1 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation of dogs from Acute Idiopathic Polyradiculoneuritis - a case report

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    Akutni idiopatski poliradikuloneuritis (AIP) je stečena periferna neuropatija koja primarno zahvaća ventralne korijene spinalnih živaca i periferne živce. Bolest je vrlo slična Guillain-Barré sindromu u ljudi, a nema dobne, pasminske ni spolne predispozicije te ne postoji specifična terapija. Oporavak traje 2 - 6 mjeseci. Fizikalna terapija i njega pacijenata preporučuju se kao potporna terapija. Dva psa, križane pasmine u dobi od šest i deset godina zaprimljeni su sa znacima akutne flakcidne tetrapareze/tetraplegije, u bočnom položaju bez mogućnosti da samostalno zauzmu sternalni položaj posljedično generaliziranoj zahvaćenosti nižih motoričkih neurona. Na svim ekstremitetima mišićni tonus je bio veoma slab. Dijagnoza AIP-a je bazirana na anamnezi, kliničkoj manifestaciji, neurološkom pregledu, slikovnoj dijagnostici i laboratorijskim testovima. Rehabilitacijski program je uključivao masažu ekstremiteta i pasivne kretnje zglobova kao važan dio kućnog programa, elektroterapiju, idroterapiju i proprioceptivne vježbe. Nakon dva tjedna fizikalne terapije psi su se mogli samostalno podignuti u sternalni položaj, a na stražnjim nogama pokazivali su i voljne pokrete. Potpomognuto stajanje i voljni pokreti svih ekstemiteta bili su prisutni na kraju trećeg tjedna u jednog psa i krajem petog tjedna u drugog psa. Nakon toga u proces rehabilitacije uključena je hidroterapija. Jedan pas je mogao samostalno hodati dvadeset petog dana od početka fizikalne terapije, dok je drugom psu bilo potrebno pedeset dana. Fizikalna terapija u kombinaciji s adekvatnim kućnim rehabilitacijskim programom može rezultirati skraćenim razdobljem oporavka za pacijente s AIP-om.Acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis (AIP) is an acquired peripheral neuropathy that primarily affects the ventral spinal nerve roots and peripheral nerves. The disease is very similar to Guillan Barré syndrome in humans. There is no age, breed, or sex predilection associated with the development of AIP. No proven specific treatment exists. Recovery occurs within 2 - 6 months. Physical therapy and nursing care are recommended as supportive treatment. Two female mix breed dogs, aged 6 and 10 years, were admitted to the physical therapy unit with signs of acute flaccid non-ambulatory tetraparesis/tetraplegia in lateral recumbency, unable to assume the sternal position unassisted as a consequence of generalised lower motor neuron signs. Reduced to absent muscle tone was present in all limbs. A tentative diagnosis of AIP was made based on history, clinical presentation, neurologic examination, diagnostic imaging and routine laboratory tests. The rehabilitation programme included massage, joint passive range of motion (PROM) as an important part of the home programme, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy and proprioceptive exercises. After two weeks, dogs were able to maintain a sternal position without support, and showed voluntary movement of the hind limbs. Assistive standing and voluntary movements of all limbs were present by the end of third week in one patient, and fifth week in the other. At that point, underwater treadmill sessions and active exercises were introduced. Dogs were ambulating without assistance after 25 days in one patient and after 50 days in other. Physical therapy combined with a proper home rehabilitation programme can result in a positive functional outcome in a shorter period of time in dogs with AIP