40 research outputs found

    Transport Properties of Topological Insulators: Band Bending, Bulk Metal-to-Insulator Transition, and Weak Anti-Localization

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    We reanalyze some of the critical transport experiments and provide a coherent understanding of the current generation of topological insulators (TIs). Currently TI transport studies abound with widely varying claims of the surface and bulk states, often times contradicting each other, and a proper understanding of TI transport properties is lacking. According to the simple criteria given by Mott and Ioffe-Regel, even the best TIs are not true insulators in the Mott sense, and at best, are weakly-insulating bad metals. However, band-bending effects contribute significantly to the TI transport properties including Shubnikov de-Haas oscillations, and we show that utilization of this band-bending effect can lead to a Mott insulating bulk state in the thin regime. In addition, by reconsidering previous results on the weak anti-localization (WAL) effect with additional new data, we correct a misunderstanding in the literature and generate a coherent picture of the WAL effect in TIs

    Ferromagnetic Anomalous Hall Effect in Cr-doped Bi2_2Se3_3 Thin Films via Surface-State Engineering

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    The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is a non-linear Hall effect appearing in magnetic conductors, boosted by internal magnetism beyond what is expected from the ordinary Hall effect. With the recent discovery of the quantized version of the AHE, the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE), in Cr- or V-doped topological insulator (TI) (Sb,Bi)2_2Te3_3 thin films, the AHE in magnetic TIs has been attracting significant interest. However, one of the puzzles in this system has been that while Cr- or V-doped (Sb,Bi)2_2Te3_3 and V-doped Bi2_2Se3_3 exhibit AHE, Cr-doped Bi2_2Se3_3 has failed to exhibit even ferromagnetic AHE, the expected predecessor to the QAHE, though it is the first material predicted to exhibit the QAHE. Here, we have successfully implemented ferromagnetic AHE in Cr-doped Bi2_2Se3_3 thin films by utilizing a surface state engineering scheme. Surprisingly, the observed ferromagnetic AHE in the Cr-doped Bi2_2Se3_3 thin films exhibited only positive slope regardless of the carrier type. We show that this sign problem can be explained by the intrinsic Berry curvature of the system as calculated from a tight-binding model combined with a first-principles method.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Solution to the hole-doping problem and tunable quantum Hall effect in Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} thin films

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    Bi2_{2}Se3_{3}, one of the most widely studied topological insulators (TIs), is naturally electron-doped due to n-type native defects. However, many years of efforts to achieve p-type Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} thin films have failed so far. Here, we provide a solution to this long-standing problem, showing that the main culprit has been the high density of interfacial defects. By suppressing these defects through an interfacial engineering scheme, we have successfully implemented p-type Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} thin films down to the thinnest topological regime. On this platform, we present the first tunable quantum Hall effect (QHE) study in Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} thin films, and reveal not only significantly asymmetric QHE signatures across the Dirac point but also the presence of competing anomalous states near the zeroth Landau level. The availability of doping tunable Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} thin films will now make it possible to implement various topological quantum devices, previously inaccessible.Comment: 40 Pages, 8 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted to Nano Letter

    Restoring Pristine Bi2Se3 Surface with an Effective Se Decapping Process

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    High quality thin films of topological insulators (TI) such as Bi2Se3 have been successfully synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Although the surface of MBE films can be protected by capping with inert materials such as amorphous Se, restoring an atomically clean pristine surface after decapping has never been demonstrated, which prevents in-depth investigations of the intrinsic properties of TI thin films with ex-situ tools. Using high resolution scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), we demonstrate a simple and highly reproducible Se decapping method that allows recovery of the pristine surface of extremely high quality Bi2Se3 thin films grown and capped with Se in a separate MBE system then exposed to atmosphere during transfer into the STM system. The crucial step of our decapping process is the removal of the surface contaminants on top of amorphous Se before thermal desorption of Se at a mild temperature (~210 {\deg}C). This effective Se decapping process opens up the possibility of ex-situ characterizations of pristine surfaces of interesting selenide materials and beyond using cutting-edge techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of inverse spin Hall effect in bismuth selenide

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    Bismuth Selenide (Bi2Se3) is a topological insulator exhibiting helical spin polarization and strong spin-orbit coupling. The spin-orbit coupling links the charge current to spin current via the spin Hall effect (SHE). We demonstrate a Bi2Se3 spin detector by injecting the pure spin current from a magnetic permalloy layer to a Bi2Se3 thin film and detect the inverse SHE in Bi2Se3. The spin Hall angle of Bi2Se3 is found to be 0.0093 and the spin diffusion length in Bi2Se3 to be 6.2 nm at room temperature. Our results suggest that topological insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling can be used in functional spintronic devices

    Emergence of decoupled surface transport channels in bulk insulating Bi2Se3 thin films

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    In ideal topological insulator (TI) films the bulk state, which is supposed to be insulating, should not provide any electric coupling between the two metallic surfaces. However, transport studies on existing TI films show that the topological states on opposite surfaces are electrically tied to each other at thicknesses far greater than the direct coupling limit where the surface wavefunctions overlap. Here, we show that as the conducting bulk channels are suppressed, the parasitic coupling effect diminishes and the decoupled surface channels emerge as expected for ideal TIs. In Bi2Se3 thin films with fully suppressed bulk states, the two surfaces, which are directly coupled below ~10 QL, become gradually isolated with increasing thickness and are completely decoupled beyond ~20 QL. On such a platform, it is now feasible to implement transport devices whose functionality relies on accessing the individual surface layers without any deleterious coupling effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Topological-Metal to Band-Insulator Transition in (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 Thin Films

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    By combining transport and photo emission measurements on (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 thin films, we report that this system transforms from a topologically non-trivial metal into a topologically trivial band insulator through three quantum phase transitions. At x = 3-7%, there is a transition from a topologically non-trivial metal to a trivial metal. At x = 15%, the metal becomes a variable-range-hopping insulator. Finally, above x = 25%, the system becomes a true band insulator with its resistance immeasurably large even at room temperature. This material provides a new venue to investigate topologically tunable physics and devices with seamless gating/tunneling insulators.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Topological Surface States Originated Spin-Orbit Torques in Bi2Se3

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    Three dimensional topological insulator bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3) is expected to possess strong spin-orbit coupling and spin-textured topological surface states, and thus exhibit a high charge to spin current conversion efficiency. We evaluate spin-orbit torques in Bi2Se3/Co40Fe40B20 devices at different temperatures by spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. As temperature decreases, the spin-orbit torque ratio increases from ~ 0.047 at 300 K to ~ 0.42 below 50 K. Moreover, we observe a significant out-of-plane torque at low temperatures. Detailed analysis indicates that the origin of the observed spin-orbit torques is topological surface states in Bi2Se3. Our results suggest that topological insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling could be promising candidates as highly efficient spin current sources for exploring next generation of spintronic applications

    Signature of a topological phase transition in the Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator

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    Topological insulators (TIs) hold great promise for realizing zero-energy Majorana states in solid-state systems. Recently, several groups reported experimental data suggesting that signatures of Majorana modes in topological insulator Josephson junctions (TIJJs) have -- indeed -- been observed. To verify this claim, one needs to study the topological properties of low-energy Andreev-bound states (ABS) in TIs of which the Majorana modes are a special case. It has been shown theoretically that topologically non-trivial low-energy ABS are also present in TIJJs with doped topological insulators up to some critical level of doping at which the system undergoes a topological phase transition. Here, we present first experimental evidence for this topological transition in the bulk band of a doped TI. Our theoretical calculations, and numerical modeling link abrupt changes in the critical current of top-gated TIJJs to moving the chemical potential in the charge-accumulation region on the surface of the doped TI across a band-inversion point. We demonstrate that the critical-current changes originate from a shift of the spatial location of low-energy ABS from the surface to the boundary between topologically-trivial and band-inverted regions after the transition. The appearance of a decay channel for surface ABS is related to the vanishing of the band effective mass in the bulk and thus exemplifies the topological character of surface ABS as boundary modes. Importantly, the mechanism suggest a means of manipulating Majorana modes in future experiments.Comment: 26 pages (including Supplementary Materials), 3 figure

    Plasmon-phonon interactions in topological insulator rings

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    The great potential of Dirac electrons for plasmonics and photonics has been readily recognized after their discovery in graphene, followed by applications to smart optical devices. Dirac carriers are also found in topological insulators (TI) --quantum systems having an insulating gap in the bulk and intrinsic Dirac metallic states at the surface--. Here, we investigate the plasmonic response of ring structures patterned in Bi2_2Se3_3 TI films, which we investigate through terahertz (THz) spectroscopy. The rings are observed to exhibit a bonding and an antibonding plasmon modes, which we tune in frequency by varying their diameter. We develop an analytical theory based on the THz conductivity of unpatterned films, which accurately describes the strong plasmon-phonon hybridization and Fano interference experimentally observed as the bonding plasmon is swiped across the promineng 2\,THz phonon exhibited by this material. This work opens the road for the investigation of plasmons in topological insulators and for their application in tunable THz devices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Advanced Optical Material