42 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu prikazana je ljekaruÅ”a napisana u 18. stoljeću na području Poljica. Budući da se sačuvala i nalazi se u vlasniÅ”tvu Josipa Bratulića, filologa, povjesničara književnosti i bibliofila, autor ovog rada predlaže da se nazove Velika poljička (Bratulićeva) ljekaruÅ”a. LjekaruÅ”a se sastoji od 288 nepaginiranih stranica ispisanih rukom istog autora, crnom tintom. Napisana je latinicom hrvatskim jezikom. Dobro je očuvana, tek manji dio je nečitak. Sadrži viÅ”e od 1100 recepata i po tome se može ubrojiti među velike ljekaruÅ”e. Većina recepata odnosi se na liječenje ljudi, manji dio na liječenje životinja, a samo nekoliko recepata su savjeti za domaćinstvo. Bogatstvom sadržaja izričaja i naputaka za liječenje nadovezuje se na niz sličnih rukopisa koji čine dragocjeni segment hrvatske medicinske, farmaceutske i kulturne baÅ”tine.The paper presents a folk recipe collection manuscript written by an unknown author in Poljica area, in the 18th century. It is owned by the philologist, historian of literature and bibliophile, Josip Bratulic. Therefore, the author suggests that this recipe collection should bear the name Great folk medicine book from Poljica (Bratulicā€™s folk medicine book). The manuscript is written in Latin script and Croatian language. It consists of 288 pages written in black ink and contains more than 1,100 recipes making it one of the largest known manuscripts. Although well preserved, a small part of it is unreadable. Most recommended recipes are for treating humans and domestic animals, while several recipes contain household tips. The abundance of its content, expressions, and healing instructions add this recipe collection to other similar manuscripts of this region, which create precious part of the Croatian medical, pharmaceutical, and cultural heritage


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    Donja Stubica: Salvus d.o.o., 2021.; 159 str. Prikaz knjig

    Andrija Å tampar (1888āˆ’1958) and Antun Vrgoč (1881āˆ’1949): parallels and controversy

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    U životopisima Andrije Å tampara, velikana hrvatske i svjetske medicine, akademika i predsjednika tadaÅ”njega JAZU-a, dekana Medicinskoga fakulteta i rektora SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, te Antuna Vrgoča, znanstvenika farmakognosta, dekana Farmaceutskoga fakulteta, kulturnoga i javnoga radnika, uočljive su mnoge sličnosti, ali i razlike. Rođeni u istom desetljeću XIX. stoljeća, u gotovo identičnom seoskom ambijentu uz Savu, Å tampar u Brodskom Drenovcu, Vrgoč u Gunji, pohađali su istu gimnaziju u Vinkovcima i imali zajedničke mladenačke ideale i sklonosti. Okolnosti, posebice dvaju svjetskih ratova koje su proživjeli, te iskustva i ciljevi kojima su se posvetili doveli su do sve većih razlika među njima, uključivÅ”i i svjetonazorske, te na kraju do prijepora oko odnosa farmacije i javnoga zdravstva. Ovaj rad pridonosi poznavanju stručnih i druÅ”tvenih okolnosti koje su profilirale ove dvije ličnosti i utjecale na njihov svjetonazor i stajaliÅ”ta.Many similarities, but also differences, are observable in the biographies of Andrija Å tampar, one of the greats of Croatian and world medicine, an academic and president of JAZU (HAZU), dean of the Faculty of Medicine, rector of the University of Zagreb, and AntunVrgoč, scientist in pharmacognosy, dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, cultural and public worker. Born in the same decade of the 19th century, in an almost identical country setting along the river Sava, Å tampar in Drenovac, Vrgoč in Gunja, they attended the same high school in Vinkovci and had common youthful ideals and preferences. Circumstances, in particular the two world wars that they lived through, experiences and goals they were devoted to, have led to growing differences including their worldviews, and in the end to the controversy about the relationship of pharmacy and public health. Therefore, this paper contributes to the knowledge of professional and social circumstances that have profiled these two personalities and influenced their worldview and attitudes

    Manuscript ā€œCollection of remedies with the list of medicinal herbs and recipes for preparing balms and tincturesā€ from Plehan

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    U ovom je radu je prvi put opisana ljekaruÅ”a nađena u arhivu samostana Plehan (Bosna i Hercegovina) pod naslovom Zbirka lijekova sa zbirkom ljekovitih trava i uputom za pravit meleme i murćefe, koja je pisana u drugoj polovini 19. stoljeća. Autor i mjesto nastanka ljekaruÅ”e nisu poznati. Uočena su dva različita rukopisa, Å”to upućuje na dvojicu autora, najvjerojatnije franjevaca. Zbirka sadrži 56 recepata za liječenje bolesti u ljudi te tri recepta za liječenje domaćih životinja. Jedan recept odnosi se na savjet za domaćinstvo. U ljekaruÅ”i se nalazi popis ljekovitog bilja s hrvatskim i latinskim imenima. Taj popis i nekoliko recepata mogu se naći i u ljekaruÅ”i fra Mije Nikolića koja je pisana 1868. godine. Jezik ljekaruÅ”e prilično je neujednačen Å”to upućuje na doslovno prepisivanje iz različitih izvora. Materia medica ove ljekaruÅ”e sastoji se ponajviÅ”e od ljekovitih pripravaka biljnog podrijetla. Recepti koji sadrže materijale životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla također su prisutni, ali u znatno manjoj mjeri. Bolesti, koje su često spomenute samo kao simptomi, nazivaju se narodnim imenima. Način pripreme lijekova i termini prodiskutirani su u smislu usporedbe sa suvremenim farmaceutskim postupcima i nazivima. Sastavljen je i rječnik manje poznatih riječi i arhaizama. Na kraju je priložen i tekst ljekaruÅ”e bez ikakvih jezičnih i stilskih ispravaka kako bi se omogućio multidisciplinaran pristup tekstu.The paper describes the manuscript containing a collection of folk recipes (so-called ā€œljekaruÅ”aā€) which was written in the second half of 19th century. The manuscript was found in the archives of the Plehan Friary (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Its author and the place of origin are not known. Two different handwritings are discernible suggesting that two authors, probably Franciscians, are involved. The collection contains 56 recipes for human medical practice and 3 recipes for veterinary use. One recipe contain advice for household. The list of plants for medical use with Croatian and Latin names is included. This list and several recipes were also found in Mijo Nikolić,s manuscript from 1868. The language of the manuscript is rather ununiform, which suggests that different sources of the recipes were used. Materia medica of the collection is mostly composed of drugs prepared from plant material of domestic origin. Recipes having animal and mineral origin are also included, but to a lesser extent. Deseases are called by folk names and are frequently referred to as symptoms. Ways of preparing remedies and terms used in recipes are discussed and compared with common pharmaceutical procedures and terms. A glossary of less known and obsolete words is given as well. The complete, uncorrected version of the manuscript is enclosed at the end to enable a multidiciplinary approach to the text

    Manuscript "Many different remedies for headache treatment" from the archives of Sinj friary

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    U ovome je radu prvi put opisan rukopis Mnoge različite Likarie od bolesti glave koji je nađen u arhivu Franjevačkog samostana u Sinju. Pretpostavlja se da je tekst dio veće cjeline, neke ljekaruÅ”e, a nastao je vjerojatno u XVIII. stoljeću. Rukopis sadržava 16 recepata za izradu i upotrebu lijekova za liječenje glavobolje. Služio je vjerojatno kao priručnik za izradu i upotrebu lijekova za liječenje. Materia medica ovoga rukopisa sastoji se isključivo od pripravaka biljnog podrijetla. U popisu ljekovitog bilja narodnim su nazivima koji su koriÅ”teni u rukopisnom fragmentu pripisana suvremena imena te latinska imena biljne vrste i porodice. Analiziran je jezik teksta i priređen rječnik manje poznatih pojmova i arhaizama. U raspravi je način pripreme lijekova uspoređen sa suvremenim farmaceutskim postupcima. Sastavljen je rječnik manje poznatih izraza i arhaizama. Priložen je izvorni tekst fragmenta kako bi mu se omogućio multidisciplinaran pristup.Manuscripts containing collections of folk recipes for treatment of deseases were written mostly by Catholic priests especially Franciscians in Croatia in the past centuries. They were used as manuals for preparation of remedies and gave directions for their use. These writtings provide valuble data for etnographers and historians of ethnomedicine. The paper describes the manuscript ā€œMany different remedies for headache treatmentā€ written by unknown author probably in 18. century in Sinj, Dalmatia. The manuscript was found in the archives of Sinj Friary. The collection contains 16 recipes for headache treatment. Materia medica of the manuscript is composed of drugs of plant origin. Valuable information is given about the folk names for medicinal plants as well as descriptions of the ways of preparing remedies. Latin as well as contemporaly croatian names are attributed to the plants species mentioned in the manuscript. Use of the plants for treatment of the specific deseases were compared with their use in modern fitotherap


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    U radu smo analizirali dijelove autobiografskog djela hrvatskog farmakognosta i kemičara Antuna Vrgoča (1881.-1949.) naslovljenog Moje uspomene na svjetski rat 1914.-1920 koje je izaÅ”lo u Zagrebu 1937. godine. Autor ovih zapisa bio je zarobljen u listopadu 1914. godine i deportiran u Sibir gdje je kao ratni zarobljenik ostao sve do 1920. godine. Memoarska proza vezana uz život sibirskih zarobljenika tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata je rijetka pa je ovo djelo dragocjeno svjedočanstvo odnosa spram ratnih zarobljenika, međuljudskih odnosa i vjeÅ”tine preživljavanja jednog časnika austrougarske vojske. U tekstu ove knjige upadljiv je izostanak civilne i vojne netrpeljivosti spram zarobljenika te poÅ”tivanje Ženevske konvencije. Usvajanjem kulture, običaja i jezika svojih formalnih neprijatelja, uključivanjem u njihov civilni život i podučavanjem na SveučiliÅ”tu, Antun Vrgoč iznosi svoje katarzično iskustvo preživljavanja s jasnom porukom ratnog apsurda.This article looks into the autobiography of the Croatian chemist and pharmacognosist Antun Vrgoč (1881-1949) entitled My Memories of the World War 1914-1920 and published in Zagreb in 1937. The author was captured in October 1914 and deported to Siberia, where he remained prisoner of war until 1920. Since there are few memoirs describing the life of Siberian prisoners during the First World War, this work is a precious testimony about the attitude towards the prisoners of war, human relations, and the survival of an Austro-Hungarian army officer. The book shows a striking lack of civilian or military hostility towards the prisoners and the respect of the Geneva Convention. Antun Vrgoč adopted the culture, customs and language of his formal enemies, took part in their civilian life, and taught at their university. His cathartic experience of survival includes a clear message about the absurdity of war