31 research outputs found

    Entangled photons from a strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity system

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    A quantum dot strongly coupled to a photonic crystal has been recently proposed as a source of entangled photon pairs [R. Johne et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 240404 (2008)]. The biexction decay via intermediate polariton states can be used to overcome the natural splitting between the exciton states coupled to the horizontally and vertically polarized light modes, so that high degrees of entanglement can be expected. We investigate theoretically the features of realistic dot-cavity systems, including the effect of the different oscillator strength of excitons resonances coupled to the different polarizations of light. We show that in this case, an independent adjustment of the cavity resonances is needed in order to keep a high entanglement degree. We also consider the case when the biexciton-exciton transition is also strongly coupled to a cavity mode. We show that a very fast emission rate can be achieved allowing the repetition rates in the THz range. Such fast emission should however be paid for by a very complex tuning of the many strongly coupled resonances involved and by a loss of quantum efficiency. Altogether a strongly coupled dot-cavity system seems to be very promising as a source of entangled photon pairs.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Resonant mode coupling approximation for calculation of optical spectra of photonic crystal slabs. Part II

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    We propose further development of the resonant mode coupling approximation for the calculation of optical spectra of stacked periodic nanostructures in terms of the scattering matrix. We previously showed that given the resonant input and output vectors as well as background scattering matrices of two subsystems, one can easily calculate those for the combined system comprising two subsystems. It allows us to write a resonant approximation for the combined system and speed up calculation significantly for typical calculation problems. The main drawback of this approach is that the background matrix in such approximation was considered constant which is not always sufficient if the energy range of interest is relatively wide. The aim of this article is to solve this problem by utilizing more complicated approximations for the background matrices. In particular, we show that consideration of energy-dependent correction terms for the background matrices remarkably reduces the resonant energies' calculation error. Here we first consider a linear approximation, and although it is not suitable for large energy ranges, it is used as a base for a piecewise-linear approximation which allows one to keep the approximation error negligibly small with only a few sample points. Moreover, interpolation of the background matrices allows one to apply resonant mode coupling approximation in almost arbitrary large energy ranges. We also consider approximation of background matrices by an arbitrary matrix function and propose a technique to derive the resonant poles in this case. The methods described here could be considered as an alternative approach for calculation of optical spectra stacked systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Twist-tunable moir\'e optical resonances

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    Multilayer stacks of twisted optical metasurfaces are considered as a prospective platform for chiral nanophotonic devices. Such structures are primarily used for the realization of circularly polarized light sources, artificial optical rotation, and circular dichroism. At the same time, the behavior of their hybrid photonic modes is strongly affected by the moir\'e-pattern of superimposed periodic constituents. In this work, we show that moir\'e-periodicity in bilayer dielectric photonic crystal slabs leads to an arise of unlimitedly narrow optical resonances, which are very sensitive to the relative twist and gap width between the sublayers. We demonstrate the structure providing twist-tuning of the hybrid mode wavelength in the range of 300--600~nm with quality factor varying from~10210^2~up~to~10510^5 correspondingly. The obtained results pave the wave for the utilization of moir\'e-assisted effects in multilayer photonic crystal slabs