Demo real-time Precise Point Positioning processing is conducted with the G-Nut software with a temporal resolution of 15 min for 12 ground-based GNSS stations in Bulgaria. Real-time data evaluation is done using reprocessed products and the achieved precision is below 9 mm, which is within the nowcasting requirements of the World Meteorologic Organisation. For the period May–September 2021, the seasonal classification function for thunderstorm nowcasting is computed and evaluated. The probability of thunderstorm detection is 83%, with a false alarm ration of 38%. The added value of the high temporal resolution of the GNSS tropospheric gradients is investigated for a storm case on 24–30 August 2021. Real-time tropospheric products and classification functions are integrated and updated in real-time on a publicly accessible geoportal

    Investigating the kinetics at low temperature heat pump drying and conventional drying of osmotic dehydrated blueberries

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    The possibilities for low-temperature heat pump and conventional drying of blueberries during preliminary osmotic dehydration was studied. A full factor experiment of type 22+3 was performed. The kinetics of the process during variation of the main mode parameters: inlet temperature and thickness of the drying layer (load on the scaffolding) was studied. The curves of the drying process U = f (τ) and the curves of the drying speed dU / dτ = f (U) were constructed. The influence of the regime parameters on the drying time was established. Regression models of the drying coefficient during the second period of drying were presented