24 research outputs found
For the purpose of gaining better cognition on Thoroughbred breeding in Croatia, reproductive parameters of 87 Thoroughbred mares were analyzed. An average age of the first covering and foaling were 5.9 and 6.6 years, respectively. The average gestation length was 341.1 days and the most frequent foaling period (20.2% of foalings) was recorded between 336 to 340 days of gestation. Prolonged gestation period (p<0.05) was determined in colts. The gestation length was the longest in January (344.4 days) and the shortest in July (324.0 days). Between the gestation length and the age of the mare no significant correlation was found. There was a trend of foaling rate decreasing in mares older than 11 years. The highest number of successively registered foalings with 10 live born foals was observed on 2 individual samples. The greatest number of foalings occurred in April (30.9%), whilst there was no foaling in October. The genders were 50.6% male and 49.4% female foals. The incidence of abortions was 7.3%. Although indicators point to the breeding strategy heading towards the right direction, by educating the owners and with frequent veterinary supervision, especially for twin reduction, the reproductive performance could be enhanced
Referentne vrijednosti i utjecaj spola i dobi na hemogram i kliničku biokemiju zaštićene i ugrožene pasmine međimurski konj
The aim of this study was to establish the exact haematological and clinical biochemistry reference values for horses of the Murinsulaner breed, using the complete population in Croatia (n = 33) for the sampling. Haemoglobin concentrations (HB), red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), platelet count and differential white blood cell counts were determined. Clinical biochemistry included the activity of GGT, AST, ALT, CK, ALP, LDH and AMYL, concentrations of glucose (GLUC), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), cholesterol (CHOL), triglycerides (TRI), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), urea (UREA), creatinine (CREA) and total bilirubin (TBIL). The animals were sorted into groups according to sex and age, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was preformed using the GLM procedure and Tukey’s studentized range test. The results of the two-way ANOVA showed a significantly higher mean for CREA in stallions, for ALB in old horses and CK in young horses. The two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in the means for HB, PCV, and globulins, CK, GLUC, ALB and CREA. The significantly higher means of HB, PCV, GLUC and CREA in the group of old stallions should be further investigated. The influence of age and sex is difficult to interpret due to the critically small population. The reference values for Murinsulaner horses are within ranges for other cold-blooded breeds except TP, Ca and UREA.Svrha ovoga rada bila je utvrditi referentne vrijednosti hematologije i kliničke biokemije za konje pasmine međimurski konj, pri čemu je korištena cjelokupna preostala populacija (n = 33). Također se želio utvrditi utjecaj dobi i spola na vrijednosti krvne slike i kliničke biokemije. Dobiveni rezultati jesu referentne vrijednosti za pasminu međimurski konj. Također upućuju na razlike među spolovima za hematokrit i hemoglobin. Nije bilo razlike među dobnim skupinama za ukupni bilirubin, ureju, Ca, AP, AST, LDH, GGT, TP, globulin i MCH, iako je postojala neznatna razlika za CK i albumine. Referentne vrijednosti za konje pasmine međimurski konj uklapaju se u već objavljene referentne vrijednosti za ostale pasmine hladnokrvnih konja, iako od njih neznatno odstupaju. Znatno odstupaju TP, Ca i ureja. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo radi li se o pasminskom svojstvu ili o nečemu drugom. Bilo bi korisno provesti niz mjerenja s ponavljanjem uzorkovanja krvi, kako bi se točno utvrdilo o čemu se radi
Endurance je jedno od najzahtjevnijih konjičkih natjecanja izdržljivosti i može trajati od jedan do tri ili više dana. Arapski konji su se pokazali najbolji za ovaj tip natjecanja, ali i one pasmine konja koje su nastale križanjem s arapskom pasminom. Konji koji sudjeluju u natjecanju moraju biti pripremani na način da izdrže napor, što je izazov ovih zahtjevnih natjecanja. Kako bi se to postiglo, podvrgavaju se drugačijem načinu treninga i programu hranidbe. Obroci moraju biti dobro izbalansirani te moraju odgovarati zahtjevima konja u pogledu energije i hranjivih tvari. Voda i elektroliti, s naglaskom na natrij, kalij i magnezij, su od velike važnosti za pravilno funkcioniranje organizma, posebno za održavanje normalne aktivnosti mišićnog i živčanog sustava. Kako tijekom natjecanja organizam konja pojačano troši elektrolite, važno ih je obrokom podmirivati. Da bi se izbjegli mogući metabolički problemi, nužno ih je nadomjestiti. Najviše zastupljena energetska krmiva u obrocima su zob, kukuruz i ječam. U novije vrijeme koriste se izvori energije kao što su biljno ulje i mast. Glikogen je od posebne važnosti, jer predstavlja rezervni tjelesni oblik energije. Zbog specifičnosti endurance konjičkog sporta, konjima je uz to potreban dugotrajan izvor energije za završetak natjecanja. Metabolička aktivnost organizma sportskog konja usmjerena je ka procesu oksidacije organskih hranjivih tvari, kojim se oslobađa potrebna energija. Istodobno se oslobađaju slobodni radikali, koji imaju negativan utjecaj izazivajući pojave antioksidacijskog stresa. Zbog ovoga je hrana konja obogaćena dodacima (vitamini E i C), koji imaju pozitivan učinak na sprječavanje antioksidacijskog stresa. Obroci se u manjim količinama daju prije, tijekom i po završetku natjecanja. Dobro izbalansirani obroci važni su zbog održavanja zdravlja, izdržljivosti i kondicije konja.Endurance is one of the most demanding equestrian competition sports and could last one to three or more days. Arabian horses are preferably used, combined with their crossbreeds. It is necessary that all horses used in such competitions are prepared in a way to strengthen their endurance capacity. To achieve such a demanding goal horses are put on a special diet and training. Meals should be well balanced in qualitative and quantitative ratio, keeping in mind energetic and nutritional demands of the horse. Water and electrolytes, especially sodium, potas¬sium and magnesium are of great value for homeostasis especially for adequate neuromuscular activity. Since horse body excretes increased amount of electrolytes during the competition, it is necessary to supply it in regular meals to avoid meta¬bolic disturbances. The most frequently used energetic food supply is oat, maize and barley. Recently plant oil and fat are additionally used. Keeping in mind all the specific efforts of horse organism needed in endurance, it is easy to understand why it is so essential to have a long term source of energy to help the horse to fin¬ish the competition. Body energetic supplies kept in glycogen are of irreplaceable value. Metabolic activity of sport horse organism is oriented to oxidation of organic nutritive compounds leading to release of energy needed. At the same time free radicals are released, having negative impact by inducing and causing antioxida¬tive stress. Food enriched with additives, such as vitamins A and C is used as a successive preventive method, since it has a positive influence on prevention of oxidative stress. Such meals are beneficial and essential, given in small amounts before, during and after the endurance competition. Well balanced meals are also important for maintaining health, endurance and body condition of the horse
Supklinički mastitis i klinički artritis u francuskih alpskih koza iz sjeverozapadne Hrvatske serološki pozitivnih na artritis-encefalitis virus
The prevalence and aetiology of subclinical mastitis in goats seropositive for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) and the connection with the occurrence of clinical arthritis were investigated on 543 French Alpine goats from intensive production farms in North West Croatia. The aim was to determine if seropositivity to CAEV is connected with susceptibility to subclinical mastitis of bacterial aetiology, and to examine if CAEV is the main reason for the occurrence of clinical arthritis in the investigated sample. All the goats were examined clinically and the presence of arthritis was noted. The blood samples were tested for CAEV antibodies using the immunoenzyme test. Milk samples from each udder half were examined for the bacteriological cause of mastitis. All the collected data were cross-classified in two-way contingency tables. Of the total number of goats, CAEV was serologically confirmed in 50.8%. Subclinical mastitis was confirmed in 52.3% of the goats. Both subclinical mastitis and seropositivity to CAEV were diagnosed in 30% of the total number. Of the total sample 21.9% were seropositive to CAEV and with clinical arthritis. Statistical tests confirmed a positive association for subclinical mastitis occurrence and seropositivity to CAEV. A similar result was obtained for the association between clinical arthritis and seropositivity to CAEV. A weak positive association between subclinical mastitis and clinical arthritis occurrence was also recorded. These results indicate that a developed clinical manifestation of the disease could also influence higher manifestation of subclinical mastitis. Results also suggest that CAEV infection could be one of the main reasons for clinical arthritis occurrence in the investigated herdsIstražena je povezanost prevalencije i etiologije supkliničkog mastitisa s pojavnošću kliničkog artritisa u 543 francuske alpske koze serološki pozitivne na virus artritisa-encefalitisa (AEK) iz proizvodnih farmi sa sjeverozapada Hrvatske. Cilj je bio odrediti je li serološka pozitivnost na AEK povezana s pojavnošću supkliničkog mastitisa bakterijske etiologije i istražiti je li AEK glavni uzrok pojavnosti kliničkog artritisa u pretraženih koza. Sve su koze bile pregledane na pojavu kliničkog artritisa. Uzorci krvi iz jugularne vene bili su testirani na AEK imunoenzimnim testom. Uzorci mlijeka, uzeti iz svake polovine vimena zasebno, pretraženi su na prisutnost bakterijskih uzročnika mastitisa. Svi prikupljeni podatci unakrsno su klasificirani u kontingencijskim tablicama. Od ukupnog broja koza, AEK je serološki potvrđen u 50,8%. Supklinički mastitis je potvrđen u 52,3% koza. Istodobna pojava supkliničkog mastitisa i AEK zabilježena je u 30% od ukupnog broja, dok je 21,9% koza s kliničkim artritisom bilo serološki pozitivna na AEK. Statističke su analize potvrdile pozitivnu povezanost pojave supkliničkog mastitisa i AEK seropozitivnosti. Slični su rezultati dobiveni i za povezanost pojavnosti kliničkog artritisa i AEK seropozitivnosti. Također je zabilježena slaba pozitivna povezanost između supkliničkog mastitisa i kliničkog artritisa. Rezultati upućuju na to da bi AEK mogao utjecati na učestalost supkliničkog mastitisa. Rezultati također nalažu dodatno istraživanje AEK infekcije kao glavnog uzroka pojave kliničkog artritisa u istraženim stadima
Diagnosis and treatment of mammary glands neoplasia in cats
Tumori mliječne žlijezde mačaka su po učestalosti na trećem mjestu, s malignitetom od 80 do 90%. Tumori mliječne žlijezde su agresivni, brzo rastu i metastaziraju u regionalne limfne čvorove, pluća, jetru i slezenu. Nakon kirurškog liječenja česti su recidivi. Najvažniji prognostički čimbenici u procijeni vremena bez znakova bolesti i vremena preživljavanja nakon operacije su veličina, obujam tumora i tip operacije. Što je tumor manji prognoza je bolja. Pretpostavlja se da spolni hormoni imaju važnu ulogu u nastanku tumora, dok rana kastracija znatno smanjuje rizik od nastanka tumora. Uporaba progestina povećava rizik od nastanka bolesti. Radikalna unilateralna ili bilateralna mastektomija je preporučeno kirurško liječenje. Kirurško liječenje u kombinaciji s kemoterapijom u uznapredovalim slučajevima pruža puno bolju prognozu.
Ključne riječiMammary neoplasia in cats rank third in frequency, with a malignancy rate of 80-90%. Mammary tumours are aggressive, grow rapidly and metastasize to regional lymph nodes, lung, liver and spleen. After surgical treatment, relapses are common. The most important prognostic factors to estimate the time and disease-free survival time after surgery include the size and volume of the tumour, and the type of operation. The smaller the tumour, the better the prognosis. It is assumed that sex hormones play a role in tumour formation. Early castration significantly reduces the risk of cancer, while the use of progestin increases the risk
of disease. Radical unilateral or bilateral mastectomy is the recommended surgical treatment. In advanced cases, surgical treatment in combination with chemotherapy significantly improves the prognosis
Učinkovitost zagrebačkog mastitis testa u otkrivanju supkliničkog mastitisa krava.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the Zagreb mastitis test (ZMT) as screening test for mastitis diagnosis in dairy cows. The study was carried out within the framework of subclinical mastitis monitoring in the Varaždin region. Research included 1549 quarter milk samples from 389 Simmental dairy cows. Milk samples for bacteriological examination, mastitis testing and SCC were taken in a sterile plastic tube during milking. Bacteriology examination of milk samples obtained 760 (49.06%) positive samples. The most common isolated pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. Lancefield group D, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were found in 388 (51.05%), 84 (11.05%), 62 (8.16%) positive quarter samples, respectively. Using a cut-off of ZMT by scores ≥ 1 as positive, 63.20% (CI 95%, 60.80% - 65.60%) quarter milk samples were estimated as being positive for subclinical mastitis. This cut-off had quite high sensitivity (96.84%, CI 95%, 95.60% - 98.06%) and negative predictive value (95.79%, CI 95%, 94.14% - 97.44%), however specificity (69.20%, CI 95%, 65.98% - 72.74%) and positive predictive value (75.17%, CI 95%, 72.47% - 77.86%) were low. Using a ZMT cut-off ≥4×105 cell/mL as positive, 49.56% of the quarters were positive. Sensitivity (88.37%, CI 95%, 86.06% - 90.68%) and specificity (86.98%, CI 95%, 84.57% - 89.38%), as well as predictive values, were similar. On the basis of the results of this study, comparing SCC and ZMT in mastitis diagnosis, ZMT is a reliable diagnostic method for use in field conditions.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti pouzdanost zagrebačkog mastitis testa i broja somatskih stanica kao probirnih testova u dijagnostici mastitisa. Istraživanje je provedeno u okviru nadzora supkliničkog mastitisa na području Varaždinske županije. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 389 mliječnih krava simentalske pasmine, odnosno ukupno 1549 uzoraka mlijeka. Uzorci mlijeka za mikrobiološku pretragu i mastitis test uzeti su u sterilne plastične epruvete prije redovite dnevne mužnje mlijeka. Bakteriološkom pretragom dobili smo 760 (49,06%) pozitivnih uzoraka. Staphylococcus aureus izdvojen je iz 388 (51,05%) uzoraka dok je Streptococcus spp. izdvojen iz 84 (11,05%) uzorka pozitivnih četvrti. Procjenom zagrebačkog mastitis testa kao probirnog dijagnostičkog postupka ustanovljeno je da ima visoku osjetljivost (96,84%, CI 95% 95,60% - 98,06%) ali nisku specifičnost (69,20%, CI 95% 65,98% - 72,74%) te visoke negativne prediktivne vrijednosti (95,79%, CI 95% 94,14% - 97,44%). Za određivanje broja somatskih stanica kao dijagnostičkog postupka uspoređena je granična vrijednost od 4×105 st/mL. Osjetljivost tog testa iznosila je 88,37% (CI 95%, 86,06% -90,68%), a specifičnost 86,98% CI 95% 84,57% - 89,38%) dok su prediktivne vrijednosti bile podjednake. Rezultati ukazuju da su oba testa ovisno o svojim karakteristikama dobri pokazatelji mastitisa kod krava
Heterospermično osjemenjivanje u pasa
The idea of dual sire insemination in dog breeding is to give equal chances to both males to fertilize the eggs due to the specific oestrus cycle of the bitch. Two sexually mature, privately owned females Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (bitch A and B) aged 3 to 5 years were subjected to dual-sire inseminations. Prior to insemination, the semen of stud dogs (n=5) was collected and evaluated for volume, concentration, total sperm count, motility, membrane integrity (HOS test), percentage of live spermatozoa and sperm morphology (eosin nigrosin staining). The time of insemination was based on serum progesterone (P4) concentrations, where P4 of >5–10 ng/mL was considered ovulation. Bitch A was inseminated in two oestrus cycles with fresh mixed semen from two males using the endoscopic transcervical insemination technique (TCI). Bitch B was inseminated in one oestrus cycle by laparoscopic intrauterine deposition of frozen thawed semen. Semen evaluation showed minimum deviations in all tested parameters between the chosen males on the days of insemination. Depending on sperm concentration and quality, the volume of ejaculates was adjusted, resulting in an equal number of motile spermatozoa from two males in each insemination, providing them an equal chance for fertilisation. Confirmation of pregnancy was carried out 24 days after insemination by ultrasonography. The whelping outcome was obtained directly from the owner of the bitches. Puppy blood was taken immediately after whelping from the umbilical vein into EDTA tubes. Blood samples were also obtained from the dam and both sires for DNA profiling. Parentage was determined for each dual-sired pup by using Thermo Scientific Canine Genotypes Panel 1.1. All inseminations resulted in pregnancy and whelping. A total of 14 puppies were born in three litters. Mixed parentage was determined in 1 of the 3 resultant litters (bitch A). In conclusion, dual sire insemination is a useful breeding tool providing the opportunity to obtain puppies from multiple genetic backgrounds in a single litter. However, as this method usually produces offspring from single father, optimal insemination protocol should be established for producing a litter of mixed paternity.Cilj je heterospermičnog osjemenjivanja pasa dobivanje legala od dva različita oca, što daje mogućnost veće genetske raznolikosti zbog specifičnog spolnog ciklusa kuje, a daje i podjednake šanse mužjacima za dobivanje legla. Dvije spolno zrele ženke pasmine mali vendeski baset grifon (kuja A i B) u dobi od 3 do 5 godina podvrgnute su heterospermičnom osjemenjivanju. Prije osjemenjivanja mužjacima (n=5) je uzeto sjeme te je ocijenjen volumen, koncentracija, progresivna pokretljivost, integritet membrane (HOS test), postotak živih spermija i morfologija (eozin nigrozin). Optimalno vrijeme osjemenjivanja određivano je mjerenjem koncentracije progesterone (P4) u serumu. Vrijednost P4 >5-10 ng/mL smatrala se ovulacijom. Kuja A je osjemenjena u dva spolna ciklusa tehnikom endoskopske transcervikalne inseminacije svježim, prethodno pomiješanim sjemenom 2 odabrana mužjaka. Kuja B je osjemenjena u jednom ciklusu duboko smrznutim sjemenom 2 odabrana mužjaka tehnikom laparoskopske intrauterine inseminacije. Sjeme svakog mužjaka položeno je odvojeno, u lijevi i desni rog maternice. Ocjenom sjemena na dan osjemenjivana utvrđena su minimalna odstupanja u kvaliteti, a sjeme odabranih mužjaka pri svakom je osjemenjivanju bilo približno jednake kvalitete. S obzirom na koncentraciju spermija volumen ejakulata svakog mužjaka je prilagođen za svako osjemenjivanje, da bi svaki mužjak imao jednake šanse za oplodnju. Gravidnost je potvrđena ultrazvučnim pregledom 24 dan nakon osjemenivanja. Ishod štenjenje dobiven je od vlasnika kuja. Za dokazivanje očinstva krv je štenadi uzeta neposredno nakon štenjenja iz umbilikalne vene u EDTA epruvete. Uzorci krvi uzeti su i od kuja i potencijalnih očeva za DNK profiliranje. Očinstvo je utvrđeno za svako štene korištenjem Thermo Scientific Canine Genotypes Panel 1.1. Sva heterospermična osjemenjivanja rezulturala su gravidnošću i štenjenjem. U 3 legla ukupno je oštenjeno 14 štenadi. Dvojno očinstvo potvrđeno je u jednom od tri legla. Zaključno, heterospermično osjemenjivanje korisna je metoda rasplođivanja jer omogućuje dobivanje štenaca različitog genetskog podrijetla u jednom leglu, a time i brži genetski napredak. Međutim, zbog činjenice da se ovakvim načinom osjemenjivanja najčešće dobiva potomstvo samo od jednog oca, potrebno je uspostaviti optimalni protokol heterospermičnog osjemenjivanja s ciljem dobivanja legla s dvostrukim očinstvom
Podudarnost mikrobiološke i molekularne metode identifikacije izolata streptokoka iz kravljeg mlijeka
Pathogenic streptococci are implicated in clinical and subclinical mastitis. Most laboratories identify streptococci on the basis of microbiological examination, but molecular diagnostic methods have become the gold standard of mastitis diagnosis in the last few years. Therefore, this study aims to determine the agreement of microbiological and molecular identification of streptococci isolates from bovine milk. Milk samples were taken before the evening milking into sterile tubes. Samples were examined bacteriologically by inoculation on aesculin blood agar. Identification of grown colonies was carried out using internationally accepted methodology. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was the reference method used to confirm Streptococcus sp. in all bacterial isolates. In the study, 54 strains of bacteria isolated from milk samples from the udder quarters of dairy cows with subclinical mastitis were examined using molecular methods. By conventional microbiological examination, the strains were identified to the species (Strep. agalactiae, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. uberis) or the genus level (Streptococcus spp.) without final identification of the species. On the basis of 16S rRNA analysis, 47 out of 54 examined streptococcal strains were found to belong to the genus Streptococcus sp. Among the streptococci identified, 6 isolates belonged to Strep. agalactiae, ¸8 isolates to Strep. dysgalactiae, 2 isolates to Strep. canis and 31 isolates belonged to Strep. uberis. Among the seven remaining isolates, three were identified as Enterococcus faecalis and four as Lactococcus lactis. Agreement between the identification procedures used was fair, with a Kappa index of 0.2181 (SE=0.0612; Z=3.56; p=0.0002).Patogeni streptokoki povezuju se sa subkliničkim i kliničkim mastitisima. Većina laboratorija identifikaciju
streptokoka temelji na mikrobiološkoj pretrazi, ali posljednjih godina molekularne metode postaju zlatni standard za
dijagnostiku mastitisa. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti podudarnost rezultata klasične mikrobiološke pretrage i
identifikacije streptokoka molekularnim metodama. Uzorci mlijeka uzeti su u sterilne epruvete prije večernje mužnje.
Mikrobiološka pretraga provedena je u skladu s opće prihvaćenim međunarodnim preporukama. Primarno izdvajanje
i identifikacija streptokoka provedeni su korištenjem podloge eskulin krvni agar. Molekularna identifikacija vrste
Streptococcus spp. učinjena je na osnovu 16S rRNA sekvencioniranja. U istraživanju su molekularnim tehnikama
pretražena 54 soja bakterija izdvojena iz uzoraka mlijeka pojedinačnih četvrti vimena krava sa subkliničkim mastitisom.
Klasičnom mikrobiološkom pretragom izdvojeni sojevi identificirani su do vrste (S. agalactiae, S. dysgalactiae i S.
uberis) ili do roda (Streptococcus spp.) bez konačne identifikacije vrste. Metodom identifikacije na osnovi umnažanja
gena 16S rRNA, od 54 pretražena bakterijska soja, za njih 47 je potvrđeno da pripadaju rodu Streptococcus spp. i to
6 Streptococcus agalactiae, 8 Streptococcus dysgalactiae, 2 Streptococcus canis i 31 Streptococcus uberis dok su 3
soja pripadnici vrste Enterococcus faecalis, a 4 soja pripadali su vrsti Lactococcus lactis. Podudarnost primijenjenih
metoda za identifikaciju streptokoka je blaga, s Kappa indeksom od 0,2181 (SE=0,0612; Z=3,56; p=0,0002)