321 research outputs found
Parenting in the digital age – empowering Dutch parents with a practical screen guide
Remember doctor Spock? No not the one from Star Trek, but the author of The Common Sense Book about Baby & Child Care. Since 1946 millions of copies sold all over the world, because it gave practical and validated information to parents on health issues, and daily hassles and parenting concerns, nicely organised by topic and the child’s development. For www.parenting.digital, Professor Peter Nikken (Windesheim) talks about his new Spock-inspired book offering an overview of how contemporary media affect children at different stages of their development, paired with practical advice for parents. What can you advise parents when they are wondering about the pros and cons of VR headsets for a child, if it is bad when teens watch sexual materials, and what to do when their child wants to become a professional YouTuber
MRI for the initial evaluation of acute wrist, knee, and ankle trauma
In this thesis we study the application of MRI in acute trauma of wrist, knee, and
ankle, evaluating its potentials, its effects, and its costs. Our aim was to use MRI in
all patients with acute trauma of wrist, knee, and ankle, without increasing the
overall costs to society, potentially even reducing these costs.
We used a relatively inexpensive low field dedicated extremity MRI system
(Artoscan M, Esaote, Genoa, Italy) for our study. There has been debate regarding
the diagnostic performance of low field MRI versus high field MRI (10-25).
However, most studies conclude that the diagnostic quality of low field MRI
approaches the high field systems. We feel that skepticism toward low field MRI is
often based on first impressions of the low field MRI images and not on data of
comparative clinical trials
Pengaruh Kenon-Unitalan Modul Terhadap Hasil Kali Tensor
Pembahasan tentang teori modul oleh [5] dibagi menjadi modul unital dan modul non unital. Grup Abel yang memenuhi aksioma untuk menjadi -modul kecuali aksioma unital disebut -modul non unital. Pada kenyataanya ring dengan elemen satuan tidak selalu menjamin bahwa aksioma unital modul tersebut dipenuhi. Dalam paper ini dijelaskan tentang hasil kali tensor dari modul non unital atas ring dengan elemen satuan. Beberapa sifat khusus seperti isomorfisma pada hasil kali tensor pada modul unital tidak dapat dipertahankan oleh modul non unital
On media, children, and their parents
A lecture given on the occasion of the public acceptance of the appointment as extraordinary professor of Children, Media, and Parental Mediation in the Department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, on Thursday 9 June, 2011.
Children nowadays live in a media-rich environment, which can make parenting a daunting task. This inaugural lecture discusses three aspects of parental mediation of children’s media use. First, a sketch of the media saturated world of children is presented, because that is the media situation parents have to act on. It is concluded that, although several surveys on children’s media use in Europe exist, none of them gives a complete overview of the media ownership and use by children from early infancy until early adolescence. Therefore, a new media monitor is proposed. Next, the research on parental mediation is reviewed. It is argued that despite the many studies done so far, we still have little knowledge on how and when parents guide their children when using the media. Especially studies on the effectiveness of parental mediation and on the mediation of children that are more at risk and very young children are lacking. Finally, it is argued that parents are in need of formal and informal forms of parenting support, which they can get from various sources. The information given by institutional sources with regard to parental mediation, however, in the Netherlands often is not validated or evidence-based, because the professionals are not yet well informed about children, media, and parental mediation
PENERAPAN MODEL CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING UNTUK MENING KATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPS TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2017 (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Materi Jenis Usaha dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Pada Siswa Kelas V |SDN Cimanggu ! KAbupaten Sukabumi TAhun Ajaran 2016/2017 ) SKRIPSI Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Syarat Memperoleh g elar Sarjana Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Oleh NIKKEN TRIAS P 1250600 07 PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS PASUNDAN BANDUNG 2016
Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Kanggo Ngaronjatkeun Kenging Diajar
Siswa Dina Subtema Macem
macem Asal Energi Dina Siswa Kelas IV SDN
Ciheulang 1 Kacamatan Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung.Panalungtikan ieu dilatar
belakangi ku kenging timuan dina kagiatan ob
servasi anu mendeskripsikeun
pendek na kenging diajar siswa dina Subtema macem
macem asal energi.Desain
panalungtikan ieu ngagunakeun model PTK,anu diwangun ti II siklus,saban
siklusnya ngawengku tahapan perencanaan,palaksanaan tindakan,observasi,sarta
leksi. Kenging panalungtikan kanggo palaksanaan pembelajaran meunang
kenging dina siklus I sagede 78% sarta meningkat dina siklus II sagede 85%. Dina
daweung ras hoyong terang siklus I meunang kenging sagede 59% sarta
meningkat dina siklus II barobah kaaya
an 81%. Dina kenging diajar siswa anu di
peroleh ti tilu aspek yaktos aspek afektif,kognit,sarta psikomotor. Nembongkeun
yen dina siklus I siswa junun ngahontal ketuntasan daweung (afektif)
59%,kauninga (kognitif) seesar 66%,sarta keterampilan (psikomotor)
62%. Dina
tindakan siklus II anu mangrupa perbaikan ti kenging posttest dina siklus I
ngalaman kanaekan presentase ketuntasan daweung (afektif) sagede
88%,kauninga (kognitif) sagede 88%,sarta ketarampilan (psikomotor) 88%.
Perkawis eta dimargikeun dina mo
del discovery learning anu aktip salila
pembelajaran nyaeta peserta didik sedengkeun guru ngan bertindak minangka
fasilitator.Kacindekan anu ditampa ti panalungtikan ieu teh yen pamakean model
discovery learning tiasa ngaronjatkeun rasa hoyong teurang sart
a kenging diajar
siswa Kelas IV SDN Ciheulang 1. ku kituna model discovery learning tiasa
dijadikeun minangka salah sahiji alternatif model pembelajaran sarta dipambrih
guru tiasa mecakan nerapkeun model pembelajaran dina materi sanes dina usaha
kanggo nga
ronjatkeun kualitas pangajaran supados tiasa mending.
Sanggem kunci: Discovery Learning,rasa hoyong terang sarta kenging diajar
Manajemen Hipertensi dengan Foot Massage terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi
Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi ditandai dengan tekanan darah sistolik di atas 140 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik di atas 90 mmHg. Kondisi ini, jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat, dapat menyebabkan beberapa masalah termasuk stroke, gagal jantung, gagal ginjal, dan gangguan lainnya. Foot massage adalah intervensi non-farmakologis yang dapat digunakan. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pemanfaatan foot massage sebagai cara untuk mengelola hipertensi pada individu lanjut usia dengan tekanan darah tinggi. Studi kasus ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan. Studi kasus ini melibatkan pengaplikasian foot massage pada tiga subjek studi yang didiagnosis menderita hipertensi. Sesi pijat berlangsung selama lima hari, dengan setiap sesi berdurasi antara 10 dan 15 menit. Spigmomanometer digunakan sebagai instrumen pengukuran selama fase pretest dan posttest. Temuan studi kasus menunjukkan bahwa foot massage, yang dilakukan selama 5 sesi, secara efektif mengurangi tekanan darah pada subjek 1. Secara spesifik, subjek 1 mengalami penurunan tekanan darah dari 141/103 mmHg menjadi 121/86 mmHg. Subjek 2 juga mengalami penurunan tekanan darah dari 140/111 mmHg menjadi 130/88 mmHg. Terakhir, subjek 3 menunjukkan penurunan tekanan darah dari 151/93 mmHg menjadi 120/74 mmHg. Berdasarkan temuan yang diperoleh dari studi kasus yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan foot massage selama 10-15 menit selama 5 hari menunjukkan kemanjuran dalam pengelolaan hipertensi, yang mengarah pada penurunan tingkat tekanan darah
Guiding young children’s internet use at home
Using an online questionnaire among 785 parents (children 0-7 years) in the Netherlands we investigated a) whether parents experience problems when guiding children’s digital media usage, b) whether they feel competent in dealing with these problems, c) whether they need parenting support, and d) how these problems, competences and need for support are related to the characteristics of the parents, the family and the child. The analyses reveal that the parents’ experiences of problems is associated with negative views on media effects, the presence of older siblings living at home and occur especially when their child is active on social media. Parents’ feelings of competence are enhanced by positive views on media effects, older children being present in the home, and the involvement of the young child in educational games and media skill level. Parents feel less confident if their child is active on social media. Support is primarily dependent on the level of problems at hand. Moreover, professionals are consulted especially when parents feel less competent, their child is active on social media and no older siblings are present at home. Parents ask family or friends for advice when they have a negative view on media effects
The notions of irreducible ideals of the endomorphism ring on the category of rings and the category of modules
Let R commutative ring with multiplicative identity, and M is an R-module. An ideal I of R is irreducible if the intersection of every two ideals of R equals I, then one of them is I itself. Module theory is also known as an irreducible submodule, from the concept of an irreducible ideal in the ring. The set of R - module homomorphisms from M to itself is denoted by EndR(M). It is called a module endomorphism M of ring R. The set EndR(M) is also a ring with an addition operation and composition function. This paper showed the sufficient condition of an irreducible ideal on the ring of EndR(R) and EndR(M
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