53 research outputs found
Primary motor cortex functionally contributes to language comprehension: An online rTMS study
Among various questions pertinent to grounding human cognitive functions in a neurobiological substrate, the association between language and motor brain structures is a particularly debated one in neuroscience and psychology. While many studies support a broadly distributed model of language and semantics grounded, among other things, in the general modality-specific systems, theories disagree as to whether motor and sensory cortex activity observed during language processing is functional or epiphenomenal. Here, we assessed the role of motor areas in linguistic processing by investigating the responses of 28 healthy volunteers to different word types in semantic and lexical decision tasks, following repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of primary motor cortex. We found that early rTMS (delivered within 200 ms of word onset) produces a left-lateralised and meaning-specific change in reaction speed, slowing down behavioural responses to action-related words, and facilitating abstract words ā an effect present only during semantic, but not lexical, decision. We interpret these data in light of action-perception theory of language, bolstering the claim that motor cortical areas play a functional role in language comprehension
Serbia within the European context: An analysis of premature mortality
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Based on the global predictions majority of deaths will be collectively caused by cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and traffic accidents over the coming 25 years. In planning future national health policy actions, inter ā regional assessments play an important role. The purpose of the study was to analyze similarities and differences in premature mortality between Serbia, EURO A, EURO B, and EURO C regions in 2000.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mortality and premature mortality patterns were analysed according to cause of death, by gender and seven age intervals. The study results are presented in relative (%) and absolute terms (age-specific and age-standardized death rates per 100,000 population, and age-standardized rates of years of life lost ā YLL per 1,000). Direct standardization of rates was undertaken using the standard population of Europe. The inter-regional comparison was based on a calculation of differences in YLL structures and with a ratio of age-standardized YLL rates per 1,000. A multivariate generalized linear model was used to explore mortality of Serbia and Europe sub-regions with <it>ln </it>age-specific death rates. The dissimilarity was achieved with a p ā¤ 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>According to the mortality pattern, Serbia was similar to EURO B, but with a lower average YLL per death case. YLL patterns indicated similarities between Serbia and EURO A, while SRR YLL had similarities between Serbia and EURO B. Compared to all Europe sub-regions, Serbia had a major excess of premature mortality in neoplasms and diabetes mellitus. Serbia had lost more years of life than EURO A due to cardiovascular, genitourinary diseases, and intentional injuries. Yet, Serbia was not as burdened with communicable diseases and injuries as were EURO B and EURO C.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>With a premature mortality pattern, Serbia is placed in the middle position of the Europe triangle. The main excess of YLL in Serbia was due to cardiovascular, malignant diseases, and diabetes mellitus. The results may be used for assessment of unacceptable social risks resulting from health inequalities. Within intentions to reduce an unfavourable premature mortality gap, it is necessary to reconsider certain local polices and practices as well as financial and human resources incorporated in the prevention of disease and injury burden.</p
Adjuvant Cancer Biotherapy by Viscum Album Extract Isorel: Overview of Evidence Based Medicine Findings
Within the integrative medicine one of the most frequently used adjuvant cancer biotherapies is based on aqueous mistletoe (Viscum album) extracts. Tumor growth inhibition, stimulation of host immune response and improvement of the quality of life are the positive effects of mistletoe therapy described in several preclinical and clinical studies. However, cumulative results of the evidence based medicine findings on such treatments are rarely given. Therefore, this paper evaluates the evidence based findings describing effects of the Viscum album extract Isorel in cancer therapy with respect to the type of therapy, stage and type of illness. This study presents cumulated data for 74 patients with different types and stages of cancer treated by Viscum album extract as adjuvant treatment to different conventional therapies, mostly combined surgery and radiotherapy. The biotherapy effectiveness was evaluated according to the outcome as 1) no major therapeutic improvement (15% of patients), 2) prevention of tumor recurrence (47% of patients) and 3) regression of cancer (38% of patients). Notably, there was no obvious health worsening during the follow up period at all. Thus, the results obtained for conventional anticancer therapies combined with adjuvant biotherapy based on Viscum album extract seem to be beneficial for the majority of cancer patients (85%) without serious side effects
Removal of Cs Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Using Matrices of Natural Clinoptilolite and its Safe Disposal
The possibility to use natural zeolite - clinoptilolite as a host material for radioactive Cs immobilization has been investigated. Cs-exchanged form of clinoptilolite which was prepared by treatment of clinoptilolite powder with 0.25 M CsCl solution was compacted. Both, powder and powder compact of exchanged clinoptilolite were thermally treated at 1200 C-0. The XRPD analysis showed that Cs was successfully immobilized after heat treatment by formation of stable cesium dodecaoxo-alumopentasilicate in both, powder sample and compact. The newly formed compound showed satisfactory Cs ions retention during leaching test. The sintered compact showed somewhat better resistance to Cs leaching than the thermally treated powder. The compressive strength of sintered compact was close to 200 MPa which is more than enough for easy handling and safe storage
Nanostructured Fe2O3/TiO2 thick films
Thick films of nanostructured pure TiO2, -Fe2O3, Fe2O3/TiO2 (ratio 2:3 and 3:2) and a hetero-junction in the form of a TiO2 layer over a Fe2O3 layer have been fabricated by screen printing technology on a glass substrate. The pastes used for film preparation were obtained by adding an organic vehicle to the oxide powders together with a small percentage of binding glass frit. Samples were dried up to 100oC and sintered at 650oC/60 minutes. Structural, morphological and optical studies have been carried out using XRD, SEM, EDS analysis and UV/Vis spectroscopy. Fe2O3/TiO2 thick films had a homogenous nanostructure and no new compounds were formed. Indirect band gaps were determined from the measured transmission spectra
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