84 research outputs found
On media, children, and their parents
A lecture given on the occasion of the public acceptance of the appointment as extraordinary professor of Children, Media, and Parental Mediation in the Department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, on Thursday 9 June, 2011.
Children nowadays live in a media-rich environment, which can make parenting a daunting task. This inaugural lecture discusses three aspects of parental mediation of children’s media use. First, a sketch of the media saturated world of children is presented, because that is the media situation parents have to act on. It is concluded that, although several surveys on children’s media use in Europe exist, none of them gives a complete overview of the media ownership and use by children from early infancy until early adolescence. Therefore, a new media monitor is proposed. Next, the research on parental mediation is reviewed. It is argued that despite the many studies done so far, we still have little knowledge on how and when parents guide their children when using the media. Especially studies on the effectiveness of parental mediation and on the mediation of children that are more at risk and very young children are lacking. Finally, it is argued that parents are in need of formal and informal forms of parenting support, which they can get from various sources. The information given by institutional sources with regard to parental mediation, however, in the Netherlands often is not validated or evidence-based, because the professionals are not yet well informed about children, media, and parental mediation
PENERAPAN MODEL CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING UNTUK MENING KATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPS TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2017 (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Materi Jenis Usaha dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Pada Siswa Kelas V |SDN Cimanggu ! KAbupaten Sukabumi TAhun Ajaran 2016/2017 ) SKRIPSI Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Syarat Memperoleh g elar Sarjana Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Oleh NIKKEN TRIAS P 1250600 07 PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS PASUNDAN BANDUNG 2016
Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Kanggo Ngaronjatkeun Kenging Diajar
Siswa Dina Subtema Macem
macem Asal Energi Dina Siswa Kelas IV SDN
Ciheulang 1 Kacamatan Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung.Panalungtikan ieu dilatar
belakangi ku kenging timuan dina kagiatan ob
servasi anu mendeskripsikeun
pendek na kenging diajar siswa dina Subtema macem
macem asal energi.Desain
panalungtikan ieu ngagunakeun model PTK,anu diwangun ti II siklus,saban
siklusnya ngawengku tahapan perencanaan,palaksanaan tindakan,observasi,sarta
leksi. Kenging panalungtikan kanggo palaksanaan pembelajaran meunang
kenging dina siklus I sagede 78% sarta meningkat dina siklus II sagede 85%. Dina
daweung ras hoyong terang siklus I meunang kenging sagede 59% sarta
meningkat dina siklus II barobah kaaya
an 81%. Dina kenging diajar siswa anu di
peroleh ti tilu aspek yaktos aspek afektif,kognit,sarta psikomotor. Nembongkeun
yen dina siklus I siswa junun ngahontal ketuntasan daweung (afektif)
59%,kauninga (kognitif) seesar 66%,sarta keterampilan (psikomotor)
62%. Dina
tindakan siklus II anu mangrupa perbaikan ti kenging posttest dina siklus I
ngalaman kanaekan presentase ketuntasan daweung (afektif) sagede
88%,kauninga (kognitif) sagede 88%,sarta ketarampilan (psikomotor) 88%.
Perkawis eta dimargikeun dina mo
del discovery learning anu aktip salila
pembelajaran nyaeta peserta didik sedengkeun guru ngan bertindak minangka
fasilitator.Kacindekan anu ditampa ti panalungtikan ieu teh yen pamakean model
discovery learning tiasa ngaronjatkeun rasa hoyong teurang sart
a kenging diajar
siswa Kelas IV SDN Ciheulang 1. ku kituna model discovery learning tiasa
dijadikeun minangka salah sahiji alternatif model pembelajaran sarta dipambrih
guru tiasa mecakan nerapkeun model pembelajaran dina materi sanes dina usaha
kanggo nga
ronjatkeun kualitas pangajaran supados tiasa mending.
Sanggem kunci: Discovery Learning,rasa hoyong terang sarta kenging diajar
Guiding young children’s internet use at home
Using an online questionnaire among 785 parents (children 0-7 years) in the Netherlands we investigated a) whether parents experience problems when guiding children’s digital media usage, b) whether they feel competent in dealing with these problems, c) whether they need parenting support, and d) how these problems, competences and need for support are related to the characteristics of the parents, the family and the child. The analyses reveal that the parents’ experiences of problems is associated with negative views on media effects, the presence of older siblings living at home and occur especially when their child is active on social media. Parents’ feelings of competence are enhanced by positive views on media effects, older children being present in the home, and the involvement of the young child in educational games and media skill level. Parents feel less confident if their child is active on social media. Support is primarily dependent on the level of problems at hand. Moreover, professionals are consulted especially when parents feel less competent, their child is active on social media and no older siblings are present at home. Parents ask family or friends for advice when they have a negative view on media effects
Neutrosofik Modul Dan Sifat-sifatnya
Given any ring with unity and a commutative neutrosophic group under the additional operation, then from the both structures can be constructed a neutroshopic module by define the scalar multiplication between elements of the ring and elements of the commutative group. Further by generalized the neutrosophic module can be obtained a substructure of the neutrosophic module called a neutrosophic submodule. In this paper, from the concept of neutrosophic module and the ring with unity we study a generalization of classical module, that is a neutrosophic module and its properties. By utilizing the neutroshopic element as an indeterminate and an idempotent element under multiplication can be shown that most of the basic properties of clasiccal module generally still true on this neutrosophic struture
Parents’ Instrumental use of Media in Childrearing: Relationships with Confidence in Parenting, and Health and Conduct Problems in Children
Using an online questionnaire among 516 Dutch parents (children between 1 and 12 years; 68% mothers, 18% single parents) this study explored whether parents see media devices as useful tools in childrearing, and how parent-family characteristics and parental perceptions on parenting, media effects and child development predict the acceptance of instrumental media use. Findings revealed that parents saw media as a) a distractor providing the parent relief in childrearing, b) a babysitter when the parent is unavailable, and c) a tool to modify children’s behavior. Whereas 20 to 30 percent found media useful as a modifier or babysitter, only about 10 percent perceived media helpful as a distractor. Acceptance of the different types of instrumental media use depended more on parental perceptions than on parent-family variables: i.e., instrumental use of media was primarily endorsed by parents who are less confident about their parenting, have less support from a partner, expect positive effects from the media, and report health and conduct problems in their children
Sifat-sifat Lanjut Neutrosofik Modul
Neutrosophic module over the ring with unity is an algebraic structure formed by a neutrosophic abelian group by providing actions scalar multiplication on the structure. The elementary properties of neutrosophic module have been looked at, that are intersection dan summand among neutrosophic submodules are neutrosophic submodule again, but it not true for union of neutrosophic submodules. In this article discussed the advanced properties of the neutrosophic module and the algebraic aspects respect to this structure, including neutrosophic quotient module and neutrosophic homomorphism module and can be shown that most of the properties of the classical module still true to the neutrosophic structure, especially with regard to the properties of neutrosophic homomorphism module and the fundamental theorem of neutrosophic homomorphism module
Model Optimasi Economic Production Quantity Dengan Sistem Delivery Order
The aims of Economic Production Quantity models are for manage the production schedule and product inventory. The first Economic Production Quantity model developed by E.W Taft on 1918. Taft make some asumption such as daily demand rate constant, daily production rate constant, not stockout allowed, single item product and daily production rate are more than daily demand rate. On the process of delivery product, there is not transportation cost. Pasandideh dan Niaki on 2010 was constructed an Economic Production Quantity models with discrete delivery order. In this research we discussed the Economic Production Quantity model which products delivered by multiple palet system and with transportation cost
Himpunan Bilangan Bulat Non Negatif Pada Semiring Lokal Dan Semiring Faktor
Let commutative Semiring S. Ideal on Semiring S defined in the same way with the Ideal on the ring. On Semiring there are special Ideals such as -ideal, -maximal Ideal and -ideal. Semiringwith a unique -maximal Ideal is called local Semiring. In This paper we will discussed that from non negative integer we can determined a local Semiring and quotient Semiring
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