8 research outputs found

    Infrastructure and climate change: a study of impacts and adaptations in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia

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    The African Development Bank has called for 40BillionUSDperyearoverthecomingdecadestobeprovidedtoAfricancountriestoaddressdevelopmentissuesdirectlyrelatedtoclimatechange.Thecurrentstudyaddressesakeycomponentoftheseissues,theeffectofclimatechangeontheroadinfrastructureofMalawi,Mozambique,andZambia.Thestudyincorporatesastressorresponseapproachtoestimatetheeffectsofprojectedprecipitation,temperature,andfloodingchangesonthepavedandunpavedroadinfrastructureofthesecountries.Thepaperhighlightstheresultofrunning425climatescenariosforeachroadtypeandpolicyoptionfrom2010to2050.Basedonthisbroadanalysis,itisestimatedthatthethreesouthernAfricancountriesarefacingapotential40 Billion USD per year over the coming decades to be provided to African countries to address development issues directly related to climate change. The current study addresses a key component of these issues, the effect of climate change on the road infrastructure of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. The study incorporates a stressor-response approach to estimate the effects of projected precipitation, temperature, and flooding changes on the paved and unpaved road infrastructure of these countries. The paper highlights the result of running 425 climate scenarios for each road type and policy option from 2010 to 2050. Based on this broad analysis, it is estimated that the three southern African countries are facing a potential 596 million price tag based on median climate scenarios to maintain and repair roads as a result of damages directly related to temperature and precipitation changes from potential climate change through 2050. The challenge for policy makers is to determine the potential risk that a country is facing based on the uncertainties associated with the multiple aspects of climate change modeling. This article is part of a Special Issue on “Climate Change and the Zambezi River Valley” edited by Finn Tarp, James Juana, and Philip Ward

    Road infrastructure and climate change in Vietnam

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    Climate change is a potential threat to Vietnam's development as current and future infrastructure will be vulnerable to climate change impacts. This paper focuses on the physical asset of road infrastructure in Vietnam by evaluating the potential impact of changes from stressors, including: sea level rise, precipitation, temperature and flooding. Across 56 climate scenarios, the mean additional cost of maintaining the same road network through 2050 amount to US$10.5 billion. The potential scale of these impacts establishes climate change adaptation as an important component of planning and policy in the current and near future

    Infrastructure and climate change: Impacts and adaptations for the Zambezi River Valley

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    The African Development Bank has called for US40billionperyearoverthecomingdecadestobeprovidedtoAfricancountriestoaddressdevelopmentissuesdirectlyrelatedtoclimatechange.Thecurrentstudyaddressesakeycomponentoftheseissues,theeffectofclimatechangeontheroadinfrastructureofMalawi,Mozambique,andZambia,alllocatedwithintheZambeziRiverBasin.Thestudyincorporatesastressorresponseapproachtoestimatetheeffectsofprojectedprecipitation,temperature,andfloodingchangesonthepavedandunpavedroadinfrastructureofthesecountries.Thepaperhighlightstheresultofrunning425climatescenariosforeachroadtypeandpolicyoptionfrom20102050.Basedonaresultingdatabaseofover1.4milliondatapoints,thethreesouthernAfricancountriesarefacingapotentialUS40 billion per year over the coming decades to be provided to African countries to address development issues directly related to climate change. The current study addresses a key component of these issues, the effect of climate change on the road infrastructure of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia, all located within the Zambezi River Basin. The study incorporates a stressor-response approach to estimate the effects of projected precipitation, temperature, and flooding changes on the paved and unpaved road infrastructure of these countries. The paper highlights the result of running 425 climate scenarios for each road type and policy option from 2010-2050. Based on a resulting database of over 1.4 million data points, the three southern African countries are facing a potential US596 million price tag based on median climate scenarios to maintain and repair roads as a result of damages directly related to temperature and precipitation changes from potential climate change through 2050

    Cost and impact analysis of sea level rise on coastal Vietnam

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    The Development under Climate Change research effort provides a basis for determining quantitative impacts on infrastructure from climate change. This paper provides results of an analysis of sea level rise impacts on road infrastructure in Vietnam. The study utilizes a quantitative approach for determining these impacts through engineering-based models that estimate the impact of sea level rises on road infrastructure. Through this approach, the cost impact of sea level rises on the coastal regions of Vietnam are presented

    Infrastructure and climate change: Impacts and adaptations for South Africa

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    This paper presents the results of the current study on the impact of climate change on the road and building infrastructure within South Africa. The approach builds upon previous work associated with the UNU-WIDER Development under Climate Change effort emphasizing the impact of climate change on roads. The paper illustrates how climate change effects on both road and building structures can be evaluated with the application of a new analysis system - the infrastructure planning support system. The results of the study indicate that the national level climate change cost impact in South Africa will vary between US141.0millionaverageannualcostsinthemedianclimatescenariounderanadaptationpolicy,andUS141.0 million average annual costs in the median climate scenario under an adaptation policy, and US210.0 million average annual costs under a no adaptation scenario. Similarly, the costs will vary between US457.0millionaverageannualcostsinthemaximumclimatescenariounderanadaptationpolicyscenario,andUS457.0 million average annual costs in the maximum climate scenario under an adaptation policy scenario, and US522.0 million average annual costs under a no adaptation scenario. The paper presents these costs at a provincial impact level through the potential impacts of 54 climate scenarios. Decadal costs are detailed through 2100

    Road Infrastructure and Climate Change in Vietnam

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    Abstract Climate change is a potential threat to Vietnam's development as current and future infrastructure will be vulnerable to climate change impacts. This paper focuses on the physical asset of road infrastructure in Vietnam by evaluating the potential impact of changes from stressors, including: sea level rise, precipitation, temperature and flooding. Across 56 climate scenarios, the mean additional cost of maintaining the same road network through 2050 amount to US$10.5 billion. The potential scale of these impacts establishes climate change adaptation as an important component of planning and policy in the current and near future