3,929 research outputs found


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    В статье рассматривается вопрос становления субъектности студентов первокурсников как необходимой составляющей осуществления их учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Раскрывается содержание психолого-педагогического сопровождения как условия, реализующего становление субъектности студентаIn article the question of formation of subjectivity of first-year students as a necessary component of implementation of their educational professional activity is considered. Content of psychology and pedagogical maintenance as the condition realizing formation of subjectivity of the student reveal

    Open Source Dataset and Machine Learning Techniques for Automatic Recognition of Historical Graffiti

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    Machine learning techniques are presented for automatic recognition of the historical letters (XI-XVIII centuries) carved on the stoned walls of St.Sophia cathedral in Kyiv (Ukraine). A new image dataset of these carved Glagolitic and Cyrillic letters (CGCL) was assembled and pre-processed for recognition and prediction by machine learning methods. The dataset consists of more than 4000 images for 34 types of letters. The explanatory data analysis of CGCL and notMNIST datasets shown that the carved letters can hardly be differentiated by dimensionality reduction methods, for example, by t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) due to the worse letter representation by stone carving in comparison to hand writing. The multinomial logistic regression (MLR) and a 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) models were applied. The MLR model demonstrated the area under curve (AUC) values for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) are not lower than 0.92 and 0.60 for notMNIST and CGCL, respectively. The CNN model gave AUC values close to 0.99 for both notMNIST and CGCL (despite the much smaller size and quality of CGCL in comparison to notMNIST) under condition of the high lossy data augmentation. CGCL dataset was published to be available for the data science community as an open source resource.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2018), 14-16 December, 2018 (Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Professional task as substantial reference point of educational professional activity of bachelors

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    In article the practical applicability of professional tasks for selection of content of preparation at development of educational programs of a bachelor degree is discussed. The way of specification of content of educational professional activity on the example of one of problems of the Pedagogical education direction is offeredОбсуждается практическая применимость профессиональных задач для отбора содержания подготовки при освоении образовательных программ бакалавриата. Предлагается способ уточнения содержания учебно-профессиональной деятельности на примере одной из задач направления «Педагогическое образование

    Magnetic proximity effects in V/Fe superconductor/ferromagnet single bilayer revealed by waveguide-enhanced polarized neutron reflectometry

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    Polarized neutron reflectometry is used to study the magnetic proximity effect in a superconductor/ferromagnet (SC/FM) system of composition Cu(32nm)/V(40nm)/Fe(1nm)/MgO. In contrast to previous studies, here a single SC/FM bilayer, is studied and multilayer artefacts are excluded. The necessary signal enhancement is achieved by waveguide resonance, i.e. preparing the V(40nm)/Fe(1nm) SC/FM bilayer sandwiched by the highly reflective MgO substrate and Cu top layer, respectively . A new magnetic state of the system was observed at temperatures below 0.7 TC. manifested in a systematic change in the height and width of the waveguide resonance peak. Upon increasing the temperature from 0.7 TC to TC, a gradual decay of this state is observed, accompanied by a 5% growth of the diffuse scattering. According to theoretical studies, such behavior is the result of the magnetic proximity effect. Due to the presence of the thin FM layer the superconducting electrons are polarized and, as a result, near the SC/FM interface an additional magnetic layer appears in the SC with thickness comparable to ksi, the coherence length of the superconductor.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 11 pages, 6 figures

    To the Issue of Developing the «Soft Skills» of the Future Teacher

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    В статье привлекается внимание к вопросу необходимости развития мягких навыков будущего педагога в процессе его подготовки в вузе и раскрывается специфика их понимания.The article draws attention to the issue of the need to develop the soft skills of the future teacher in the process of his preparation at the university and reveals the specifics of their understanding


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    В статье рассматривается принципиальная возможность изменения характера подготовки будущего педагога. Она основана на ориентации подготовки на создание образа педагога Будущего как транспрофессионала. Опирается на реализацию идей опережения и проектирования в вузовской подготовкеThe article considers the fundamental possibility of changing the nature of training of the future teacher. It is based on the orientation of training to create an image of the Future teacher as a transfessional. It is based on the implementation of ideas of advance and design in university trainin

    Asymmetric Domain Nucleation and Unusual Magnetization Reversal in Ultrathin Co Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy

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    We report unexpected phenomena during magnetization reversal in ultrathin Co films and Co/Pt multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. Using magneto-optical Kerr microscopy and magnetic force microscopy we have observed asymmetrical nucleation centers where the reversal begins for one direction of the field only and is characterized by an acute asymmetry of domain-wall mobility. We have also observed magnetic domains with a continuously varying average magnetization, which can be explained in terms of the coexistence of three magnetic phases: up, down, and striped

    Magnetic relaxation measurements of exchange biased (Pt/Co) multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy

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    Magnetic relaxation measurements were carried out by magneto-optical Kerr effect on exchange biased (Pt/Co)5/Pt/FeMn multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. In these films the coercivity and the exchange bias field vary with Pt spacer thickness, and have a maximum for 0.2 nm. Hysteresis loops do not reveal important differences between the reversal for ascending and descending fields. Relaxation measurements were fitted using Fatuzzo's model, which assumes that reversal occurs by domain nucleation and domain wall propagation. For 2 nm thick Pt spacer (no exchange bias) the reversal is dominated by domain wall propagation starting from a few nucleation centers. For 0.2 nm Pt spacer (maximum exchange bias) the reversal is strongly dominated by nucleation, and no differences between the behaviour of the ascending and descending branches can be observed. For 0.4 nm Pt spacer (weaker exchange bias) the nucleation density becomes less important, and the measurements reveal a much stronger density of nucleation centers in the descending branch.Comment: Europhysical Journal B, in print DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2005-00053-

    Adrenomedullin and tumour angiogenesis

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    The angiogenic activity of peptide adrenomedullin (AM) was first shown in 1998 . Since then, a number of reports have confirmed the ability of AM to induce the growth and migration of isolated vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells in vitro and to promote angiogenesis in xenografted tumours in vivo. In addition, knockout murine models point to an essential role for AM in embryonic vasculogenesis and ischaemic revascularisation. AM expression is upregulated by hypoxia (a typical feature of solid tumours) and a potential role as a regulator of carcinogenesis and tumour progression has been proposed based on studies in vitro and in animal models. Nevertheless, translational research on AM, and in particular, confirmation of its importance in the vascularisation of human tumours has lagged behind. In this commentary, we review current progress and potential directions for future research into the role of AM in tumour angiogenesis

    To the Issue of Remote Interaction in the Implementation of the Educational Process in the University

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    В статье привлекается внимание к вопросу осуществления дистанционного взаимодействия в режиме видеоконференцсвязи, значимость которого повысилась при реализации образовательного процесса в условиях пандемии. Авторами высказываются соображения о различных сложных и проблемных моментах выстраивания «живого» взаимодействия, которое позволяет поддерживать высокое качество обучения в дистанционном режиме, осуществлять продуктивную групповую работу по решению образовательных задач.The article draws attention to the issue of remote interaction in videoconferencing, the importance of which has increased in the implementation of the educational process in pandemic conditions. The authors suggest various complex and problematic moments of building a «live» interaction, which allows maintaining high quality of training in a remote mode, and carrying out productive group work to solve educational problems