12 research outputs found

    Javnozdravstveni stručni skup, 14. prosinca 2012. godine u Osijeku

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    Javnozdravstveni stručni skup koji se održao 14. prosinca 2012. godine u Osijeku u zgradi Županijske komore Hrvatske gospodarske komore u organizaciji Zavoda za javno zdravstvo Osječko-baranjske županije sastojao se od tri dijela:1. Sastanka službi za javno zdravstvo mreže zavoda za javno zdravstvo2. Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog društva za javno zdravstvo3. Okrugli stol: „Prekogranična suradnja na području javnog zdravstva“ s prezentacijom broja Hrvatskog časopisa za javno zdravstvo (www.hcjz.hr)

    Prvo izvješće o nalazu velikog američkog metilja (Fascioloides magna, Bassi, 1875) u Hrvatskoj.

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    Cases of American liver fluke (Fascioloides magna) were detected in Croatia for the first time in January 2000. Initial suspicions with regard to the presence of Fascioloides magna in the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population were raised in Baranja, eastern Croatia, during the winter of 1999. Red deer liver samples from that area were examined and 22 adult parasites were recovered. The parasites, as well as mature eggs, were determined to be Fascioloides magna. The parasite was probably introduced into the Baranja region by natural deer migration from neighbouring Hungary.Tijekom siječnja 2000. godine po prvi puta je ustanovljena prisutnost velikog američkog metilja (Fascioloides magna) u Hrvatskoj. Sumnja na njegovu prisutnost u populaciji jelena običnog (Cervus elaphus L.) postavljena je tijekom zime 1999. godine u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske, odnosno Baranje. Dostavljeni i pregledani uzorak jetre jelena običnog s tog područja sadržavao je 22 odrasla parazita. Paraziti i zrela jajašca determinirani su kao Fascioloides magna. Paraziti su vjerojatno uneseni na područje Baranje prirodnom migracijom jelena iz susjedne Mađarske

    Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Rural Area of Croatia

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    Rural areas, where 47.6% of the Croatian population lives are not generally the focus of research; yet there are challenges which affect the rural population that often go unreported. These communities often exhibit disadvantages in many areas of health. The aim of this study is to examine the specific health needs and related determinants of rural populations influenced by transition that were affected by the consequences of war. The focus of the research is rural lifestyle, behaviour and cardiovascular risk factors in three villages of Sisa~ko-moslava~ka County. Results show that participants generally understand that their own lifestyles influence their health, but they often neglect to change their behaviour to improve their health. This can be explained through complex socio-economic conditions and traditional values of their heritage. These results suggest a need for further research on health status, attitude, and behaviour of Croatia’s rural population. Specific public health intervention and services for rural populations must be promoted

    Trudnice kao rizični pacijenti u stomatologiji

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    Simplified Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient after Oral Cancer Removal

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    Terapija pacijenata s oralnim karcinomom složena je i zahtijeva multidisciplinaran pristup koji uključuje maksilofacijalnog i oralnog kirurga, onkologa i stomatološkog protetičara, a često je potrebna i psihološka pomoć. U ovom prikazu slučaja opisana je protetička rehabilitacija pacijentice nakon uklanjanja oralnoga karcinoma izradom resekcijske proteze. Resekcijska šupljina nalazi se na srednjem dijelu tvrdog nepca, a prema Aramanyju pripada trećem razredu maksilarnih defekata. Otisak ležišta proteze i resekcijske šupljine proveden je u dva koraka. Prvi je korak otisak ireverzibilnim hidrokoloidom za ležište proteze, a drugi, otisak resekcijske šupljine dobiven kondenzacijskim silikonskim materijalom s pomoću metalne baze resekcijske proteze. Resekcijskom protezom pacijentici su nadomješteni izgubljeni zubi te joj je, uz minimalne troškove, poboljšana oralna funkcija i estetika.The treatment of patients with oral cancer is complex: a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken and maxillofacial and oral surgeons, an oncologist, a prosthodontist should be included, and a psychologist is often needed. This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient after surgical removal of oral cancer with obturator prosthesis. Resection cavity was located in central part of the hard palate and the condition belonged to Aramany class 3 maxillary defects. The two-step impression technique of denture bearing area and the resection cavity was performed. A primary impression- the impression of denture bearing area was made using irreversible hydrocolloid material, while the second impression – the impression of resection cavity was made using condensation silicone material and obturator prosthesis framework. The obturator prosthesis replaced lost teeth, improved oral function and esthetics at minimal costs

    Simplified Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient after Oral Cancer Removal

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    Terapija pacijenata s oralnim karcinomom složena je i zahtijeva multidisciplinaran pristup koji uključuje maksilofacijalnog i oralnog kirurga, onkologa i stomatološkog protetičara, a često je potrebna i psihološka pomoć. U ovom prikazu slučaja opisana je protetička rehabilitacija pacijentice nakon uklanjanja oralnoga karcinoma izradom resekcijske proteze. Resekcijska šupljina nalazi se na srednjem dijelu tvrdog nepca, a prema Aramanyju pripada trećem razredu maksilarnih defekata. Otisak ležišta proteze i resekcijske šupljine proveden je u dva koraka. Prvi je korak otisak ireverzibilnim hidrokoloidom za ležište proteze, a drugi, otisak resekcijske šupljine dobiven kondenzacijskim silikonskim materijalom s pomoću metalne baze resekcijske proteze. Resekcijskom protezom pacijentici su nadomješteni izgubljeni zubi te joj je, uz minimalne troškove, poboljšana oralna funkcija i estetika.The treatment of patients with oral cancer is complex: a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken and maxillofacial and oral surgeons, an oncologist, a prosthodontist should be included, and a psychologist is often needed. This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient after surgical removal of oral cancer with obturator prosthesis. Resection cavity was located in central part of the hard palate and the condition belonged to Aramany class 3 maxillary defects. The two-step impression technique of denture bearing area and the resection cavity was performed. A primary impression- the impression of denture bearing area was made using irreversible hydrocolloid material, while the second impression – the impression of resection cavity was made using condensation silicone material and obturator prosthesis framework. The obturator prosthesis replaced lost teeth, improved oral function and esthetics at minimal costs

    Simplified Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient after Oral Cancer Removal

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    The treatment of patients with oral cancer is complex: a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken and maxillofacial and oral surgeons, an oncologist, a prosthodontist should be included, and a psychologist is often needed. This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient after surgical removal of oral cancer with obturator prosthesis. Resection cavity was located in central part of the hard palate and the condition belonged to Aramany class 3 maxillary defects. The two-step impression technique of denture bearing area and the resection cavity was performed. A primary impression- the impression of denture bearing area was made using irreversible hydrocolloid material, while the second impression – the impression of resection cavity was made using condensation silicone material and obturator prosthesis framework. The obturator prosthesis replaced lost teeth, improved oral function and esthetics at minimal costs